A New Born Devil?

Chapter 60 I Was Checkmated?

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Chapter 60  I Was Checkmated? by Harem-Fan


     It was after-school, two days before my trip back to the Underworld for my big fight. Tsubaki and I were going over the current quality control files for our Human Contracts customer service, inside a shake and smoothie shop.

     Tsubaki, sitting beside me in the booth, handed me one piece of paper and said.

     "Seems when this girl wanted her classmate crush to fall in love with her, Li accidentally made all of the boys in her class fall in love with her... Well, she technically met the contracts requirement, but the extra hassle from the girls now reverse-harem is kinda hard for her. Kuisha had to go and fix it for free. Li means well, but I think she needs more attention paid to her work."

     I smile at that one, because I think it was her half listening, but probably her Youkai nature had influenced this. I nod and tell Tsubaki.

     "Sure, then will you or I have that talk with her?"

     "Ray, when it is positive reinforcement, you can do it, but when it is corrective advice, I will do it. Li should want to make you happy, and if you scold her, then she might get disheartened. This is something your Queen should handle."

     She really is good to me, so out of impulse, I kiss Tsubaki's cheek. Her turning red is cute after-all. Soon she collected herself and requested.

     "Ray, tonight is my night with you... I want to make love with you tonight, if you want your Queen?"

     Her brown and violet eyes looked at me with emotion deep inside of them, and she is not blushing this time, telling me she is serious...


     A handsome man dressed in black armor with a cape, long brown hair that goes to his hips with many bangs covering his right eye, was walking alongside Diodora Astaroth. The two devils appeared out of a Magic circle with the Beelzebub Magic Crest.

     They appeared in the Human world, on top of the Eiffel Tower's roof.

     Shalba Beelzebub the descendant of the True Devil King Beelzebub, brought the young fool Diodora to get a strength boost, so he can more easily handle his next challenge for the Sitri girls hand. It was important to marry the sister of the Fake Devil King Leviathan, to capture her weakness. So in order to facilitate Diodora's victory, he is bringing him to met their Leader of the Khaos Brigade.

     "Diodora, remember what I told you to tell that Dragon. Do not say anything unnecessary, because we are not actually working for her, just using that simple creature for its power, do you understand?"

     "I understand Leader Shalba Beelzebub. I will not disappoint you on this."

     Soon, the two Devils stepped out into the night air, and they walked out to a place where there was a little girl in a Gothic Lolita dress, sitting and letting the high winds ruffle her long black hair. Her pointy ears clearly mark her as inhuman, and in fact, she is not Human, but a Dragon God.

     Even though she looks like a little girl, she is in fact a Genderless Shapeshifting being neither male nor female. A surprising fact, different from ALL other Dragons, is her natural form is a humanoid shape, and not that of a reptilian Dragon like all others, like Great Red. In the past, she took the form of a wizened old man, but now, her identity is this current adorable Loli.

     Ophis is the Dragon God who represents Infinity, Chaos, and Nothingness, known as the Ouroboros (this was her past old-man name) Dragon and the Infinite Dragon God. Originally being born out of nothingness in the Dimensional Gap, she left her home at one point and returned to discover Great Red residing in it. She is one of the most powerful Dragons and beings in existence, aside from Great Red. Ophis is the Khaos Brigade's figurehead.

     The main goal for Ophis is to kick out Great Red from the Dimensional Gap, which she claims is her home. Like a baby wanting to kick out another baby from the womb of its mother, who was caring another baby inside it after it left. (best description of  this simple minded dragon)

     The Khaos Brigade, knowing how simple minded Ophis actually was, used her and pretended to work for her, to have her protection and her power of 'Snake'.

     The Power of Ophis Snakes, when eaten, raises the host by one full power category, so a High-class strength Devil such as Diodora would become an Ultimate-class Devil in strength. Just like what the banned King Piece provided, a full 10× power boost. (Roygun mentioned in early chapters has one of these King Pieces making her Ultimate-class)

     Ophis, looking at the moon, noticed the two as they had come out of the utility room, only said in a disinterested tone.

     "Shalba Beelzebub, what brings you here? Anything to report about Great Red?"

    Shalba, a smart Devil, knows not to offend a God Level being and plays the loyal Lackey well.

