A New Born Devil?

Chapter 71 The Nightmare & Transparency Came To Kuoh?

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[Kabedon (kabe-don, wall slam, or wall smash) refers to the action of slapping a wall fiercely, which produces the sound "don". One meaning is the action of slapping the wall as a protest which occurs in collective housing like condominiums when the next room makes noise.]


Chapter 71  The Nightmare & Transparency Came To Kuoh? by Harem-Fan


     "Good Morning Ray, your Mistress is here, Ufufu. Mwah!"

     I was awakened with soft lips on my mouth, soft breasts on my chest, and warm legs tangled with mine. I instantly remembered where I was, as I opened my eyes to see Akeno on me.

     Holding her waist, I smiled at her and said.

     "I love how my Bishop healed my heart. Good morning Akeno, did you sleep well?"

     I can tell Akeno is back in her elegant mode, and she covered her mouth, squinted her eyes and said.

     "Oh My~? My husband, you mean to tell me you fell asleep and didn't watch me all night? I will have to try harder to tempt you in the future. Well, it is time to get ready for school, so hurry before the main wife comes looking for you, fufu."

     And after some kissing and cuddling, I left Akeno's room.


     After stepping into my room, I noticed the blonde in my bed sleeping, expecting it to be Kuisha as normal, but...

     That is not the familiar Devil aura of my wife, but a Human?!

     I walked to the foot of the bed and realized what was going on. Yup, it is Lavinia under the sheets, hugging and drooling on one of my pillows. She is still sleeping and unaware that I am even here.

     While I was scratching the back of my head in confusion, Kuisha came into the room, tying her hair into her iconic ponytail, dressed in her Kuoh Academy girls uniform. She saw me stupidly standing here and she explained.

     "Lavinia and I stayed up all last night exchanging magical formulas, and in the end it was too late to kick her out. Since I knew you slept elsewhere, I told her to just sleep here for the night. Now dear, get changed for school."

     At this time, Lavinia was awakened by our talk, and she sat up, yawned, and stretched. But what made my mouth open wide was the fact... She is not wearing any clothing. And like the Great Issei controlled my mouth, I said.

     "Huh, Lavinia, you're naked! I can see your breasts!"

     I turned around to face away because she is not my woman, but... Holy shit, her breasts are as big as Akeno's! (Lavinia is 1 cm larger officially, with both effectively 40 inches)

     "Huh? Good morning Red, thanks for letting me use your bed, and good morning Kuisha."

     Kuisha giggled seeing my look flustered and told the Human woman.

     "Well, I had the maids clean your robes, and they are here at the end of the bed, so get dressed before Ray gets confused, Ufufu."

     "Why is Red confused?!?!"

     I just went to my walk-in closet to get my school clothing and ran away from Kuisha teasing me. Lavinia has no concept of how devastating her naked body is, or any shame for exposing her breasts. I mean, if she has a boy she likes, it would be rude for me to stare I think?

     Actually, last night she told me something that shocked me. Lavinia knows Vali Lucifer, The White Dragon Emperor! Apparently, she was on the same team as Vali, and this stunned me to know this.

     None of this was ever mentioned in the anime. But this might explain why Vali in the anime refused Kuroka, Shirone's sister, and one of the sexiest harem members of the anime. I think maybe Lavinia and Vali might have a relationship?

     I shake my head, because Lavinia's love life has nothing to do with me anyway.


     Lavinia ate breakfast with us all, and then finally, I sent her off. She did not teleport away like I thought she would, but instead summoned her Flying Broomstick that had enchantments to not let normal Humans notice her flying.

     I seem to remember Le Fay Pendragon in the anime flying around on her broom in season 4 of the anime.


     As my walking to school group neared the entrance, Shirone pinched my side, and she squinted her gold eyes at me in disapproval, then asked.

     "Akeno seems to be a little too happy this morning, is there anything you wish to tell me? I am watching you."

     Suddenly she held my hand a bit too tight, showing me she was upset, guessing what Akeno's good mood implied, and I think that Shirone is getting territorial. I just rubbed her hand with my thumb and told her.

     "Can you wait for summer break? I will do whatever you want then?"

     My white cat then smiled and said like it was a done deal.

     "Then when we get to the Underworld, I won't hold back any longer."

     I sweat-dropped because my girls are all getting a bit aggressive, and then I thought of my Father and Brother, and how their women are a bit aggressive. I just realized, Harems are scary!


     Entering the school, I found Sona waiting for me. She pushed up her glasses seeing me and actually smiled.

     Kuisha, knowing she wanted to talk to me, just let my arm go and took the other girls into the school. Left alone with her, she said.

     "Well, we officially will be married tomorrow, are you excited?"

     I really want to hug her right now, and she knows it. I just smile at her, causing the surrounding students to gossip about me and Sona.

     "Excited? No, I am just happy to be able to officially spend the rest of my life with the best friend I have always loved."

     Sona blushed, causing even more gossip, like...

     "Wait, isn't Ray and Kuisha boyfriend and girlfriend, so why is Souna blushing like that?" "Ray Gremory must be confessing love, right?!" "Damn Harem Bastard, Whack!" "I-Is the Prince two timing?" "Oh no, is there going to be a love triangle with President Souna and Kuisha?!"

     Sona, hearing the students, was now looking flustered. She said,

     "Ray, stop looking at me with smoldering eyes, you are making rumors. This is clearly not how students should behave."

