A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 100: Annihilation of Insects and Planets


"I'll leave tomorrow's problems to tomorrow's me."

– Saitama,  [One-Punch Man]


"Why the fck did I agree to this?" Rudeus murmured to himself as he looked at the disgusting mouth of the huge monster centipede in front of him.

As many know, the original Dark dimension of the Marvel world was broken into many parts when Dormammu tried to take control of it. Although he retained control of the majority of the dimension, a good chunk of it was broken into countless splinter realms. Rudeus right now was in one of those countless splinter realms, of the once huge original dark dimension. It was an extremely small realm without any lord or big powerhouse. The dimension he was specifically in right now was a barren dimension filled with nothing but sand and desert.

He was dropped here by Morgana to train his magical abilities by fighting off the countless magical monsters here as well as to determine how far he had come in the mystic arts. In one way, it was a free testing ground for him.

'I really need a break.' He thought as he summoned a huge hand made of stones using a newly learned magic spell and used it to crush the head of the big worm.

"One down. Another hundred to go." He said in a mocking tone as he laid his eyes on the dozens of huge centipede monsters lining up to try to have a bite of his wonderful godly flesh.

He decided to go for an AOE spell this time. "Firestorm" He spoke as he unleashed an explosion of flames, immediately dealing high fire damage to all surrounding centipede monsters in his range.

Most of them didn't even survive as they were cooked alive within their shells and the ones that did survive were forever handicapped by the fire blast. They wouldn't survive for long since this was a 'eat or be eaten' type of dimension. There was no place for weakness or weak creatures here.

Rudeus was sure that he had killed or at least handicapped most monsters close to him with this spell but before he could relax, the entire area began to shake. It was like the entire dimension was being affected by an earthquake.

'Here comes the mother.' Rudeus frowned as he felt the sand under him move like water as it seemed like a mountain of sand was slowly rising from the ground.

It was a giant black centipede with sharp spines all over its body and a giant menacing insect head with a weird human face mask on its forehead. Its carapace seemed really hard as it began to drip acidic fluids from its mouth which destroyed the sand as soon as it came in contact with it.

"... Isn't that the elder centipede from One punch man? Is Marvel copying OPM now?" Rudeus was confused as he looked at the kilometer-long mother centipede, which was also looking at him.

"Sliiiiiiiiiiiiii" The centipede began to release a shrill sound that had a frequency high enough to kill normal humans and shatter glass. Rudeus had a slight headache too but he was soon able to adjust to the sound as he began to wonder how he should bring the monster down.

'Maybe I should punch it like Saitama. But again, this is a test for my magical abilities, not my punching power. Also, I am not totally sure that I am as strong as Saitama currently. That baldy could table flip a continent like nothing.' He thought as he looked at the massive worm giving up its screaming after seeing it has no effect on Rudeus.

It decided to go the physical way as it wanted to squash the little meat bag in front of it with its huge body.

It began to move its body through the sand in an attempt to swat him into a paste but Rudeus was too agile to get hit. In fact, he wondered how powerful was the centipede's vision to be able to notice and target him.

"Almighty Push," Rudeus said as he decided not to waste time anymore and end the battle by using his Rinnegan's ability. A force was released by his hand towards the centipede that crushed the centipede's entire body. It began to bleed white blood as its carapace seemed to be cracked beyond repair. There was even a huge hole all around the centipede too as everything in its vicinity seemed to be destroyed including rocks.

But unfortunately for Rudeus, that was not the end of the battle. The mother centipede soon began to regenerate itself as its injuries and carapace began to heal and even its blood seemed to go back into its body.

"Oh come on. Why does every op monster possess an accelerated healing factor?" He questioned himself sadly.

Normally there were only two ways of destroying beings with absurd regenerating powers like these. One was either to take away or seal their healing ability and the second was to completely obliterate the being with not even a single cell of it remaining for it to heal itself from.

Rudeus chose the second option. He had a perfect new magical ability for this.

He had been trying to take control of his own divinity for the last few months now. Although he still hadn't recognized what actual divinity he possessed, he had an idea of how to use its power in some of his spells, especially the corruption and destruction trait of his divinity.

The massive queen centipede released a couple of acidic spit attacks at Rudeus which he quite easily blocked by conjuring a red barrier in front of him. He was in no mood to entertain the insect anymore and was determined to end his training for today.

"By furious force and burning might, I summon chaos, shatter the light! From depths unknown, destruction's blaze, Annihilate all in a fiery haze!" Rudeus uttered. He had no need to actually utter the spell to cast it but he really wanted to experience the complete package, especially since there was nobody nearby to see him. That's why he cast the spell like a hardcore Chunibyo.

