A New Born Devil?

Chapter 7 I Should Never Have Come to Kyoto?

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Chapter 7  I Should Never Have Come to Kyoto? by Harem-fan


     One day, I will look back on this moment, the day I watched Grayfia finish the silver magic circle to whisk us to Kyoto, and I will have one thought...

     This day was sad.

     "Ray it is ready, now step on the teleportation magic circle."

     I hopped in and smiled at her and gave her my answer.

     "Let us go sister Grayfia, I am excited!"

     Grayfia then activated the circle and silver light enveloped our sight for a moment.


     As our vision cleared, the smell of the air was different from the storeroom we just left.

     I looked around and could tell we were in a basement room. There was no light in this room, but as Devils, it was like lights were on. Grayfia tells me.

     "Lets go Ray, Sirzechs is waiting for us to go have lunch."

     As I held her hand, I asked.

     "Why is big brother in Kyoto? He is in charge of domestic affairs, right? I believe Serafall is in charge of foreign affairs?"

     As we reached the place with elevators she told me.

     "Well Ray, the old Gremory Hotel was torn down to build this Sirzechs Hotel instead. This hotel just opened for the public today, so your brother came for the opening event. and Serafall also came here to do some work with rogue elements of aggressive Youkai, that have been attacking Reincarnated Devils as of late. She has been in talks with the West Youkai Leader."

     "So Serafall is meeting Princess Yasaka, can I meet her?"

     Grayfia shook her head and said.

     "No, we are not invited into Urakyoto (also called the Back Alley), and so there is no way to meet her."

     Tsk, I wanted to see how beautiful she was in real life, damn. Grayfia hearing my disappointed tongue click asked.

     "Oh? Do you have an interest in the Nine-Tails?"

     "Well, the Youkai are just like us and the Vampires, creatures of darkness, and I was curious what the Legendary Nine-Tails or  Kyuubi looks like. Well seeing any Kitsune would be cool."

     Grayfia was thoughtful as we stepped out of the elevator on the main lobby floor.

     "Now is definitely not the time to meet the Kitsune of Kyoto, due to some hostile elements trying to start conflicts with the Devil government. Both Serafall and Yasaka are trying to find a compromise, but both governments are digging in their heels."

     At this point a tall man with long crimson hair wearing a black business suit approaches us, when I see him I smile and say.

     "Big brother, hi."

     Sirzechs comes over and picks me up in his left arm, and I feel embarrassed, but he is too strong, so fighting is pointless. I can only hope to grow faster so he will stop carrying me, sigh.

     "Grayfia dear, how did your trip to Kuoh Town go?"

     "It went fine, and I passed your warning to be careful to her, but I don't think she will listen, sigh."

     I have no idea what they are talking about, and it is obvious they don't want me to know, so I tap on Sirzechs shoulder and he reluctantly puts me down, then he hugs Grayfia. I asked him while looking around the hotel.

     "So brother, are we eating here, or are we going to sight see in Kyoto?!"

     He ruffled my hair, smiled at my eagerness to adventure, and he then said to me,

     "There is a small out of the way restaurant just around the corner that Serafall, Grayfia, and I love called... The Dairaku restaurant."

     Grayfia supplements his lack of information.

     "It is a very old and authentic Kyoto cuisine that all the supernatural visit. It is very quiet and normal Humans miss it. The quality is top notch as well, and the sake is good. I think you will like the taste of the Sake." (relax, human world alcohol is like juice for Devils.)

     I grin thinking how funny it is when a Human will see me drinking. Well we are not allowed to drink Devil Alcohol until we are 12 though, because that hits us hard. Human world alcohol has no effect on our Devil bodies, it is like flavored water for us.

     So with big brother in the middle he holds our hands as we leave for the old restaurant...


     Well, why do we have a Sirzechs Hotel in Kyoto? Well as the next head of Gremory, I need to know the basics, and it is The Gremory Large Enterprise, a business enterprise owned by the Gremory clan which operates various business ventures in the Underworld as well as the Human world.

     In the Human world, the Gremory Large Enterprise operates several travel agencies and hotels in various countries such as in Japan... Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and other large cities, each which have hotel chains owned by the Gremory Large Enterprise. The enterprise is also involved in the film industry in the Human world. The current president of the enterprise is Zeoticus Gremory; the current head of the Gremory clan.

     Now you see why Rias in the anime was such a freak about Manga and Japanese culture? In the last 500 years, many of the most notable Japanese talents have been turned into Reincarnated Devils and live and work in the Gremory Territory, like the legendary sword-smith, Masamune. My big brother also has a Legendary Swordsman as his Knight, and he used 2 Knight pieces because he is so damn amazing, but I will talk about him another time.

     Most of our Human world business is focused in Japan, but we do have some places around the world as well, but definitely our bulk is in Japan.

     And lastly, this very hotel that just opened was in the first half of season 4 of the anime. Ah, It made me think of Rose. I honestly cannot wait to meet her in person. If I can recruit her, I will be very happy. For her magic skills you perverts!


     As the three of us arrived around the corner in a lonely alley, next to the hotel, the old door is slid open. Yup, it is all old fashioned paper-doors, paper-walls, low-tables, cushions for seating, and tatami mats.

     The smell of Kyoto spicing and hot pots, grilled meats, and sake fill the nose. A server guides our group of three to a private eating room. The draw of this place is that every group gets their own room. And I am sure magic is involved to dampen noise.

     The three of us just share family banter, while my brother tells me stories of things he did in Kyoto in the past before he became the Devil King, and Grayfia would occasionally correct his story, as it became a bit too fake. Remember, my brother and sister have dressed up as Power Rangers for Satan's sake, sigh. I blame Serafall for that one though.

