A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 99: First week of training


"Someone once told me there's nothing wrong with fairy tales everyone ends up happily ever after in the end."

― Peyton Sawyer


*Boom* A small explosion scorched Rudeus' handsome face or at least tried to as his spell failed once again.

"Oh come on, not again," Rudeus complained.

Rudeus and Morgana had arrived in the Otherworld about a week ago. He had at first thought that his magic training would begin with him memorizing all pieces of magical knowledge he could get his hands on but that was not at all the case.

Instead, Morgana told him to first get the basics in. According to her, there are 8 primary schools of magic that one would have to master before moving on to more complex spells and rituals. They were Abjuration, Illusion, Enchantment, Divination, Evocation, Transmutation, Necromancy and Conjuration.

Abjuration mostly dealt with protection and healing, Illusions are magical holograms and mind-related magic, Enchantment is controlling different stuff or bestowing new properties on them, Divination is knowing all information past, present, or future by different methods and rituals, Evocation is mostly the use of different complex spells either by using your own power or borrowing someone else's, Transmutation is basically changing stuff into other stuff, Necromancy deals with anything souls or death related and Conjuration is making stuff from nothing.

Of course, there were many other schools of magic but most of them fell under the basic eight schools. Sorcerers in the marvel world for example mainly focused on conjuration, enchantment, and evocation.

Anyways, it turned out that Rudeus on his own wasn't an exceptional genius in magic, he was above average but not a once-in-a-century talent that most MCs general are by birth but with his own cheat eyes, the Rinnegan, he was easily able to master most of the basic exercises and spells in a short time, most except Enchantment. It seems something was actively preventing him from enchanting stuff effectively.

"Are you sure that you don't want to teach me something else now, like some heavy-duty destruction spell or an absolute barrier spell or something?" Rudeus asked in the hope that he could do something else for a change. He was bored from trying to do the same thing over and over again.

"No. But I might have figured out the reason why enchantment is so difficult for you even with the help of those magical eyes of yours." Morgana said with a serious face.

"..." Rudeus was shocked that Morgana knew about his cheating.

"What, you thought I wouldn't notice you seeing me with those big red weird eyes every time I show you some spell? I wasn't born yesterday you know." Morgana said as she gave Rudeus a sly smile.

Rudeus couldn't give a reply and just smiled wryly at her.

"Anyways as I was saying, enchantment is normally done by using runes or weaving spells of these runes of different languages into an object or being. These runes or spells derive their power from a particular pantheon or dimension. For example, the Futhrak language of the Asgardians derives their power directly from Asgard. Normally, mortals are automatically permitted to use the magic in those languages but in your case, it seems the language itself is resisting you because it simply views you as a potential threat or enemy and thus doesn't work for you." Morgana explained.

"I see. So these languages are in a way extremely racist. But is there a way that I can master the enchantment school of magic without the help of these languages?" Rudeus asked as he thought if he could find any language which would not act like a racist b*tch.

"Well, it seems almost all languages that derive their power from any pantheon or dimension or powerful entity automatically resist you or maybe you resist them. And I truthfully don't know any language that doesn't have any connection with a powerful sentient entity or dimension. Even the fae language I use derives its power from the elder gods as it was developed by Gaea herself to communicate and help her children, specifically the elves. This means that you can use spells of neutral nature which derive its power from universal or different cosmic energies but not the ones derived from other dimensions or pantheons or sentient entities." Morgana said as she failed to find any solution to Rudues' problem.

"Wait, what if I make my own runic language?" Rudeus asked as suddenly a solution came to his mind.

"Make your own language? Do you have any idea how hard that really is? Besides, do you know how much mystic power you would require to do this feat? If you think that you are going to feed the power of your spells with your own divinity, then you are vaguely mistaken. There is a reason why normal gods and sorcerers always use runes and spells that derive power either from the combined might of their entire pantheon or some other dimension or interdimensional entity to fuel their magic. If they were to use their own divinity or life force, it would probably be snuffed out after casting the first two powerful spells." Morgana informed him.

"Well, I have the perfect computer in mind to synthesize a new runic language for me later. And as for a power supply, I'll be using my own divine energy for now to cast the low-level spells but I have an idea for a much stronger source, well more like an infinite source of mystical energy." Rudeus said as he thought about a certain dark dimension with a sorcerer-hating entity living in it.

"Fine, do what you want. Just make sure not to die. But for now, we will leave enchantment magic for later and concentrate on the other schools of magic. You need to be capable enough in all other basic schools of magic to start learning the higher and more complex forms of magic. I want my disciple to be strong and knowledgeable in all forms of known magic, than just learning some fancy eldrich light tricks and a sparking portal like the sorcerers." Morgana said as she transferred both of them into the mirror dimension.

"Now, let's teach you how to enslave people and bind them to your will, even gods." Morgana gave an evil smile as she was determined to teach the darkest and evilest of her spells to her new disciple and show him the true power of the dark side.

She would make this god into a true powerhouse of terrifying magic, magic powerful enough to scare even the greatest of the sorcerers under the ancient one's tutelage.


(A/N: Fyi, the descriptions I gave about how magic works in Marvel are mostly canon and according to either the comics or the movies.)

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