A New Born Devil?

Chapter 72 Khaos Brigade’s Plans Begin?

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[A/N Knight's "Godspeed" is the power granted to the Devils imbued with the Knight Piece. This is purely a land-based enhancement to speed and attack, and is useless in the air or when the Knights legs are restricted. But when under the effects of Godspeed, the Knight can more or less ignore momentum, inertia, and attack in a flurry. Queens also have this Godspeed, as well as Promoted Pawns.]

[Reiji - loosely means "Waterway Gentleman."]


Chapter 72  Khaos Brigade's Plans Begin? by Harem-Fan


     Ting Ting Ting! The fast and deadly dance of swords crossing was heard on this urban street.

     Freed and Kiba had been trading blows and insults for a short time, but to onlookers, it was only a blur of sparks and metallic sounds. Freed using the Excalibur Rapidly, and Kiba's Knight's Godspeed made the two fight at inhuman speeds.


     But the two young men fighting had been unaware of the Hell Bat flying overhead, leading its Master to the location of the battle. Then the Hell Bat landed atop a light-post and transformed into the iconic Bat Flyer Girl. (from the anime seen in Episode 1)

     Tsubaki who saw her Familiar pointing to the disturbance, finally saw and heard the fight. And with her Naginata in hand, rushed to the scene.


     Slitch Sizzle! Freed had swung his blade into an opening of Kiba's stance, and cut the ribs of Kiba's left side, leaving a wound roughly 4 inches long. And instead of blood leaking from the wound, only black smoke seeped from the wound, making a sizzling sound.

     As Kiba grimaced in horrid agony, Freed held up his sword and taunted.

     "That's right, even the slightest cut kills you sucky Devils, hohoho. You will be utterly purified by my Holy Sword, loser!"

     Now if this was the anime, Kiba would have danced circles around Freed, due to the training he received from Sirzechs Knight, Okita Souji. But in this life, it was Tsubaki who directly trained under this amazing swordsman.

     This man never trained the use of the weapon itself, but his foot-work and stances. This is why it made no difference that the preferred weapon of Naginata, did not change Tsubaki's training and skill.

     Kiba received normal Knight training all Knights of the house of Sitri had, as well as what he learned with Tomoe. Kiba still has natural talent and drive, so his core body and reflexes are still there, just different.

     Tap Tap! While Freed was taunting, and Kiba was holding his wound, the two men heard the footsteps coming near, and they looked over.

     Tsubaki was holding her Naginata in her right hand, pointed down, and slowly approached. She then pushed up her glasses and said softly to the two.

     "My King has sent his Peerage to search all of Kuoh for you Kiba Yuuto. And as he expected, the Rat has shown himself. Here, Ray said to use this."

     Kiba in a daze caught the small vial of Phoenix Tears thrown to him, and he looked at it dumbly. Yes, for Ray's 18th birthday, the gift in the small box from Sona, was a pack of 3 vials of Phoenix Tears.

     Freed then hugged himself and said perversely.

     "Oh, I will cum in my pants thinking I get to kill not one but two Devil bitches! Hohoho, goody!"

     Whoosh Ding Whoosh Ding! Tsubaki ignored any words coming out of this man's mouth and intimidatingly swung her heavy Naginata to slice Freed into pulp.

     While Tsubaki fiercely began to exchange strikes, Kiba dropped the healing elixir onto his wound, then drank the rest, fully restoring his wounds. Then, making a sword with his Sword Birth Sacred Gear, he created his Holy Eraser, a sword to counter a Holy Sword. Then he jumped into the fight to flank and kill Freed.

     Tsubaki's King taught her to fight without care of Honor when fighting Evil, and Kiba was drilled by Sona to take any advantage to win, so together they shamelessly exploited Freed, and began to deliver wounds to his body.


     About a mile away, Raynare had just stabbed unconscious the Exorcist and was wrapping up the sword she captured. When she was pleased about her successful kill, she heard a noise from behind her.

     "Ray was right, you really are an evil woman ~Nyo."

     Raynare leaped back and put the captured sword behind her back, and then created her Light Spear. She said in surprise.

     "Asia Argento, you traitor, what are you doing here?"

     The reason she was surprised was the fact that there was a Magical Girl with a large staff guarding Asia, who was currently healing the almost dead Exorcist woman. All Pawns have been promoted already.

     This scene would make all the Three Factions scratch their heads in confusion, because the Devil was healing an Exorcist while engaging a Fallen Angel. Asia once was part of the Church, Grigori, and now Underworld and with her kind heart, cannot help but save others. Mil-tan, a kind hearted person, would not let someone die. They also know their King would approve of their actions.

     "I am no traitor, but I was betrayed. By you, and those above me. I have only ever wanted to serve God, and help others. Now that I have a family who cares for me, I will not listen to your words, Raynare. Look at the Evil you are causing here."

     Raynare sneered hearing her nonsense, then held out both hands, as metal gloves fit for a woman, covered her hands and forearms like gauntlets. This is her Sacred Gear, Gravitation Gauntlets.

     "Asia, I wanted your Twilight Healing, but sadly I was forced to settle for this power instead, but it suits me well... Gravity-well!"

     Suddenly, a miniature black singularity appeared next to all three beings and they were all sucked to the center-point, unable to move away from the location.

     Just as Raynare was gloating and trying to crush all three under intense gravitational power, Mil-tan shoved the pointed end of his wand into the concrete, and then pulled himself free by catapulting his massive strength, breaking free from the gravity, like a rocket escaping the earth's atmosphere.

