A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 98: Final preparations and Farewells


"Violence and destruction always seem to come so easily to even the best among us. But together, we found a better way."

— Charles Xavier (Professor X),  [Excalibur, Marvel comics]


"Have you made all the preparations Zoya?" Rudeus asked worriedly as he was making his final preparations before leaving with Morgana.

"Yes, master. I have prepared all countermeasures against all threats that you listed. I even prepared my own countermeasures to new possible threats that I calculated as probable. All experiments and research are advancing according to schedule. Your sentinel army consisting of basic sentinels is also almost completely ready with the new modifications, although we should try to find a better power source for them than mini nuclear reactors." Zoya said.

"Yeah. That's on my to-do list. But I am not gonna spend time and resources on that. A certain billionaire playboy philanthropist will do it for us in the future. We will just copy his designs. We might even learn how to make some improvements for our sentinel army from him as well." Rudeus said as he looked at the list of some of the tasks that Zoya would have to do during his absence.

He could make Zoya invent something like the arc reactor but she wasn't an inventor nor was she a scientist, she was a godly computer. It wasn't her job to invent but only to assist someone else in doing the inventing. That's why making her spend her processing power excessively into inventing something that would soon be invented by someone else anyway was a waste of her skills. She was much better off focusing on medical and biotechnology to quickly solve some of the metahuman problems he was facing as soon as possible.

'I should try to steal the PYM particles as well. It's a pity that Hank doesn't keep that formula in any digital or technological database. I guess in terms of security, he is much smarter than Tony Stark or Reed Richards who got their technologies stolen every Sunday.' Rudeus thought sarcastically.

"As you say, master" Zoya answered as the mother box floated in front of Rudeus.

"You know, I have been thinking that once we have established enough influence in the world, I might even make a new body for you as well. I have the perfect body for you in mind." Rudeus said as he thought about the metallic pile of waste of potential called Vision in the MCU. It would be much better if he were to use it as Zoya's new physical body.

"Thank you, master. I guess, I can be of more of your use if I possessed a humanoid body. So I'll wait for that." Zoya said as the mother box seemed to blink and blip in excitement.

"Me too Zoya, me too." Rudeus smiled.

"By the way master, I also wanted to inform you that I found the living island of Krakoa. It seems to have settled on the moon for some reason. I have even detected some life signatures on the island concluding that the metahumans who had gone there to rescue the X-men might still be alive as you forecasted. Do you want me to carry the rescue procedure using some of the sentinels?" Zoya showed a picture of Krakoa on the moon.

"No. Let them be. I don't need any extra drama while going away. I'll rescue them when I come back. They are in suspended animation anyways. I am sure that if they were able to survive for this long, then they would be able to survive for another couple of months till I return." Rudeus said as he furrowed his brows.

'I wonder if Vulcan will be a villain in this universe as well. I really hope I won't have to kill such a powerful metahuman. Maybe he could be a good replacement for his brother in the off chance that I am unable to heal Scott's broken mind.' Rudeus thought.

He had tried healing Scott with his divine healing but there was no physical wound for him to heal. The mental damage that Scott had sustained was something that Rudeus could only heal with either really powerful psionic abilities on the level of an omega-level telepath or a mystic spell since magic could do absolutely anything in this world. Magic was pure b.s.

"I am guessing you are still not going to open that sarcophagus are you master?" Zoya asked. She was curious about the sarcophagus that Rudeus had stol... borrowed from Dracula since she had sensed some quite interesting energy readings from that old artifact. She wanted more data on it since she was trying to collect various information on how to upgrade the power of the mother box.

She and the mother box were the same yet different. If the mother box could be considered a phone then she was only the AI assistant that came with it. Upgrading the phone and upgrading the AI were two completely different things. If she herself was upgraded with a physical body and stuff, it wouldn't affect the mother box at all but if the complete mother box was upgraded somehow by connecting it with a powerful enough power source, it would not only upgrade Zoya herself but also completely unlock the entire true terrifying potential of the mother box.

"No, not yet. I don't know how much powerful the succubus monster queen sealed in there truly is since she was never shown in battle or used her full powers in the comics. But she might not be as carefree as shown in the comics, of course, if she is actually who I think she is." Rudeus said as he thought about Shiklah from the Deadpool comics.

But there was always the off chance that she was somebody completely else or just the same succubus queen with an alternate evil personality. He was not going to leave anything to chance. He would first learn the mystic arts himself and make sure that he would be able to defeat a powerful demonic sorceress before opening up that Sarcophagus.

"Fine master, but you should do it soon. Lilith might need some backup in her effort to conquer the monster world. Bringing all the vampires under the same banner with the help of Blade is much easier than trying to unify the entire monster world on Earth. Having a royal monster queen's help in doing so would help Lilith finish the task much more efficiently." Zoya advised obediently.

Rudeus nodded as he went to meet the other most important members of his faction to make sure all of them would be on the same page during his absence.

"Remember you five, don't play with Cerebra too much. I don't want you to get addicted to it. And also listen to your mother." Rudeus said as he looked at Emma who was looking at him with her sexy eyes like a gold-digger looking at her sugar daddy while wearing an extremely provocative dress.

"Well maybe, not too much." He finished in a low voice after he completed giving all of them advice and directions on what to do and how to proceed with their plans during his absence.

"Don't you want to give me a proper goodbye kiss?" Emma said as she shoved her breasts toward Rudeus in an attempt to seduce him.

"Thot." Selene snorted as she looked down at Emma while completely forgetting that she was dressed equally as scantily as Emma if not even more.

"What did you say you slut?" Emma raised one of her brows acting like she didn't hear Selene's statement.

"I'll miss you, master," Vanessa said as she ignored both the shouting grown-up women.

"I'll miss you too." Rudeus kissed her on her lips.

"Are you sure that you don't need a ninja assassin to serve you where you are going?" Elizabeth Braddock, aka, Psylocke said as she came and hugged Rudeus shoving Vanessa to the side.

"Don't worry I'll be back soon my masochistic ninja. I'll play with you plenty after that. Maybe we can even do the tie-up rope thing you suggested, next time." Rudeus teased.

"What? No, I told you that it was a method of torture for female ninjas. I didn't mean that I wanted you to do it to me." Psylocke said with a red face in a tone of voice that nobody believed.

"Are you done with all your emotional goodbyes? We are only going for a few months, not a century. Can you hurry up? I literally have a kingdom to manage." Morgana said as she looked annoyed.

"Ok then, bye everyone. Oh, and I finally decided on the name of our new organization. We will call simply ourselves, the League." Rudeus said as he informed them of his decision.

He had thought a lot about the new name of his organization. He wanted to call it something which seemed neutral, neither good nor bad and after thinking for a lot of time, he finally came to the decision to keep it simple. That's why he chose the 'league'.

His league would neither be full of deadly assassins nor would it take up the responsibility to deal justice to the world. The League would simply be his tool, to help him achieve his goals and do what needs to be done for the greater good, 'his' greater good that is.


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