A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 130: The First New goddess


"You can't win a game by doing nothing. And if someone else wins it for you then you haven't accomplished anything. Life is the same way."

– Junichirou Kagami, (Denpa Kyoushi)


<(Atem pov)>

Okay, so my system again coincidentally rewarded me with the two exact things I needed. Makes me wonder just how much 'not sentient' it is. I mean what are the chances of receiving the exact two things that I needed the most?

Anyway, I would have preferred an Elder Scrolls or Skyrim magical spell-code more since I have no idea how powerful the Witcher magic truly is. I don't have much knowledge about the game series from my previous life but if this magic is similar to the Netflix show, then I can say that even though it is versatile, it isn't really that amazing or powerful in terms of the Marvel world. But Elder Scroll magic would have been much better with the dragon shouts and the summoning spells. But again, you get what you get. No use in crying over spoilt milk.

But with this, I could now use magic much more freely. Before I was only able to use a limited number of spells due to most magical systems of Marvel not being compatible with me but now, I could just convert most of those spells into the Witcher's magic system, and voila, I will be able to use any and all spells without any repercussions... I hope.

As for the Pantheon creation ability, I was gonna spam it like crazy. Let's see Thanos come to Earth and fight my million-strong pantheon full of op New gods. This was probably my most op power ever. Fate has probably decided to be kind to me for once. But again most god emperors likely have this power since even Odin was able to convert Loki from a Frost giant to an Asgardian god when he was a child.

So, not wasting my time I went back to Genosha. The island has grown to triple its size than before since it has been slowly merging with Karkoa on all levels after I brought it back from space. It would have been a piece of incredibly big news for the world to see a floating island come back to Earth from the moon but Morgana had the decency of helping me camouflage it so nobody except probably a few geniuses and sorcerers were able to detect the event. I am sure that almost all the nations on Earth probably were aware of it as well. But truthfully I didn't care.

There was nothing the nations could do against Genosha at this point in time. I had burrowed deep into the governments of most of the major countries particularly the US making sure no one had the bad idea of trying to attack Genosha in an attempt to garner power. So the smaller countries didn't dare to do anything as well. As for the technologically advanced and more powerful countries like Wakanda and Latveria, they mostly kept to themselves and didn't react much to anything that had to do with Genosha or mutants.

Although there were multiple attempts by some particular organizations and small countries like Madripoor to infiltrate Genosha, Zoya always took care of it. She was really strict on who to allow into the country.

The backgrounds of each and every metahuman permitted to be a citizen were meticulously checked and even the individuals themselves were subjected to an interview in the presence of metahumans who either had some kind of empathic powers or had powers that could discern truth from lies. The interviewers even used small portable lie detectors developed by Zoya to make sure that any metahuman could not use their powers to get away with their lies.

As for illegal immigration, well let's just say, Themiscyra in DC probably had fewer barriers and defenses in place for invaders than the modern Genosha. Multiple magical barriers courtesy of Selene and Morgana surrounded the island and its territorial waters up to 24 miles or approximately 39 kilometers from its baseline making it impossible for anyone except the strongest of sorcerers to brute force their way into the nation.

There were some attempts by some particular organizations like Hydra to secretly influence some media channels and rile up the public to question them about the sudden increase in the landmass of the country as seen by satellite images but all the council of Genosha responded was that some of the ocean landmasses have been rising after the earthquake that happened a few years ago. Of course, nobody intelligent enough believed that but it was enough to shut them down. After all, they couldn't just claim that a mysterious island had suddenly come flying to the planet from space to perfectly combine with Genosha now, could they?

Hydra has been slowly becoming bolder with time. Maybe, I should show them what happens when they mess with a god. Destroying most of their international branches should be enough to send a message, shouldn't it? I would actually prefer to destroy the entire organization including the US branch that has even infiltrated Shield but I really wanna see some of the canon events playing out like the destruction of modern-day Shield, otherwise, it would be too boring in the future.

Thinking about all this I exit through my boom tube in Genosha, particularly in Morgana's room. I see her floating in the air with her eyes closed and a dark scary-looking book in front of her, with candles burning all around her providing some much-needed visible light to the creepy dark room.

Wow, talk of dark lady vibes. She even gives Darkhold Scarlet Witch some tough competition in that regard.

"You found the Darkhold I see," I say as I feel the pure negative energy coming from the book trying to corrupt everything around it.

"Yes, I found it with a scientist who was trying to use it to build some stupid machine to generate unlimited energy and even matter. So, I took it off his hands. Surprisingly, he wasn't that much corrupted, maybe because he never used its magic but just the understanding of the knowledge in it. Anyways, all I did was erase his memory about the book, so he might even be able to complete his machine." Morgana said as she continued floating.

"You do know that it WILL corrupt you in due time, right? I can already feel it trying its best to do so." I say as I can almost see wisps of dark magical tendrils trying to enter Morgana from it but failing repeatedly.

"I know but with my divinity, magic, and mental defenses, it will be at least a few years before the process even starts. I can learn a lot from it within that time frame. Maybe even get strong enough to defeat the Ancient One. After all, even an infinity stone falls short in front of the massive knowledge and power that is contained in this book. It is more or less all the knowledge that Chtlon ever gathered in his lifetime before getting sealed as well as the core of his very existence." She said as she stopped floating and landed on the ground.