     I decided to tease her, because this is a rare opportunity. I stepped in close and did the anime Wall Smash, and put my left arm to the right of her head, and she froze! I grin evilly and said.

     "But won't it be fun for our Senior year to be full of gossip and love? Just because Kuisha is my girlfriend in school does not mean I cannot have two, right?"

     Sona with tears of embarrassment ran off in a hurry, leaving me there stupidly looking at the empty spot.

     I look over to see Sona rushing into the building like a frightened rabbit. Yeah, I look like a thug who bullied the proper girl. I just want to tell everyone she will be my wife in less than a day, but I cannot explain this, sigh.

     I slung my school bag over my shoulder and swaggered into school, showing the other students I did not care.


     At the end of the school day, I had headed to Saji's class to remind him and Asia about the wedding tomorrow.

     And just as the bell was letting them out, I walked into his second year class, startling all the students.

     Saji, Issei, Tomoe, Yura, Motohama, Aika, Matsuda, Katase, and Murayama all had different thoughts at the moment.

     The two Kendo girls and Aika had looks of wanting to eat me up, and as I walked to Asia and Saji, I noticed... Kiba was missing?

     Then I was broken from my thoughts as Asia stood and asked me.

     "Ray, what brought you to our class?"

     I said to the two Peerage groups.

     "I just wanted to remind all of you about joining me and Sona tomorrow, by the way, where is Kiba? He is never missing from class?"

     Yura Tsubasa (Sona's Rook) crossed her arms and said in confusion.

     "We went to Issei's house for Ruruko's birthday, and after we hung-out, he was acting funny seeing a picture. Then, he just did not show up today, and he is not answering his phone."

     Issei told me.

     "Yeah, he saw a picture of that Irina Shidou girl, and he got all moody, then he left my house in a bad mood. I think he knows her?"

     Oh, I think I kinda remember this from the second season of the anime... But I thought Issei and Irina had a different relationship in this life? Or maybe they still took the picture of the sword?

     Issei, seeing my confusion, opened up his phone and explained.

     "My mom took this Picture of Irina and her mother when we came over for a family dinner."

     I looked in curiosity, due to things being different, and what I saw confirmed this is different.

     In the anime, the picture had Irina and Issei playing on the floor looking like your typical kids having fun, with an Excalibur sword on the wall in the background, but...

     In this picture, it shows Irina wearing a summer-dress and her hair is tied in long twin-tails, like her older counterpart. She does not look like a tomboy at all. And she is not with Issei in this picture, but posing with her Mother? But it was taken in the same spot, with the sword in the background.


     I uttered some confusion as I noticed, Irina was still wearing the Underworld Ruby necklace I had given her when we met in the arcade... She really kept wearing it all that time. I had not noticed my lips had curled into a warm smile, but the others saw my expression.

     I broke my random thoughts, and gave Issei back his phone and said.

     "That sword in the background is tied to Kiba's past, so that is why he is acting funny. Did you tell Sona yet?"

     Tomoe shook her head and said.

     "No, he only acted strange yesterday, and was absent today, so we did not think anything much, but... What should I tell her?"

     Sona's Peerage, knowing I would be her husband, now defaults to me if Sona is not around for small things, and I tell her.

     "Tell Sona I will talk to her about it tomorrow at the wedding, but do not panic, and no matter what, do not list Kiba as a Stray Devil, he will be back after a while."

     Hearing me say Stray Devil, everyone was shocked, but I waved at them and left the class with my brain in chaos.


     That evening, it was lightly raining, and the streets of Kuoh were abnormally quiet in one neighborhood.

     Patter Patter Patter! The sounds of two Humans running down some streets, seemed to be the only noise heard, along with deep breathing.

     An older man and woman, each wielding Excalibur swords known as Nightmare and Transparency, stopped to take a breath. The stunning woman wearing the Churches Combat Suit said breathlessly.

     "Jericho, we are being set up! Did you see that Freed had the Excalibur Rapidly? That means he killed Father Tobio, and I heard the Fallen Angel say they wanted our swords! I think this was a trap to kill us here."

     The man holding his sword, while clutching his bleeding arm, said to the woman.

     "Alexa, we need to split up so at least one of us can make it out to report. I will draw them to follow me, and you go invisible and get help. May God bless you and protect you from Evil. Good luck!"

     Then the man ran out and used his Nightmare sword to draw the attention of his pursuers. The woman seeing him sacrifice, held up her sword, and then turned invisible, running off in a different direction.

     What neither of them noticed was the Fallen Angel Raynare flying above sneering at them, and she flew toward the invisible woman making footprints on the wet ground...


     A few blocks away, Freed had caught up with Jericho, and the two men had exchanged blows, leaving the older man in a sorry state. Freed was not trying to get a fast kill, and was only tormenting the Priest.

     "Hohoho, You can run, but I will find you, and cut you to little pieces, ha-ha! Valper fixed my hand, and now I can clap for you Priest, so stay still so I can shred you, brouhaha!"

     As Jericho was praying to God for help, he found someone ahead, and as he was about to collapse, he reached out to the person standing there and asked.

     "H-Help! P-Please, help!"

     Jericho was losing consciousness, and realized the person he was asking for help was... A Devil!

     The Devil who was there, was none other than the missing Kiba, who watched this scene, and then saw Freed round the corner.

     Freed, seeing Kiba, said with joy.

      "Oh, my loins are burning with joy, a Devil to chop to pieces, brouhaha!"

     Then, a short battle took place, with an unknown outcome...

(unless you watched the anime, lol)


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