A New Born Devil?

Chapter 57 If You Can Dodge A Wrench, You Can Dodge A Ball?

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[A/N This Picture above is taken from the point where the Summoning circle on the floor is. The third couch for other members is across the table from the desk. Sorry, but I had re-added information about the ORC Room, and failed to describe where the two-entrance-doors to the room were properly. The two doors coming in are behind where Kuisha sits, the couch opposite the windows. In the anime, it is the couch Riser sits on. This is only for mental imaging for those that have not seen the anime, thanks for reading my story.]

[PS: No 5-star voters voted to be left in the Dark, so the cut-background scenes will continue, thanks.]


Chapter 57  If You Can Dodge A Wrench, You Can Dodge A Ball? by Harem-Fan


     A couple of weeks have gone by in a flash, and life has been very smooth for me, well kinda.

     The first and foremost thing to report in my mental journal... Yasaka did indeed get pregnant on our first time together. Despite Yasaka being a Youkai woman, my family is thrilled knowing I would have a child coming.

     She had come to spend some time with me in excitement. On a side note, Yasaka has been training Shirone in her use of Youjutsu (youkai magic), but due to not having Senjutsu (life energy magic), the only one qualified for that would be Shirone's sister Kuroka.

     My sex-life you ask? Currently the only ladies I am actively having intercourse with are Yasaka, Kuisha, Ni, and Li. The others, for one reason or another, are taking our time together. Now mind you, I am intimate with the other girls in a variety of other-ways, cough, I just have not taken their virginity yet.

     And this leads me into what I am currently doing now. I am sitting on the couch where Kuisha, Tsubaki, and Akeno sit normally (backs to the door), and I am holding Akeno in my lap. We found ourselves alone for a change, and she wanted to be held.

     Sitting sideways in my lap with my left arm holding her waist, and my right hand on her thighs, we finished our kiss. While Akeno was looking into my eyes, she said pitifully.

     "Ray, why? Why can we only be together after I use my Holy Lightning? Can't we just do it now?"

     My heart hurts every-time I bring up her past and her rejection of her Fallen Angel powers. In Fan-Fictions, it takes like two sentences to 'magically-cure' her of her past trauma. Sure she and I have made huge progress, but she fears using her dual wing mode to fight. I sigh and tell her again.

     "Sigh, Akeno, I have told you... Because you are locking those dark-feelings away, our first time would be tainted by your pain. I know it seems unfair, but honestly, I just want us to make love for the right reasons. I am not asking you to forgive your father, just embrace the fact you are my lovely Fallen Angel. I know how incredible you are, but in your heart, you still see yourself as a tainted being, and this breaks my heart dear."

     Akeno grips my lapel with watery eyes, like I am scolding her, and her lips tremble.

     "Ray, I am strong without it... I do try, but I only see my mother dead in my mind when I let my wings out... I-I..."

     I pull her in tight to my hug, and I just hate when she gets like this. I feel like shit trying to get her to open up and become the amazing woman she is. But sometimes I ask myself if what I am doing is the right thing or not. But, suddenly while holding her, I remembered something I forgot...

     "Akeno... You are being a bad woman for not listening to me... Uh? I think I should start to punish you for not listening to me?"

     I felt really awkward saying that, because I have never once yelled or scolded Akeno, nor have I ever hit her outside of sparring. But her body tensed hearing my words, and she quivered. But it was a quiver of shame and delight. I knew she was a sadist in battle, but honestly, I forgot about her masochistic side till I thought of her Mother.

     She looked up into my face, and as I thought, her cheeks were flush and she asked me.

     "Ray~ I-I have been bad, right?"

     "Uh... Yes, very bad for not doing as I asked. So every-time you try to use your Holy Lightning, I will spank you..."

     Okay... I am sure as fuck blushing as I try and talk dirty to Akeno, but her excited face and flush expression is kinda hot.

     Akeno then moved off my lap, and bent over the coffee table, and extended both of her wings, her one Fallen and one Devil wing, and with a look of reluctance, tried to make her thunder appear in her hand. She looked back at me in expectation, and I found myself mentally facepalming here.

     Smack! So, with a bit of shame, I gave her a smack on her ass with just enough force to echo in the room, and make her meaty ass jiggle.


     Crackling! Smack! Crackling! Smack! So due to Akeno pushing herself to overcome her fear, I continued this strange form of motivational training for her.

     "Akeno, that is not right, do it better and stop being bad!"

     I have spent 7 fucking years trying to calmly discuss her fears and anger, and what is this? I am curing her in minutes with this retarded method?! I wish I had been a Psychologist or something in that Human life to help me understand her brain, or my world is just strange, sigh.

     Crackling! Smack! And with my latest smack, Akeno's body trembled as she shuttered, from a climax just from a spanking?!

     "AHH! Raaaaaaaay~! So gooood~!"