     Soon between the sake and water, my bladder wanted to release, so I said.

     "Please excuse me, I need to freshen up in the restroom, I shall return."

     So I left the married couple to flirt. walking down the narrow halls, I finally found the restroom near the back by the exit. So I helped myself.

-     If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     And 5 minutes later, I felt better, and after washing my hands, I was preparing to head back to my room, but I stopped at a room that had not had its sliding door close completely, and I heard something disturbing...

     An aged voice spoke respectfully.

     [East Representative Kanji, it is good you arrived in time to stop the Devils from making peace.]

     Then a younger cocky male's voice was heard.

     [Tengu Elder, I of course had to come, with this gift, I can finally claim my prize. For 300 years I have pursued her, to only be rebuffed time and time again. Now show me the Elixir.]

     The old voice spoke to another young woman.

     [Witch, show him the elixir you created and tell the Eastern Representative why it will work.]

     [Representative Kanji, this was made with the Princess own blood the elder retrieved. Thanks to the blood, this elixir cannot even be resisted by her. All you need to do is rub this on your body, and her instincts will do the rest. Be careful though, she will be feral and aggressive. It will last for two hours, and I could only make this one dose. Now elder, give me my payment.]

     The Tengu Elder could be heard handing over a heavy pouch and the Witch retrieved it saying.

     [I will be leaving then, good doing business with you two gentlemen, ha-ha. Have fun mating.]

     I could see in the crack of the door, and the three individuals looked like what I expected...

     An old bird-man, Tengu. A 20 something looking Kitsune male with blonde hair and golden eyes. And finally a slutty looking witch with a pointy hat and black silk robes. But she most definitely has the gothic-vibe of an insane woman.

     [Wait, don't move...]

     Judging by the name Princess, the fact this guy is from the East Youkai Faction of Japan, and the Tengu is from the West Faction, I can deduce that they must have an attack planned for Yasaka? But what should I do? Nothing, or call for big brother. Wait, they went quiet?

     Crash Thud BOOM! Just as I was going to look, a wooden staff with metal ends and rings on it, shot through the paper door destroying it. The staff, to my horror, aimed into my stomach, launching me into the outside wall behind me!

     The 2 Youkai and Human Witch came out of the two holes, to see me get out of the rubble, and stand. The woman said in surprise.

     "It is only a Devil child?! But how did he survive your attack?"

     No lady that fucking hurt, I am just born tough. I spit out a bit of blood, then saw the elixir bottle in the fox-man's hand and I instantly shot a golf-ball sized orb of Destruction hitting the vial and ruining the poison.

     All three seeing the Power of Destruction had interesting looks on their faces.

     "Greetings, I am Prince Ray Gremory of the house of Gremory, it is a pleasure to have met you. But sadly for you, I am in a bad mood."

     The woman was fast, and threw up a total of 7 Defensive Magic Circles.

     The Tengu began casting Youjutsu Magic with hand signs, and the Kitsune man who not only lost his elixir of whatever poison, and his hand, screamed at the top of his lungs and started to transform into his giant fox form.

     [Little Devil brat, for ruining my plans, you will die now!]

     I was going to attack, but seeing Mr Giant Fox, I thought doing what the Witch did was better.

     I extended both hands and suddenly 10 crimson Defensive Magic Barriers stacked to block this onslaught. The witch seeing me cast 10 while she had 7 was dumbfounded how a 4 year old could be so magically proficient.

     Blah! Fox Fire had rushed out of the mouth of the transformed Kitsune. And the spell the Tengu had cast was a magic barrier to keep Humans away and unaware.

     Slowly, my shields began to break and vanish as his Fox Fire was eroding my Defensive Circles... 10... 9... 8...

     Just as I was feeling the heat... 3... 2...

     Whoosh-Buzz Whoosh-Buzz Whoosh-Buzz! As my last Magic Circle was cracking, I saw three Orbs of Destruction come flying through the chests of all three opponents, and I sigh in relief, because I was going to get cooked. I would have probably survived, but my little body would be scorched black.

     Thud Thud Thud! As the three bodies hit the floor, the 2 Youkai turned into aspects of their being. The Tengu was turned into a few black and gray feathers,while the Kitsune left behind some scattered blonde fur and dust. But the Human woman just bled out with her heart missing, face down.

     Grayfia swooped me up in her arms, initially looking me over because it was apparent I was injured in the fight.

     Sirzechs assured no more foes were lurking turned to me. His face has a serious expression that I have never seen in my life, and I was actually intimidated at how imposing he is right now.

     "Ray, are you all right?"

     After seeing my face, he softened his look and asked about my well being. This in turn calmed me.

     "I just took one staff sneak attack to my gut, but I am fine big brother, and thanks."

     While Grayfia held me, my brother asked.

     "Ray, start from when you left us, to now. do not leave any detail out and say what happened."

     So without hiding anything, I told them everything I heard, names, and thoughts I had.


     While I had finished my story, Sirzechs nodded and called for a technical squad to pull up past images of the encounter. This way the East Youkai Faction can see the plot against their Princess, and the fight I had with them. Even hearing what Devil Clan I was from they did not stop. But that Witch was definitely a criminal element.

     Soon after the teams of Devils came to take past-area recordings, Grayfia took me back to the Underworld.

     I only wanted to sleep from my long day, but  my mother would not let me go after hearing what almost happened to me, and I fell asleep in her arms.

     It would be some years before I found out what my little bathroom trip cost. Events in the world change so easily.

     The Butterfly Effect is scary. But this time, the Butterfly did not flap its wings...

     I accidentally stepped on it, and I will feel guilt about what I did wrong that day...

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(A/N Rough Estimate Power Levels)



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