A New Born Devil?

Chapter 59 Killing Xenovia & Irina In The Name Of God?

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[Fun Fact: A Dodgeball game lasts for 10 minutes. Each match consists of 9 games. Thus, the winner has to win 5 out of 9 games. To win the game, a team has to eliminate the players (6 per team) of its rival team in as much as 10 minutes. Each team avails itself of a time-out of one minute. (60 seconds)]


Chapter 59  Killing Xenovia & Irina In The Name Of God? by Harem-Fan


     Rome Italy, in a small suburban community, near a local church...

     Two grey haired older men are sitting at a cafe eating a simple lunch special, without too much extravagance. Both men wear Clergy Robes showing they are men of faith. The only difference is that only one man is actively a part of the Church while the other was kicked out for crimes.

     Valper Galilei, the man removed from office, and the pioneer for creating artificial Holy Sword Wielders, and the man responsible for the death of Isaiah, now known as Kiba Yuuto, slid over a file and said.

     "Marcello Valentino, this is the plan from the higher ups."

     The other priest put on his glasses and began to read, but the more he read the more his heart shook. He then asked in surprise.

     "W-What?! You mean if we sacrifice these Holy Sword users, not only will the war restart, but we will kill off a Super Devil? But how will you use the newly created Holy Sword to kill him?"

     "Ah, That is simple... I have the test subject Freed Sellzen under me. He will handle the swords and the Holy Sword wielders. He actually fought with that Super Devil and escaped. The strength of Ray Gremory is too much for our Church to contend with if he grows much more. His older Brother is bad enough.. Not only will Ray Gremory die, but so will the Devil King Leviathan's little Sister."

     The other man pondered and shook his head.

     "I do not believe I can convince the Church to send these 5 Holy Sword users to this Kuoh Japan without a good reason. Not only that, if they know a Leader Class Fallen Angel is involved, they will just send Dulio Gesualdo or Griselda Quarta."

     Valper smiled and said.

     "No, Dulio Gesualdo is currently guarding the 6th fragment of Excalibur, so with proper threats of the group of the Khaos Brigade invading the church, they will keep their Ace at home. Trust me, there are others like you that want to get rid of these Holy Sword users. Even the artificial user Irina Shidou is the daughter of that man, and lived in Kuoh Town, a perfect reason to send her. She can be replaced easily. Just team her up with that adopted daughter, the natural born user, Xenovia. Just send the weaker three first, then send the two girls."

     "Alright, but how do we lure the Holy Sword users into Japan?"

     "In the file I gave you is a list of 4 Fallen Angels who are using a forbidden-ritual to find and extract Sacred Gears from Humans. If they find a Longinus, the power scale will tip into the dark forces hands, and the Fallen and Devils will kill us with our own weapons. Well, that ability to steal Sacred Gears is our plot, ha-ha. The Fallen Angels who take in those Sacred Gears will die after a while due to not being Human. Naturally, Kokabiel did not tell his Pawns about the side effects, otherwise the Grigori would have used all of their captured Sacred Gears long ago in their forces. So Kokabiel sent his more unintelligent cannon fodder."

     The other man closed his file and put his glasses away. He did a small prayer while crossing his heart to pray, then he solemnly said.

     "With a heavy heart, I will shoulder the sins of sacrificing some of our loyal lambs for the greater good. May God have mercy on our souls. Alright Valper, I will have my helpers also vote on this proposal, and in June, the lambs will travel to Kuoh. Goodbye old friend, peace be with you."

     After the other man was gone, Valper smiled with his glasses glinting in the sunlight and muttered.

     "Soon, my dreams will be realized, and my life will be remembered for all of my achievements, and Michael cannot take all of my credit anymore. Maybe... God will reward me for my pious-heart?"


     That day, it was the Dodgeball event, and everyone from the school's clubs were participating with students watching.

     It was now the final two teams after a long morning of clubs defeating each-other. Naturally the final two groups are the ORC vs The Student Council.

     Team 1: Team Captain Ray, Kuisha, Akeno, Shirone, Saji, and Tsubaki. Asia is the backup member, and surely the medic.

     Team 2: Team Captain Sona, Kiba, Issei, Momo, Yura, Ruruko, and Tomoe. Gasper and Reya are the bench members for them.


     Sona on the left side of the court pushed up her glasses with a smile and asked me.

     "Ray, our bet is if I win, you have to host a pool party at your house, and if you win, my Peerage will have to do cosplay?"

     Kuisha grins and answers for me.

     "President Shitori, you are not afraid are you?"

     Sona grins at Kuisha's provocation and says to her, while face to face with her rival. The two girls look like they might throw punches at any moment, and I am nervous with their intensity.

     "Then don't blame us for beating you in five rounds, Miss Abaddon..."

     Kuisha's lips trembled hearing Sona use her old title, but at school, you are not allowed to be married, sigh.

     Akeno covered her mouth, squinting her eyes, and said loudly enough for the two girls to hear.