     "I do have great news to update. I have recently recruited a genius of the Underworld named Euclid Lucifuge. He is currently trying to get Rizevim Livan Lucifer involved in your cause. If he joins you, his power will greatly increase the chances of defeating Great Red. He is the actual Son of Lucifer and Lilith, the creators of Devils. Rizevim Livan Lucifer also has a Special Power called Sacred Gear Canceler. He can defeat all those who stand in your way with pesky Sacred Gears. His strength is that of Super Devil-class."

     Ophis knew of him, but did not care. An interesting characteristic of Ophis that the Khaos Brigade discovered... Ophis is a Pacifist, and rarely ever fights, unless a real threat attacks her. Shalba asked.

     "Leader, I have brought a new servant of your cause, and ask for Diodora Astroth to gain your blessing."

     Ophis gave Diodora a half-look and asked him.

     "Submit to me, and help remove Great Red, do you accept being my subordinate?"

     Diodora who was terrified by her presence, said with a boot-licker's determination, told to him by Shalba.

     "Yes, Leader... I will serve loyally."

     Ophis created a shadowy-snake of power and tossed it into Diodora's hands and she said.

     "Good, then swallow it..."

     With a look of determination, and a rage in his dark heart, Diodora swallowed it, and his power-level spiked rapidly, and his evil grin leaked some words...

     "Ray Gremory, you are so fucked!"

-     If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!


     Just as I was gently sucking on Tsubaki's nipples from her plump breasts, I had a sudden urge to sneeze. I naturally pointed the sneeze away, and my Queen on top of me asked in concern.

     "Ray, did you get dust in your nose?"

     I hugged Tsubaki's back and shook my head.

     "No, I just had a ticklish feeling, now where were we my dear?"

     The two of us are completely naked after our shower, and have started foreplay in her bed. Just as I was about to put it in her, my sneeze broke the intention briefly. So I rolled Tsubaki on her back and looked into her eyes.

     She without her glasses on, and her black hair sprawled out on her white and violet sheets, just smiled at me warmly, then she said softly.

     "Even if I was not your Devil Queen, and just a normal Human woman, I would still want to be your lover for life. So please, just finally make me yours, I am fully ready."

     I kiss her, as I slowly rub my erection into her folds and invade her, without too much nonsense. This woman and I have known each-other for a long time, and declaring too many flowery words at this moment would only make her feel corny inside.

     "Ah~! Ray, you are all in... I am strong like a Rook, so continue..."

     I do not start any thrusting, but instead kiss the couple of tears from her eyes. She smiled brightly and told me.

     "Ray, I am crying from joy, not the pain, so just make me yours, and love me."

     As I slowly rubbed her long legs, and gently moved in and out of her, while I whispered in her ear.

     "Tsubaki, it seems you like to talk a lot in bed, hah~. But I like it."

     This time she moved her face away in embarrassment, and turned red from shame and sexual pleasures.


     Some time passed, and the two of us only went very slow and entangled our arms around one another, occasionally whispering words of love and affection. Tsubaki's body looks really soft from the casual observation, but in fact, she is very athletic and toned.

     Soon, Tsubaki let go of my back, and held the sheets to her sides. Her climax was coming. Unlike the other women, she is not trying to wrap her legs around my waist to keep me inside of her. Instead she is forcing herself to give me an escape option, a submissive action.

     I was so moved by her submissiveness, I could not help but finish faster.

     "Tsubaki, I am cumming~!"

     I pushed deep-inside of her and sucked on her quivering neck, as I deeply let loose all of my Devil-seed. Tsubaki at that moment, then wraps her legs around me after feeling that.

     After a few minutes, the two of us stopped, then her hand caressed the side of my sweaty face, and she said.

     "Ray, I think you shattered the Dark-Mirror in my heart, from when I was locked up... I feel that my Sacred Gear is changing... For my King of Hearts... I will be your Queen of Hearts!"

     I warmly smiled at this wonderful woman. I have no idea what her Sacred Gear is capable of.

     At this time, I was not aware that her Sacred Gear was supposed to be something else, but I changed it by crushing butterflies again.

     But who cares? Tsubaki Checkmated my heart tonight. And in the future, The Mirror Alice, truly made her my Queen of Hearts.



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