A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 9: Preparations of a New god (Part 3)

Note : This is my first ever fanfiction. English is my third language so don't expect the most flawless writing from me. I had this idea for quite some time & wanted to give it life, so I started writing. Any helpful feedback is appreciated. Also again I own nothing except my own skin & do not want to offend any party. This is only for entertainment. Enjoy~


The last two years had been very productive for Rudeus & his secret society of followers. He had made sure to completely milk his knowledge about the 90s.

He now controls future tech giants like Google, Netflix & others as well. He knew he was going to make huge money by the time his investments begin to pay off. He could even make strong connections & gain influence through them in global politics at the highest levels as well.

What he was worried about was influence on the government & societal icons at the grassroot level. That would be hard because that needs time & connections more than money or resources. So he was still working on that.

'Maybe I need to absorb an organization with connections & influence like that' he thought to himself. He could probably find a dozen such secret organizations lying around in the world. This was Marvel after all. Being part of secret organizations was the norm here.

But that was in the future. Currently he was training to become stronger. After all even gods need to work out to stay in shape.

He had been trying out & experimenting his powers for the last two years. And he was proud to say that he had almost perfected them to the max.

Right now he was on Mars. He had flown here. And yeah, he could fly. His Supernatural physique lets him do that. His strength, speed, senses, durability and resistance to diseases & poisons have all been greatly enhanced to godly levels by it.

And the alpha physiology perk helped him in getting the most out of his unique physique. It helped him grow way quicker than he should have grown.

What would have taken him centuries or even millenia of training to reach his current level of strength was completed in just two years. His growth due to his alpha physique was tremendous. It was like having a Zenkai boost, only he didn't have to almost die every time.

The alpha physiology perk is supposed to make him more or less the Captain America of his 'race' although there were no other members of his 'race' for him to compare himself with.

He knew he would be able to easily match comic Thor in physical attributes now, which was amazing since Thor who was a god with both Elder god blood & Asgardian royal blood in him took multiple millenia to reach that level of strength.

But there was a slight problem right now, he was quickly reaching his limit which was quite unexpected. He had thought that he could have Darkseid's level of strength, holding black holes in his palms & twisting space with his hands.

But that didn't happen. Instead he was quickly reaching his physical limit even with the alpha physiology.

He wondered if he needed something more like more time or training or near death challenges to reach that level of strength or did he need something else like some kind of additional powerup.

Now that he thought about it, wasn't Darkseid's main reason of strength the Omega effect? Yeah, it should be since it even gave similar levels of power & strength to his daughter Grail as well. The same with Odin, he too displayed so much strength mainly due to the Odinforce.

'If my theory is correct, then I would need to awaken either an extremely powerful divinity to dynamically increase my powers or gain access to some sort of external force.'

But the thing is he currently didn't have either. He hadn't gotten any new quest in the last two years despite having gotten two different missions on his very first day in this world.

But he had a theory about the reason why that was. He had mostly understood how his system worked.

It gave him quests to change the future or fate of this world and the characters in it. First it gave him a mission to rule the world somehow either by force or by smarts, but still change its fate nonetheless, in which case when he did that, it gave him rewards.

If he had chosen not to do that & selected the third choice, then his system wouldn't have given him any rewards from itself. Instead the possible bad future of him getting killed by Gorr as shown by the system would most probably come true.

Same with Vanessa, he changed her fate completely by claiming her as his own, way before Ryan Rey..., uhh Deadpool could. That was the reason why he was rewarded. The system gave him two ways to change her fate & he instead of selecting one option, selected both and so got double rewards.

In the last two years he hadn't actually changed or even tried to change anyone else's fate. He had neither beat anyone up nor killed anyone or even tried to steal someone else's lover. Hell, he hadn't even met anyone important to the marvel world in the last two years.

'Is the system telling me to get my hands dirty or something. Maybe I should get out of the mansion more instead of grinding my powers all day & banging Vanessa & Selene all night.' Rudeus thought to himself.

Yes, he had started to regularly sleep with Selene as well. It happened only a week after his night with Vanessa as she used her evil charms to seduce the innocent him. But again there was no choice from the system.

Same with the Morlocks, he also didn't receive any choices or reward options despite them working directly under him. Did that mean he still hadn't changed their destiny yet or they were just not important enough for the system to give rewards.

He had absolutely no idea but he knew one thing from his otaku knowledge, changing destiny was extremely hard. Atleast that was what he understood from his research materials, cough cough, Final Destination.

