A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 101: The sad tale of a New god unlocking his First Divinity


"Giving up kills people. When people reject giving up… they finally win the right to transcend humanity."

– Alucard,  [Hellsing]


"Yes, I am finally going to unlock my divinity," Rudeus exclaimed as he couldn't stop his excitement from leaking out.

"'Try' to unlock your divinity, the key word being try. Gods normally need centuries before they can even begin to grasp the true meaning of their divinities. So even many of the most powerful and wisest of gods can't do it after a couple of millennia of training and have to use a crutch or an external tool to access their innate powers." Morgana corrected him.

"Yeah, yeah. Got it. Now, can we begin?" Rudeus asked as he couldn't keep himself calm. He wanted to know what divinity he possessed. He really hoped he possessed some op divinities like death, nothingness, destruction, or maybe even creation.

'Well, I guess I won't say no even if I get the divinity of lust.' Rudeus thought as he subtly checked out his magic teacher's hot juicy body. He was a little horny right now because he hadn't gotten laid for the last two months after arriving in the Otherworld. 'No Rudeus, pure thoughts, pure thoughts. Don't think with your cock.' He chanted repeatedly in his head to get rid of the dirty thoughts about his teacher.

"By the way, where are we?" Rudeus asked as he looked around. He could feel that they were still in the Otherworld dimension but Morgana hadn't ever brought him to this place before.

They were on a lone mountain surrounded by a dense dark forest with the biggest trees being as big as small hills. However, the most unique thing about this place was the sheer amount of mystical energy emanating from it.

"This was the place where I awakened my own divinity and achieved godhood. It's the sacred Fae forest blessed by Gaia herself. It is a nexus point for the mystical energy of the universe itself and is filled with abundant nourishing life force. It's one of the most amazing and important locations within Otherworld, however unfortunately for my brother and his court magician, they never really realized that and just ignored this place as a wild forest filled with dangerous wild animals." Morgana said with a mocking smirk on her lips.

"Oh, cool," Rudeus said as he wondered if Merlin truly was as intelligent as legends depicted him to be.

'Ten bucks says he was the older and more senile and insane version of Dumbledore.' He thought to himself.

"Now, enough said. It's time to advance with your awakening. Sit down, close your eyes, and focus on yourself. You need to be comfortable to even try this." She said as she gently pushed Rudeus down on a big comfortable-looking rock.

He followed Morgana's advice as he sat down and closed his eyes. Morgana moved behind him and placed both of her soft palms on his back.

Rudeus soon began to feel small streams of energy beginning to pass from her hands into him. It was extremely comfortable like someone giving him a massage and washing away all his pains and frustrations.

'Reminds me about the process of how people awaken nen in HXH.' Rudeus thought as he enjoyed the relaxing feeling flowing through his bones and muscles.

"Normally, different pantheons have their own ways of awakening their divinities like the Norse gods like to use the energies of their Yggdrasil tree to unlock divinities in young gods efficiently, although only the royal family gets this treatment," Morgana said as she informed Rudeus more on how the process worked.

"Now, feel my divine energy and follow its flow pattern. See how it flows through your body and where it ultimately ends up. Your divinity is not just a part of your body but your entire existence. You and your divinity are the same. Don't fight it but don't let it lead and control you as well. Embrace it. Embrace your true being, your existence and recognize your authority." Morgana instructed in a low hypnotic voice.

Rudeus was so relaxed that he was getting sleepy. He couldn't keep his eyes open. For some reason, even though he was a god and didn't need to sleep, he still wanted to do the same. He tried to keep his mind awake, but no matter what he did, he slowly lost consciousness, slowly downing into the world of dreams.

As he opened his eyes after some time, he found himself in a different location, he was in a completely white room, a room devoid of any object or any other color except white. It didn't even seem to have any corners or sides, it was just pure white in all directions.

There was no sound, no nothing. Rudeus felt like he was standing in some sort of white void. Any normal human would have already fallen sick from the lack of sound, direction, and visual changes. But Rudeus as a god just stood there without feeling anything, well maybe he was feeling a little bored.