     BOOOOOM! The momentous launch from Mil-tan breaking free, gave his kick into Raynare's stomach an extra impact, sending her flying into a closed store building, and collapsing the entire structure on top of the Fallen Angel.

     Raynare, in critical condition, used her Light Magic to call Freed...

     [Cough, Freed rescue me, or I will lose the sword, dammit! Hurry AHHHH!]

     The newly recovered Exorcist, Asia, and Mil-tan were stupefied to visually see gravity pressing into Raynare like her Sacred Gear was going to Implode.

     Blood came out of her eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and even her lower body. Raynare grit her teeth. This was her Sacred Gear backfiring on her for using it just now. Her Fallen Angel Soul-Body is unable to house this Sacred Gear, and it was rejecting her viciously.


     Just before that, Freed was starting to be cut all over by the two Devils taking advantage of his blind-spots, and this Queen and Knight with Godspeed could keep up with his Rapidly Sword. His fun expression was gone, and it was replaced with an irritated frown.

     "You Devils are truly despicable, right? AHH, Goddammit!"

     Just as Freed started talking and got slightly distracted, Tsubaki's blade pierced Freed's thigh and slowed him down. Then Freed got a Magic Circle Communication and his expression changed. Then with a grin, he said.

     "Hah-aha, Sorry Devil sluts, but I have somewhere to be, see ya!"

     Just as Freed was using his left-hand to throw the Flash Bang Bead from his jacket, Tsubaki, knowing his trick, quickly slashed down where his hand would throw!

     Swoosh! Slice Thud! As Freed threw the bead, the Naginata came down and removed most of Freed's left-arm, more than just the hand he lost before. Sadly, the Excalibur Rapidly was held in his right hand, so Freed ran with the sword after the flash of light blinded the two Devils!

     Kiba, seeing Freed's arm, said to Tsubaki.

     "I cannot let him get away with the sword, I will follow."

     And before Tsubaki could stop him, Kiba rushed off to the other battlefield. Tsubaki frowned, looked at the arm and called me.

     [Yes... I did, and Kiba was fine, but he ran off. After I healed him, he chased Freed... I only managed to cut off his arm. Freed got the sword... Okay, I will meet up with the others and come home, goodbye.]

     The Familiar Hell Bat said to her master.

     "Master, follow me, I know where they are!"


     Ultimately, before Raynare could be captured by Mil-tan, Freed came and rescued her, throwing his iconic Flash Bang to escape.

     The Exorcist left the two Devils without too much interaction, other than a simple head nod. She had run off to collect her comrades' body.

     No, the swords-woman was not a bitch about it, just dealing with Devils will only complicate her mission. She recognized Asia but could not involve herself in the matters of the Gremory who saved her life. Her first mission was to report.

     Hopefully she could prevent more Holy Swordsmen from arriving in this trap.

     Tsubaki met up with Asia and Mil-tan, and all headed to the mansion...


     Ryukyu Islands, Gremory Villa, 3 days later...

     After the events of the Holy Swords being stolen by the Khaos Brigade, we had all left for my wedding in Niagara Falls, and Sona and my honeymoon was being celebrated here in Japan, near Okinawa.

     After a day of consummating, my wife Sona and I are now laying under silk sheets with both royal-blue and crimson coloration, to show our two families coming together.

     Sona naked, lay on my left, rubbing my chest. Her violet eyes looked at me in worry.

     "Ray, are you sure we should not rush back to Kuoh? I am a little worried that Kiba will do something stupid while we are gone?"

     I softly pat Sona's soft butt, and assure her.

     "Nothing bad should happen by tomorrow, so just enjoy today with me. We will go back to school tomorrow, for Monday classes. I can assure you that the weekend is clear. I have a feeling the Church will send more Exorcists this week though, so tonight, I will take us home. Plus our Peerages know to call us if an emergency happens."

     Sona, feeling my confidence then crawled up on top of me and said.

     "Then my Husband, we need to work on our child before chaos finds us, right?"

     And now that Sona has already become a woman, she has now taken the lead to make love to me, and with a passionate kiss, our night of procreation began for the second evening...


     Early Monday Morning in the airport at Tokyo, two young women came out of the entrance with their gear. Wearing the classic white cloaks and black battle suits, the two women walk down the street.

     Xenovia Quarta with her athletic-body, and short blue hair with a green fringe, asked Irina Shidou, who had light brown twin-tails and a toned body.

     "Now that we are a team, are you sure you know your way around Kuoh Town, and how to get us there?"

     The very happy Church-girl, held up an old photo and said.

     "I spent the first part of my life there and I have many old friends. I remember it very well. I just hope my first friend is there like he said he would."

     Xenovia seeing her be more happy than usual asked.

     Irina touched her neck, and the ruby chain was next to her cross and chain, she showed the photo and said.

     "My very first friend... Reiji. (she confused it with Ray G) He told me he would attend Kuoh Academy this time. He is a foreign student that was passing by back then, and he gave me this ruby necklace and my plushy I sleep with.."

     Xenovia looked at the picture of two children playing on a Dance Dance Revolution game, and the 5 year old redheaded boy looked like he was in tears for being beaten by the little Irina. (the tears were from the cross on her neck, cough)

     Yes, Irina's Mother on the bench had been taking pictures all during their fun day together, unknown to Ray.



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