A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 129: A New magical System


"I want… to change things. I want to believe that anything can be changed. The moment I met you, a new world opened up for me. You see, after wandering in the darkness for so long, a light brought me happiness. It's all thanks to you."



Sinister's defeat and 'his' following recruitment in Arem's faction marked a very important milestone for the New god. It not only implied that he had successfully taken care of most of the major mutant 'villains' that would have been normally a pain in his ass but also meant that he now had a scientist with a genius-level IQ as his personal researcher.

Also, another win for him was the dozens of metahumans that had been rescued by him from the place as well as the scores of data and research materials that he collected.

This was an opportunity for Rudeus and he wanted to milk it as much as he possibly could. He was even going to use the images and videos of some of the more 'bloody' experiments of Sinister to garner public sympathy for metahumans by releasing them online.

The people that he had rescued from the clutches of Sinister were also extremely thankful to him and his X-Force for their help. Most of the victims after they realized that it wasn't a trick and that they really were rescued from their sinister prison accepted to become citizens of Genosha while the younger ones even wanted to study in Arcane Academy in the hopes of having a normal life since they were mostly orphans from the start or had been disowned by their parents early on in their lives.

Mystique however didn't share their enthusiasm. She looked like she was practically unhappy at the death of Sinister even though she was nothing but a prisoner and a source of abundant unique metahuman DNA for the crazy scientist.

The reason for this was really clear to Atem since he could easily read her mind like an open book. It was because her wife, Irene Adler also known as Destiny was really sick. She was basically an old woman with permanent blindness and a new terminal illness from which she was supposed to die really soon.

From Mystique's memories, it seemed like she had been working for Mr. Sinister because he promised to treat her wife and make her healthy and young once again if he succeeded in his experiments. That was why Mystique had been helping him till now even though he hadn't even started helping Destiny yet in the hopes that Sinister would be able to save his wife's life.

"You know, you are an idiot. You could have just asked me for help with your wife and I would have gladly helped you as your god but you instead went to the one person for help who wanted nothing but your DNA for his experiments and your wife's precognition powers to further his own agenda. Tell me, if that's not, what is?" Atem asked Raven looking at her with pity.

"Wait, you mean you can heal my wife?" Mystique looked at Atem with disbelief in her eyes as her attention snapped back at him.

"Which part of 'I am a metahuman god' do you not understand?" Rudeus asked raising his brows at the female metamorph.

"I... uh... I" Mystique muttered, not being able to say anything as she wasn't able to believe what she was hearing.

Rudeus stopped paying attention to Mystique after she started fumbling and looked at the elderly Destiny sitting beside her and intently listening to him with interest.

"What about you Irene? Do you want to grow young again? Do you want to see the world once again with your own eyes? Do you want to be healthy like a horse again?" Rudeus asked the elderly metahuman watching her as her expression changed from interest to desire.

"I don't think any girl could ever say no to that, can they?" She asked with a sad smile on her lips.

"No. no, they can't. But the question is not whether she will accept such a gift or not. The question is what she will give to get it. The question is what value YOU can provide for me to help you despite you two colluding with my and all metahuman's kind's biggest enemies." I said slowly, looking at the expressions on their faces filled with regret.

"If you agree to help her, I promise to accept you as my god and serve you for eternity. I'll be your loyal follower and your most ardent believer. But please help her, I can't live without her." Mystique quickly spoke without caring about the ramifications of her choices.

"Raven, you don't have to..." Irene started but could not complete her sentence as Mystique's hand covered her mouth, stopping her from saying anything else.

"I see. I guess I can give you a chance then to help you this once." Rudeus said as he used his golden divine healing light on Destiny, immediately changing her old body into what was basically her young peak form without any defects or conditions. Even her eyes which had once turned sightless due to the nature of her powers began to regain their light under the effect of his godly ability.

It was a beautiful sight that more or less proved Atem's status as a godly being in the couple's minds. Because to them, this was a real miracle and not just a fancy mutant using his power. Mystique had tried to get a lot of mutants with healing powers to try to cure her wife's blindness but this was the first time someone actually succeeded. So to them, he was more than just a mutant. He was their benefactor and their new god.

After Atem was done with Destiny, the couple became emotional and broke into tears of happiness. So Atem decided that he shouldn't disturb them in their moment of happiness and just boom-tubed away to his mansion. He had a lot of time to talk and get to know them in the future.

Atem had already passed on all the information and data he had gained from the place to Zoya whether they be physical or digital. She would be handling them and deciding on what to do with them. Jean was still trying to make Madelyne ease up and familiar with her situation. As for the new Miss. Sinister, he would wake her up later. Also, separate teams of Sentinels were now raiding Mr. Sinister's bases all around the globe to rescue any other survivors or collect research materials, weapons, or whatever else they could get their hands on.

For now, however, it was time for him to calculate the gains from his system from the two missions.

As he willed his system to show him the information about the rewards in his inventory, notifications began to pop up from his system in front of his eyes.

['Witcher verse spell-code (complete) item card has been deposited in your inventory]

['Pantheon Creation' perk card has been deposited in your inventory]

[Displaying information about selected cards]

[Witcher verse spell-code (complete): The user gets access to the entire magical system of the witcher world and can analyze, modify, or create spells using the framework of its magic system. The user gets access to all signs, spells, potions, alchemy, and runes of the witcher verse magic system. Any magic from any other magic system can be converted into the magic of Witcherverse. The user can use any available sources of mystical energy as fuel for their magic or use Outerverse chaos, although using Outerverse chaos can lead to the user getting mentally tired after heavy usage. This magic system can be shared with others by users and taken back whenever they want.]

[Pantheon Creation: The user can assemble a pantheon, by creating their own sets of unique gods and goddesses from normal mortals. Created gods and goddesses will have similar powers and abilities to their creator but on a smaller scale and their own conscience. Core divinity may vary according to the individual mortal converted. All created deities once converted to godhood cannot betray or harm the user in any way possible.]


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