"So, you are at last here huh?" A voice came from behind him which surprised Rudeus.

As he turned around, he saw... himself standing a little away from him, only this him looked different as he released a different presence like an unrestrained wild animal.

"Where am I?" Original Rudeus asked as he looked around in curiosity.

"Hmm? I guess, you can say that this is your spiritual world, the physical representation of the sum total of your spirituality." Wild Rudeus explained that it was some boring subject he wasn't interested in.

"Oh, interesting. By the way, am I gonna get my divinity by the old and too much-used trope of defeating my spiritual doppelganger in combat? You know I really thought that this would be something exciting like a complicated challenge or something unique." Original Rudeus said as he looked his wild self up and down.

"You assume too much too soon, you know. I really think you should think less. At least, we wouldn't have been stuck with a stupid name like Rudeus that way. And no I am not here to fight you. I am just a temporary projection of your first divinity combined with your own consciousness. And also, as you know, the first one is always free." The wild Rudeus smiled wildly showing his fangs.

"Nothing's ever free. If something is, then it probably belongs to you from the very first. But still, it saves me time if I don't have to fight you. Also what about my other divinities, since you told me that I have more? When and how do I unlock those? And I think I can guess what type of divinity you represent, something related to strength or might or beasts or maybe destruction." Rudeus asked with annoyance lacing his voice.

"You will unlock your other divinities when it's time for them to be unlocked. And as for what your first divinity is, you are close, but no, it's none of what you mentioned. It's more unique than that. Actually, it's something that you could have never even guessed. In fact, you have heard of this authority before, seen it in your previous life. But I am not too sure that you liked its wielder." The wild Rudeus said as he had somewhat of a mocking smile on his lips.

For some reason, Rudeus was quite disturbed by that smile. He wondered if his first divinity was something useless like the power of friendship or something.

"I know what you are thinking. And no, it's quite powerful, even op if used well." Wild Rudeus said in a manner like someone had insulted him by questioning the strength of his first divinity.

"I see. I sure hope so. Anyways, how do we advance, do we have to hug it out or something? Forgive me but I am not going to get too much physical with you. It's gay even if it is with yourself." Rudeus said in a sarcastic and impatient tone of voice.

"Naah, a simple handshake will do." Wild Rudeus said, quite amused for some reason.

Rudeus didn't want to continue this useless conversation with his rude self any longer. He probably didn't have any more information than him, and even if he had, he didn't seem to be interested in telling him.

As soon as both Rudeus' hands came in physical contact with each other, the wild Rudeus began to convert into motes of pure light particles and began to actively merge with the original Rudeus.

The original Rudeus could feel something in him changing, not something that was already there, awakening. It was like he had suddenly gotten back control of a limb he didn't even know he had but it still felt natural, it felt right.

Rudeus felt his surrounding quickly changing, the pure white room being designed with patterns of crimson red. He wanted to look more closely at the interesting patterns but as soon as he tried to move his head to look around, he found himself back in the original world sitting in the same position on the rock as he was when he fell asleep.

"Something just changed in you. Your presence became... different all of a sudden. Were you able to do it? Were you able to understand your divinity?" Morgana asked as she looked at Rudeus, her eyes filled with a complicated look. She looked like she was barely standing on her legs, her jaws and jaws tightening up.

Rudeus even noticed something different in the environment too. The rock he was sitting on now had cracks on itself, the same as the ground around him while the trees in the forest looked like they were arching down due to some invisible pressure. Even the sky looked a little different like it was suffering from bad weather suddenly.

Rudeus couldn't understand what was happening. He wondered if all these effects were the result of his divinity or something.

But just as he was thinking that his vision was suddenly clouded by multiple notifications from his system. However, one notification stood out in his vision as it gave him literal chills.

[Congratulations! The divinity of 'Domination' (1/3 divinities) unlocked.]

'No, impossible. It can't be. This should be a mistake. My first divinity is something related to that perverted little piece of shit?' Rudeus screamed in his mind in frustration and anger.

'*Sigh*Just when I was recovering from the mental trauma of choosing a bad name.' He thought as he internally cried tears of blood while looking at the cursed notification in front of him.


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