A New Born Devil?

Chapter 6 What It Means To Be Gremory?

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Chapter 6  What It Means To Be Gremory? by Harem-Fan


     I was unaware how my potent Gremory Bloodline powers influenced simple daily trips...

     As an almost 5 year old, with some memories of a past life as a Human, and huge wad of cash, where do you think the first place I would go would be? If you said the Arcade Center downstairs, than you my friend earned a high score!

    But before I run in there to my fate, let me explain something about being a Gremory Devil...

     If you ever watched the anime like me, you would wonder things like... How did Rias Gremory bump into Issei, Akeno, Kiba, and Gasper at their most dire moments?

     The answer is one of the many Gremory Powers that are strong in her. But I tell you this because my brother, father, and I, all have this same characteristic. It is the ability to find, Talents, Treasures, Wealth, and the Affection of all women, especially Maidens.

     Part of this gift is also the ability to hide and accumulate wealth. We are also a master of Love Matches. This last one was shown in the anime when Rias helped Issei with the Samurai drill-hair woman.

     The last Power granted to us the Gremory? It is more of a passive ability. We do not have powers like Worthless, Hole, Power of Destruction, Water, or Ice Magic, but instead we Gremory have something even better... Magic Superiority. This means we have more control and talent casting Demonic Magic compared to other Devils.

     Now you are like, 'hey but you bastard also have Power of Destruction, and you use it better than the Bael can!' You are very right, good sirs. The Power of Gremory not only snagged Bael's power but made it stronger than the original.

     For example, both my brother and I can use the Power of Destruction better than our grandfather, thanks to our Gremory blood, phew...

     I went off on a tangent there. Back to my Arcade Encounter. Well the power to find talent or opportunity is like Luck. It lets me know when something special is near, like a living Dragon Ball Radar. Okay, if you do not understand my point by now, you never will. The take away though... Opportunity's just fall in my lap without trying. It is like Plot Armor or a Protagonist Halo.

     So as I stood in-front of the arcade Center, I had a feeling like there was something in there I desperately wanted to find. It feels like an urge to find buried treasure, calling to me, and feels like a tingle in my spine to rush in and steal the wealth.

     Before I went in, I looked up to the second level and waved to Grayfia, so she knew where I was, then I entered the Electric Shangri-La...


      Ring Ting Ting Ding Ding! A cacophony of sounds bombarded my senses as I walked into the Arcade.

     I took in everything I could, and spotted the prize and token counter. I then headed there to get my pocket full of tokens from the games.

     The University student looked at me and asked.

     "Hey kid, does your mom know you are here alone?"

     "Mister, don't you worry, my sister is upstairs right now talking to the owner of the mall, the nice woman with grey hair, you know her right? So yes they both are looking down on me from upstairs. Can I buy tokens now?"

     His eyes opened knowing the pretty owner and smiled. Soon I gave him Yen and I received a small box of tokens. Then I looked for my first victim. I was a good player of arcade games in my Human life, so I was seeing all the new games and vintage retro games. I found what I was looking for...

     "Yes! Street Fighter 2, Chun Lee here I come, he-he!"

      When the Street Fighter game first came out, it was all about the hot woman with meaty Kung-Fu thighs. Riser Phenex was a pervert to cosplay his Rook after her, sigh.


     After ten minutes, I decided to try other things, and that tingling in my spine was tugging at me to go back deeper into the arcade... So I went.

     I saw an older mother who was a foreigner sitting on a bench for parents in the corner, and then I noticed a small child roughly around 3 to 4 years of age, looking sad at the Air-Hockey game. When I neared the little girl, my hunch brought me to her.

     So I walked up to the girl with chestnut hair (Chestnut hair is a rich brown with red undertones.) and I asked.

     "Hi, did you want to play this game? If you want, can I be your partner?"

     The little girl with twin tails looked at me with her violet eyes, and nodded her head and said.

     "The other kids won't play with me, thank you."

     I held up my box of tokens and said to her,

     "You are the first friend I have made in Kuoh, so let me treat you to Air-Hockey."

     I pulled over the booster stools for us to stand on, because we are too short, cough. I inserted plenty of tokens and the air shot up on the table, ready for us to grab the paddles.