But right now it didn't matter to him because he was more interested in understanding & perfecting the powers he already had than just gaining new ones without understanding them at all.

He had not only taken full advantage of the supernatural & alpha physique perks but also learnt to spam inventory as well. He had so many things in his inventory, from rocks to knives, swords to guns & even explosives that he was sure the enemy would never see them coming. Even Dora's backpack would be ashamed infront of his preparedness.

He could call himself the God of weapons if he were going by the number of weapons he had in his inventory. Hell he was sure that he even had a small lake of water in it. With his inventory he was ready for anything.

He had also tested his defences & resistances. So far Selene couldn't even read a single thought in his mind or absorb any life force from his soul/body. He was completely immune to most poisons that he had tried on himself, yeah he had done that, he was definitely slowly turning into a masochistic wuxia novel protagonist.

'Hope I don't begin to yell Courting Death to my every enemy. Or maybe I should. They may even die of cringe & shame.'

He even healed quicker than most though not at the rate of deadpool or wolverine or hulk. Although he could compare himself to spiderman since he could heal most injuries with a good night's sleep.

He was quite adept at using his Divine spirit body perk as well. It turns out that all it did was convert his physical body into a being of pure divine energy in the astral state. So one with enough knowledge in the astral arts could easily counter him.

Even some beings who had the power of phasing should also be able to 'touch' him as well since they could just change the frequencies at which they vibrate & thus phase through things, into a specific frequency which can actually interact with astral bodies.

He could only use it to either dodge attacks, fight beings who use purely physical strength in their battles or just escape if everything fails.

As he pondered about his current level of strength & stared at the artwork he had made on the surface of MARS by almost turning the crust of the planet inside out, he was satisfied. Now he would definitely be able to aleast take out most of the initial level 'villains' in the verse.

But he still had a long way to go before he could even dream of competing with the big leagues like Sentry or Blue Marvel or Odin or other such big shots.

'I wonder if I'll be able to beat Thanos now. Well, only time will tell I guess. After all I still plan to get a hell of a lot stronger than I am right now.'


<(POV Ancient One)>

This is not supposed to happen. This was the hundredth time I tried to use the Time stone inside the Eye of Agamotto to look into the future but every time it shows the same result. Nothing!

Its not like it means that our world is going to be destroyed in the future, because if that was the case, the stone would have atleast shown me the events happening up till that moment.

But now it was incapable of seeing even a single moment in the future.

So either the eye of Agamotto was malfunctioning which wasn't, since I thoroughly checked it to make sure it was working or the stone was broken which again could not be since it was not a machine at all but the solidified form of an aspect of the very universe itself.

I am not saying that there aren't any other beings powerful enough to block the stones' future predicting capabilities. No there are too many of such beings.

But none of them can continue to do so without someone else challenging them for trying to break the fragile balance of power between these powerful entities. So even if someone was blocking the stone's future sight, it wouldn't be able to do it for so long.

Also I like to believe that I myself am quite a capable sorceress. So I should be able to tell such a thing happening too & trace it back to the problem.

But the problem is that I don't know what the actual problem is. Its like the stone completely lost its power to look into the future or more like there is no future for it to look at.

Time is like a stream where there are multiple branches & possibilities, where our future depends on our own choices we make. There are already multiple futures existing as those streams and we at the present moment are only like a boat sailing on it.

No matter what we do, we cannot actually 'make' a completely new time stream because the events of the time stream has already  happened at some point of time & thus already exist.

And as everyone knows we cannot make what already exists.

Time really is complicated. Sometimes I wonder if I should have accepted the position of the Sorcerer Supreme at all. Maybe the head librarian position should have been better for me instead.

No, it doesn't matter. I had accepted this position a long time ago & I need to fulfill its responsibilities to my very last breadth. Because that's my purpose.

So I'll continue doing my duty. I'll continue to prepare for the succession of Strange, the greatest of all of us sorcerers to my position as per my last vision through the stone & just hope that the event even occurs.

After all I am no longer sure if anything I ever saw in the future will ever come true. Our future right now is truly is a blank slate.

And all I can do for it is to hope.


So how did you like the chapter?

If you like my story and writing, please let me know in the comments.

As you may have understood from the last two chapters, there is no longer any set future now for this particular universe. So no more seeing the future or time travelling of characters from the future to the past & vice versa to change events & stuff.

In one way the entire timeline has been completely locked to prevent any kind of foul play. Who did it? We'll see. However the multiverse still exists so we will still have a lot of fun...

The main canon events finally start from the next chapter. SO STAY TUNED.

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