     As Akeno slumped fully on the table, with her ass pointed to me, and my hand held in midair, realizing something was wrong... I felt the door behind me had opened a moment ago, and I heard them...

     "Husband, and sister Akeno, what are you two doing exactly? Tsubaki, do they do this often?"

     "Kuisha, Ray has never hit me, and I was unaware that my King hit any of his Servants, so honestly this is a first for me to see."

     Then Shirone walked in and held her nose.

     "Stinks in here, did Akeno masturbate again?"

     Akeno pulled down her skirt she lifted earlier, then retracted back her two mismatched wings. I put down my still raised hand and I tried to salvage my dignity.

     "This... This was a new training method... And it seems to work..."

     Akeno stood next to me, back in her normal elegant mode and said to Shirone.

     "Ara Ara, Seems this training might be good for cats too, right my King?"

     Shirone shrugged and pointed in my direction and said to me while putting her hands on her knees.

     "Okay Ray, I am down, just hit harder though, I am a Rook. But make sure to heal me after, alright... This first time might hurt a little?"

     Smack! I facepalm watching Shirone mess with me, because I saw her smile challenging me to do it for real. She might be small and adorable, but her sense of humor is mean-spirited.

     So I grab her, then sit on her couch with her in my lap. Mofu Mofu!

     "Alright girls, I am ashamed, so stop teasing me. What is up?"

     Akeno excuses herself to get tea started, while Kuisha sat across from me in her spot I had just sat at. Tsubaki handed me some Kuoh Academy paperwork and said to me, before sitting down next to Kuisha.

     "Next Friday the all day Ball Day for all the clubs will be held. We as a club must participate as normal. The random game will be pulled the day of the event, and can be... Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, Baseball, or Dodge-ball."

     All of a sudden, I seem to remember a scene from the anime about Issei and Saji getting their man-bits crushed by the girls, and I trembled inside. I said.

     "Then we will train for Dodge-ball."

     As I said that, Asia, Saji, and Mil-tan walked in and Saji said.

     "Dodge-ball?! I love Dodge-ball!"

     As the three took their seats on the middle couch, I said.

     "Have you ever seen the movie Dodge-ball? Then maybe that is how we should train, right? Maybe we should have Shirone or Mil-tan throw the wrenches?"

     Saji imagining the meteors of metal thrown at him, and the countless holes in his body, just turned white shaking his head. Everyone laughed at his look.

     Finally, Ni and Li arrived so we could review our monthly reports...

-      If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     Meanwhile in the Student Council's Office...

     Sona was annoyed due to the guest that stopped by to ask about entering the Kuoh Academy... Diodora Astaroth.

     "Diodora, it is not that I won't let you join the school, but I only control the school during the day, and Ray Gremory is the Lord of Kuoh Town. If you want to enter the school, it is fine with me, but you cannot live here without notifying him first. So get his okay before I sign you up."

     Sona kept her professional air, while pushing up her glasses due to irritation. She, like her best friend, hates this noble Devil. But being from the family of one of the current Devil Kings makes things tricky politically.

     "Oh, I will go there soon, because someone I need to see is there. As for joining the Academy, I will then talk with Ray about it. But I wanted to see you at least before the big game, to let you know that I intend to win. Our two houses will be great together. The two homes that produced the Devil King's hand in hand, it is a true love story, like that of Devil King Lucifer and his Ultimate Queen."

     "Really? Lord Riser Phenex, Sairaorg Bael, and Ray Gremory are in the line up, and you believe you can beat those three? I am impressed you said that with a smile."

     Diodora with his ever present phony smile just said casually.

     "If the fight was only about Demonic Power, sure I might have lost, but I have been training hard, so all three of them will be under my boot, my future wife, so wait for me."

     Sona leans back in her chair and dismisses him.

     "Please see yourself out Diodora. One thing I dislike is bluffing, so put up or shut up, then you can call me your wife, but until you win, never call me that again. Or I shall inform my sister of your disrespectful words."

     Normally, Sona would rather die of shame than use her sister's name, but this creep just raised her blood-pressure enough to say those words. Diodora stood and said to his Queen.

     "Let us greet the Lord of the Territory now. I really like this school my w-, good friend Sona attends."

     Then Diodora left with his Queen. Then from the empty room, came Gasper hopping out of the cardboard box in the corner, and Issei dropping his New Invisibility Spell he created. Issei said.

     "Diodora Ass-to-mouth, is a real piece of shit, President. You cannot marry that tool. Uh, Don't tell him I said this, but I hope Ray, roflstomped that dick."

     "Issei, I need to be impartial and not try to favor one competitor over another, but if someone accidentally told Ray what Diodora called me, then I could not do anything about it."

     It took Issei a moment before he realized his King's words, then an evil smile crossed his lips.

     "Got it President, I understand wink-wink..."

     "Issei, you wink with your eyes, not your mouth, sigh."


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