"Actually, you raised a lot of flags just now but fair enough. I trust the cunningness of my dear teacher. Anyways, I was here to actually discuss something with you, a proposition for you to gain more power and for me to conduct an experiment." I say as she puts away the Dark hold in a separate sealed space with her magic.

"First, you are getting pretty bold to joke with your teacher, and second, I am always interested when it comes to increasing my power. So, as people nowadays say, what's the catch?" She says as she smirks at her joke.

"I have recently found out that I can make others into gods like me as well as give them not only their own unique divinities but also certain powers that come free with the race. But I don't wanna risk trying it on someone for the first time since I don't know what will happen to them or me if it fails and backlashes somehow.

But I thought what if someone already were a god, then they would be able to know what is happening to them and even react according to it? I would be able to stop the process if the person deems it harmful. So I came to you since you are the only god I know." I say omitting the fact that I had no idea how to stop the process mid-way once it starts and also that even if it succeeds, she would be bound to me once she accepts the gift.

"Hmm, interesting indeed. So, I am an experiment for you. I guess I can accept that. Okay, go ahead. Let's see if you can really make me into a better goddess." Morgana said confidently as she walked up closer to me and slid off her robe showing me her supple body belonging to that of a first-class high-tier milf barely clad in a sensual dark green lingerie.

Wait, she wears sexy lingerie? But why?

"Okay, umm, you didn't have to slide off your robe for this but I can't lie and say that I don't like it. But yeah sure, let's start." I muttered, trying my best not to give in to my inner desires and grab her big juicy tits.

Instead, the moment I tried to activate my pantheon creation perk, bits of knowledge floated into my brain, telling me the process of using the ability. Instinctively, I bit into my thumb really hard, drawing red blood with a slight golden tint from my thumb, and slowly moved the finger closer to Morgana's juicy red lips and gently pushed it into her mouth.

She too parted her lips a little allowing entry to my fingers and sucked on my thumb while looking me directly in my eyes, making this entire process endlessly more sensual than needed.

While I was wondering in my mind how much longer I could bear this and not pounce on her, my ability started to kick in and the 'god creation' process finally started.

I could feel the blood on my thumb heating up a little, giving off some amount of energy which quickly spread from Morgana's mouth into her whole body as I removed my thumb from her lips.

But at that very moment, a prompt from my system suddenly alerted me.

[It is detected that a New god is being created by the host]

[Please select perks to give to your newly created New God]

[Default perks already chosen by system: Supernatural physique, Incomprehensible mind, Anchored soul, All speak]

Interesting, so it seems that I can select the perks and powers that I want to give each of my gods individually. Also, the system has already chosen most of the perks that I myself got when I was transmigrated into the world.

Let's see, I need to give her some useful powers since she is my goddess. So, let's give her Low Cosmic awareness, Divine Spirit body, all my Immortality types, Divine Energy Manipulation, Divine Healing, and my Divine Psionics but on an alpha level as well as permission to use Witcher world magic. Yep, all that coupled with her magic should make her pretty versatile and powerful at the same time even if her divinity turns out to be something useless for some reason.

And since she will be completely loyal after the conversion as stated by the system, she will never be a threat to me as well, only an asset.

I would have liked to give her my Rinnegan too and make my New god race something like the Otsutsukis but I am afraid of the process failing if I select too many powers. Also, I really like my Rinnegan, I honestly want it to remain exclusive to me for some time until I get to completely enjoy it in my future fights. Although, I might give it to some of my less powerful pantheon members in the future.

As I complete the selection process and mentally click on the 'proceed' option, barely a second has passed in real-world time.

The very next second a suppressed yell came out from Morgana's throat as her body lighted up from within like she was some Extremis junkie. She floated up into the air slowly like an angel and a green aura began to leak from her.

I knew what this green energy was, it was Divine energy, the same type I used, only this didn't possess my unique domination attribute.

I got ready to try to stop the process although I didn't know how since I never got that information but Morgana didn't say anything.

However, after another unsuppressed yell this time, I walked closer to her in an attempt to stop the process somehow but she immediately denied my help by yelling to me, "I-I can.... do this"

So, I just stood my ground and watched her carry on through her slow and painful transformation into something different than what she was before, something stronger, something newer.

In front of my very eyes, she was slowly becoming my first New god.

"Oh shit," I said as I too began to feel a searing pain in my soul as weakness spread through my body and power left my limbs. The power I was losing was instantly being regenerated but at a much slower rate than it was consumed like a water pipe trying to fill an empty pond.

It seems that my new perk could make anyone a New god like me but the energy required would have to come from me. So, I could only make a god if I had enough divine energy in me but going by the amount of energy it needs for me to make a single goddess, it would kill me if I made too many New gods all at once.

"So that's why there was no obstruction in the skill to prevent me from spamming it," I muttered while in pain as I sadly bade goodbye to my dreams of having a million-strong god army.

Life is full of surprises.


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