     "Ufufu, Ray, while the main wives fight, let's go find somewhere quiet and practice magic?"

     Tsubaki pushed up her glasses and told Akeno.

     "Please do not be shameful in the middle of class, Akeno. Ray has a reputation to uphold for the other students. And Ray and I have things to do later."

     Fweet! Just as my harem drama was heating up, the teacher blew his whistle and declared the start of the timed match!


     Sona = 0 Ray = 3

     With Tsubaki's speed, power, and intelligence, she was our group's ace. We of course have to fight at Human Levels of movements, but the Queen Piece still shows its true power even in Human level encounters. And as a Human, Tsubaki was always the athletic girl interested in physical fitness, despite her elegant looks.

     Shirone with her Rook enhancements is able to counter Yura, the Rook on the other side, and my natural abilities are a bit overkill here, so the score being 0 to 3 was expected. Then Issei cries to Sona.

     "President, let me and Ruruko promote! We cannot be forced to cosplay, that Harem Bastard will make us wear kinky shit!"

     Bong Thud! Just as Issei finished his insult, Tomoe without her fan, just threw the rubber-ball in the back of Issei's head, as his punishment, making him face-plant, and causing the gym to erupt in laughter, then the Knight said innocently.

     "Sorry Issei, my hand slipped."

     Fweet! Then the coach blew his whistle and said,

     "Hyoudou! you are out, even with friendly fire!"

     "Dammit Tomoe!"

     And after their 4th loss, Sona pushed up her glasses and said to her team.

     "Issei and Ruruko, go ahead and promote, we need Queens. Ray, you can do it as well, to make our team fair."

     I waved my hand and told her.

     "No need, we are up by 4, so just one more and he-he."

     Sona seeing my pervy smile looking at her, the way Issei looks at breasts, unnerved Sona a bit... But now she was curious as to what I would make her wear.


     Sona = 0 Ray = 4

     Issei, feeling his improved reactions, said proudly.

     "Alright Ray, give me your best shot, ha-ha!"

     As I pulled back the ball, obviously going to put a lot of strength into it, Issei was ready, but I smiled wickedly and said.

     "I am totally not aiming for you Issei... I am going to flatten Momo's huge chest, and turn her into a runway, just watch!"

     The white haired Vice  President Momo, hearing my words, covered her boobs and was not sure why I all of a sudden had some death wish out for her, she trembled inside. Sona lifted her eyebrows, but thought of my words, and it was too late to warn her team of what she realized my angle was...

     Whoosh! Like a rocket, the ball in my hand hurled right for poor Momo's boobs, and then he did not let me down!


     BANG THUD! Issei, seeing I threw the ball at max output to flatten poor Momo's breasts, leaped like a true hero (for breasts) I knew he was. I remember in the anime how Issei kicked Vali's ass thinking Vali would use Half Dimension to shrink all the girls' tits!

     Momo, seeing that Issei sacrificed himself for her, was touched, and I yelled.

     "Issei, that was for calling me, Harem Bastard!"

     MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA~! Bong Thud...! While I pointed to Issei twitching on the ground, I laughed my ass off. But... Everything went black?!


     As a green glow of healing was in my now opening vision, I saw concern on Asia's face as I asked.

     "W-What happened?"

     Seems my head was on Kuisha's lap as she stifled a laugh, then the voice of Tomoe was heard next to her.

     "Ray, um... I am really sorry, but you said the forbidden word, and my hands just threw the ball at your head with my Divine Punishment I use on Issei, sorry."

     Crap, is her special ability she created called Divine Punishment?!

     "What does it do?"

     "Oh, my Divine Punishment is my finishing attack that is unblockable, and always does full damage, but it cannot leave real permanent injury. And it can knock out my opponent. Kinda like slapping someone for a knockout blow. Pretty cool, right?"

     "Then why did it hit me so hard?"

    She puffed out her chest and said.

     "The attack does percentage damage, every time I use it, but it takes a lot out of my Endurance, but it is guaranteed to hit for 1⁄10 of your current health. So even if you are super strong, you just take that much more knockout damage. But if you're wounded, it does less. Pretty cool, right?"

     No, that is fucking terrifying if used right, but it sounds like she can only thankfully use it very few times in a row. Then I noticed the game was over and I asked a question to Kuisha.

     "The game, what happened?"

     Tomoe answered instead.

     "After you went down, Saji was out, but the rest of the girls in rage decimated us, and you guys won, oops."

     Akeno, Tsubaki, and Shirone had looks of irritation looking at the poor busted up Sona group, even Sona looked a bit terrified at how mad they got. Sona said reluctantly to me.

     "All right Ray, you guys won, so Cosplay Day is yours, sigh."

     I stood up quickly, shook her hand and said like a Devil.

     "Nice doing business with you, Sona, he-he!"

     "Sure, but do not forget, after a week, we need to go to the Underworld for my Engagement Game. Be prepared to win."



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