As soon as he cast it, a crimson-red ball of destructive divine energy accumulated in between his palms like a burning fire. Once it stabilized, he released it toward the centipede. The attack wasn't extremely fast but it was potent because as soon as it touched the carapace of the massive centipede, the energy began to increase and spread like wildfire.

In just a few seconds, the red energy covered the entire queen centipede as it began to actively dissolve every cell in its body including its extremely hard carapace. Its regeneration tried to keep up with the destruction of its body but failed spectacularly.

Soon, there was not even a single drop of blood or cell left of its kilometer-long body as the entire worm seemed to evaporate into thin air.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen is how we take care of an infinitely regenerating being using the least effort," Rudeus said as he smiled at his handiwork which was literally nothing.

'Now, I'll have to go back to Morgana. I am sure that she already watched my full fight from her castle. Maybe, she will finally teach me the process to awaken my divinity and how to control it.' Rudeus happily thought as he wondered what his divinity truly was. He had a couple of guesses but he wasn't sure of any of them.

He then magically teleported from the lifeless dimension in a joyous mood as only dead or half-dead creatures were left behind in his wake.


<(In a galaxy far far away)>

"Everybody to the front lines. We need more personnel and artillery support. It is coming." A tall humanoid man wearing a sci-fi metallic space costume and a weird triangular helmet yelled to his subordinates.

"Sir, we have already lost about half of our forces along with our satellite outpost and our primary warship. I think we should evacuate sir." A woman who seemed like a junior to the leader said as she seemed to shake in fear of the unknown.

"No, it is our duty to fight, no matter what. We fight for the Shi'ar empire, for the glory of the Majestrix." The leader yelled as he raised his gun spear.

*BOOOM* A huge explosion sounded out as five of their largest combat spaceships fell from the sky like dead flies.

The entire army or whatever was left of it began to fire their plasma guns, cannons, and other energy weapons towards the invader who was slowly floating towards them from space.

It wasn't an army but just a single being of average human size who threatened the destruction of the entire planet.

"We confirmed visually. It's the same being who destroyed the Stone Beak and Storm Claw planets. We need to report this to the Empress so that they can prepare to deal with it." Another subordinate came forward and informed the leader.

"I will relay the message. You all delay the target as much as you can. You are permitted to use any method possible." The military leader said in a grim tone as he quickly marched toward the primary control room to inform the Empress of what was happening.

As he went towards his destination, he noticed parts of the base slowly disintegrating into dust and atoms and evaporating into space.

"Greetings honorable Council. I need to talk to the Majestrix. We are being attacked by the Ravager of Worlds. We won't be able to survive for more than a few hours. I request permission to use the annihilation cannon." The General said as soon as the intergalactic call from the computer connected and displayed the image of the council of the Shi'ar empire.

"The Majestrix is busy now. She has a lot of planets and duties to take care of. However, seeing the urgency of the situation, the council will grant you permission to use the annihilation cannon on the condition that news of its usage will not be leaked." One of the council members said after they discussed the situation.

"Don't worry elders. I will personally deploy the cannon. Nobody else will know beforehand or after it's deployed since nobody else will survive to tell its tale. All hail the Shi'ar empire." The leader said as he concluded the meeting and went to a secret section of the base.

He was in a rush, as time was not on his side.

"Activate the Annihilation cannon, now." He said as he approached one of the researchers working on his computer frantically in the secret room.

"What? But sir, if we do that, the entire planet will be destroyed. Everyone on and around the planet will die. It will be a mass genocide." The scientist said, scared as he looked at the General with a hopeless face.

"So what? We will be able to win if we use it. The Shi'ar empire will win. Now activate it before I drill a hole in your head with my plasma gun. Serve your empire one last time." The General said as he threatened the scientist.

Scared, the researcher grudgingly activated the program knowing that he would die too at the hands of the weapon but he had no other choice.

The general entered his personal id and voice code to fully activate the weapon.

"All hail the Majestrix, all hail the Shi'ar empire." He whispered one more time before the entire planet suddenly exploded in a massive blue blast as everything seemed to turn into mere dust and particles. All life on the planet ceased to exist as even its own moon was destroyed into tiny bits and pieces.

The power of the explosion was so immense that even the whole star system seemed to be affected and became slightly unstable as the laws of gravity and physics began to glitch.

But even amongst all that, a single being remained, completely unscathed by the explosion as the lone figure slowly floated in space with an emotionless look on her face.

It was a female with red hair and a dangerous aura around her, flames of dark golden fire and her own unique psionic energy seemingly forming the shadowy figure of a phoenix behind her.


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