     While I readied us, the little girl's violet eyes were fixed on my crimson hair, that is a bit rare even in this Human world. This was another Gremory power I mentioned, the ability to draw the attention of those cougars when we came to the mall, and this little girl's maiden heart. No the power is nothing sexual, because we are fucking little kids. Rather, I just radiate an aura of coolness to this girl.

     As we started playing, I was periodically affected by small amounts of pain in my eyes?! I had noticed the girl had a cross around her neck, and this little distraction let her beat the tar out of me, making her very happy to win. Seeing her cross, I had a hunch and asked.

     "Hey, my name is Ray G, what is yours?"

     She patted her forehead in embarrassment, and said with animated expressions.

     "Sorry, he-he. I was having so much fun I forgot. My name is Irina Shidou. You are the first friend I made as well."

     Damn, what the hell, and what are the odds of this? I guess Irina is considered a talent in my Powers perspective. But has she not met Issei yet?

     "Really? But you're so nice, you should have a bazillion friends, Irina."

     She blushed in embarrassment and poked her fingertips together and said.

     "I do not know how to make friends..."

     I thought about it and said,

     "Just walk up to anyone and smile, then say... "Let's be good friends!"

     Her eyes opened at such a simple thing. Well do remember that even when she was 17 or 18, she totally got scammed by people. But right now she is dressed like a proper girl, and not a tomboy like Issei described in the anime?

     She jumped off her stool and ran over to me, then smiled and told me what I said to do.

     "Let's be good friends!"

     "Sure, but... I live in another country, so sadly I am just visiting Kuoh. But in the future, I am moving here when I go to high school."

    Her smile faltered hearing I was not living here, and to a child, it is like saying that you are flying to Jupiter for 200 years. I felt really bad for her, so I thought fast.

     "Here, take this to remember me by. When I come back to Kuoh, I will come and take it back, how is that?"

     I took off a platinum chain with a ruby stone hung on it as an ornament. It is a beautiful crimson color, and it was a birthday gift from some noble I cannot remember. But it looks better than what Human jewelers can make, well because the material came from the Underworld, but I won't tell her that.

     I knew she would reject it, so I just put it over her head and I tried to not touch or look directly at her cross. I might be resistant, but it still feels annoying. She held the ruby stone and could not believe how pretty it was. So I tell her two things.

     "First, I will come back for it later when I am older, so it is only on loan, okay? Secondly, you are a cute girl and you should grow your hair and dress like a young lady, don't hide who you are, alright? It is time for me to go."

     Irina panicked and asked.

     "Can you play just one more game with me before you leave, Ray G?"

     "Sure, what game?"

     The holy maiden with the smile of a Devil, pointed to the one game I hate with a fucking passion... Dance Dance Revolution!


     And 30 minutes later, I looked dead inside, as I walked out of the arcade with a waving Irina now holding a stuffed Pikachu I bought her. If my body was not literally my soul, I would swear my soul left my body. I weakly waved back to her and went to find Grayfia.


     When Grayfia saw me her eyebrows raised in concern and she asked.

     "Ray, what happened, did you not have fun?"

     "I ran into a Dance Dance Demon, and was thoroughly defeated. Then I put my underworld ruby necklace on an Exorcist's daughter for fun, and received a hug from a girl wearing a cross, that stung me like a bee, sigh."

     "I assume you are fine, since you are joking? And I assume all three characters are one in the same person?"

     "Yup, so lets go before she finds me again!"

     The edge of Grayfia's lip curled seeing me defeated and telling me.

     "Let us go to the back employee room to a hidden teleportation circle. From there we will travel to meet your brother in Kyoto Sirzechs Hotel."

     I was shocked at her words and verified.

     "Kyoto and Urakyoto? Are we really going to the West Youkai Faction's Capital City? Wow!"

     Grayfia clarified.

     "We are only going to the Human portion, not the Youkai parts, so let us go Ray."

     So I followed Grayfia with life put back into my body once again.

     Kyoto Japan, here I come!

     I was unaware that my visit would alter history in a way I could never have imagined.

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(A/N Rough Estimate Power Levels)


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