A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 10: Another Mutant god?

Note : This is my first ever fanfiction. English is my third language so don't expect the most flawless writing from me. I had this idea for quite some time & wanted to give it life, so I started writing. Any helpful feedback is appreciated. Also again I own nothing except my own skin & do not want to offend any party. This is only for entertainment. Enjoy~


'This is the tastiest dish I have ever eaten' I think to myself while having breakfast with Selene & Vanessa.

Rudeus found out that as a god, he did not exactly have to eat or drink regularly to keep being healthy or in shape but he still liked to do it for the taste.

He could probably go without food & water indefinitely or atleast a few months (He still hadn't tested his hunger/thirst limits) if he tried. But why would he sacrifice his comfortable life with such tasty food for just trying to see the time it takes for him to starve.

And no, the food wasn't cooked by Rudeus like most other protagonists in novels. He had no skills or perks for that. Even if he did, he would probably be too lazy to use them. After all a god doesn't cook... unless its a god of cooking which he hoped he wasn't.

Instead their breakfast was actually made by one of the world's most famous chefs, a certain Ramsey. He now made their breakfast, lunch AND dinner.

'Being rich is truly a super power.' Rudeus wisely commented to himself.

At that moment, a small earthquake began to occur which surprised us all. It only lasted a few seconds & then suddenly stopped.

"What was that? Do we need to get out of the house or something?" Vanessa sounded quite agitated.

But nobody answered her because right now both Selene & Rudeus had their attention on something else.

While Selene had a glazed look on her face, Rudeus on the other hand was staring at a certain direction with a frown on his face.

"Is it supposed to be this early? I thought that it would still be a few years before any important canon event starts. Guess I was wrong. I can definitely feel something awakening on Earth, possibly somewhere in the middles east with my cosmic senses but again the perk is too low for me to accurately pinpoint exactly where, whom or what."

'I have to find out how to train the perk or upgrade it to a better version somehow.' He thought to himself.

Rudeus then looked at Selene who he could tell was also feeling something. After feeling his gaze on her, she also snapped back to reality & looked at him.

After seeing his questioning face, she hurriedly said "I think I know what it was, master"

Rudeus remained quiet which was her queue to continue speaking.

"I am actually a very ancient mutant belonging to a class of immortal mutants called the externals. I was the very first of them actually. As an external I can not only feel other externals but also can only be truly killed if another external does it" Selene explained.

"What we felt right now wasn't actually a natural earthquake but the awakening of another such external from a long slumber. I could feel him & he probably felt me too. This particular external although not nearly as old as me is still one of the most powerful among us"

"What is the name of this 'external'?" Rudeus asked already having a very good idea about the identity of the so called ancient mutant.

"His real name was El Sabah Nur, but when he began to rule over Egypt thousand of years ago as its pharaoh and god, he took the name Apocalypse" Selene told him.

"Wait, if he is truly as powerful as he was, then why isn't he already ruling the world or something?" Vanessa interrupted her.

"You'll have to ask him about that. I was at that moment not present in Egypt, so I have no idea how or why he went into 'hibernation'" Selene answered her.

Rudeus wasn't at all interested in the reason for his hibernation at all.

"What about the other externals? Where are they?" Rudeus asked Selene because he really didn't wanna deal with the other Externals as well. Dealing with immortals who can always return to life & come back to kill him would be a headache until he could find something that could kill such immortals permanently.

"Most of them are dead, master. I killed them myself. I tried to initially recruit them into our society but since most of them disagreed, I just absorbed their life force & used it to quicken up the ritual to awaken you. Although some are sadly still alive since I never found them as they hid quite well."




Silence reigned among all three of us but for some reason Selene looked proud while Vanessa seemed impressed.

"So you are saying you are stronger than most of the externals?" I asked

"Yes master, my experience over all these years & knowledge over not only my abilities but also the mystic arts do make me stronger than most if not all the externals with the exception of Apocalypse. He is a unique case among us" she informed me.

"Can't we ask him to join us as well? Maybe he will even agree after hearing about master's greatness." Vanessa asked Selene.

"Apocalypse is a tyrant, a wannabe god that wants to rule all. He creates his own cities & then destroys them himself in the name of evolution. He calls himself the herald of change. I don't think he can be reasoned with but I can still try if the master wants me to" Selene said.

Rudeus after listening to it all became silent. He was mulling over at what he wanted to do.

He remembered Apocalypse from the comics & the movie from his previous life. If Selene's words were anything to go by, then he would say that this Apocalypse was more like the one from comics which should be much much stronger.

He wasn't sure that he could kill him. Maybe defeat him but killing him permanently was difficult.

He didn't want his enemy to survive & come after him again & again with newer plans, stronger than last time. He wouldn't even have the surprise element any more if that happened. He didn't want to turn his second life into an unending cycle like the comics.

He had just heard from Selene, he could only be permanently killed without any chance of him coming back by another fellow external. Now where could he find an external that would agree to do the dirty deed for him especially since Selene had killed most of them....

'Shit. I think I need an iq increasing perk or something' He thought while looking at Selene.

But still even if he had Selene now to kill Apocalypse, the question still was if he could defeat him. In the movie he could only be defeated by the phoenix powered Jean.

So did he even want to visit Apocalypse especially considering the fact that maybe he would just be defeated by the X-men & he wouldn't have to do anything at all.

'No, I need my system to give me more rewards and taking active part in the important events of the world will give me just that. I can't be lazy & being scared isn't an option for a god. If I get afraid so much despite possessing so much power, I shouldn't be a god at all.'

Rudeus had made his decision on what to do with Apocalypse.

He would give Sabah Nur a choice to join him & accept him as his god which Nur probably wouldn't. In that case Rudeus would make sure that Apocalypse never becomes a problem to him or his plans ever again.

'Hmm, maybe I can use Jean to weaken him enough so that Selene could kill him. Maybe I won't even have to fight at all. Yep I am a genius.'

Rudeus thought to himself. He really hadn't seriously fought anyone ever & didn't want his first experience of doing so with a millenia old immortal mutant with an uncountable number of powers & celestial armor technology.

So he had foolishly thought that he wouldn't even have to fight Apocalypse at all. Unfortunately he had no idea of the plans Fate & his system had for him.

"We will be going after Apocalypse then. He would have to either accept our offer to join us or... die rejecting it." Rudeus finally proclaimed.

"Start making preparations for the journey Selene. We'll be going to Egypt since that was the place Apocalypse used to rule over & that was where he was last seen." Rudeus ordered Selene.

"I'll tell our people to prepare the jet then master, as that will be fastest way to reach there" Selene said with a serious face.

'I think I'll need some teleportation technology or some sort of portal technology soon if I want to decrease my travel time. But until then, a comfortable & luxurious jet will do the trick. Being rich truly is a superpower after all' Rudeus wisely commented to himself... again.


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