A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 23: A Virus & a Club

"I think we have a slight problem, master" Selene said to Rudeus with a serious face as prepared to exit the mansion through a boom tube for another day of hard grind.

"What is it?" He asked in a disinterested manner. There were very few things at this time which could be an actual problem for him.

"Well there are actually multiple problems. As per our plan we have been trying to get more & more senators to our side while bribing almost any politician we can but lately there seems to be another faction doing the same" She said in a tired voice.

"This faction however is trying to direct the opinion of the bribed senators against us, the mutants..."

"Stop right there, I told you, that we are gonna soon change that particular term. Instead you should use the term meta. Mutants sound derogatory to not only the entire race but also me as their god." Rudeus strictly told Selene.

He had already informed all of his followers in his society right now to use the term 'meta' instead of mutants. He wanted to make this term known to everyone even before he officially changes the name.

He had been trying to bring as many politicians as he could to his side before he started his grand plan. There were of course some hiccups along the way but none was big enough to resist the billions he had in his account or the telepathic powers of his new ninja.

"I am sorry master. As I was saying, this new force is trying to get politicians to turn their opinion against us. Under their influence, the goverment has been trying to track each & every metahuman, try to introduce laws against them & even invested in research to 'cure' us" She said in a single breath.

"They even have gave a contract a company called Trask Industries to develop weapons against us. I have been trying to prevent it from happening using my limited amount of influence in the company but I don't think I'll be able to stop it for long" She said in a disappointed voice.

"What's the name of this... faction" Rudeus asked in a curious tone.

"I could not get all the details but I heard about someone named Sublime heading the faction. They are even involved in various secret illegal experiments on metas through the government." Selene said in a disgusted voice.

'Shit, that virus actually exists in this universe. I had actually completely forgotten about it. I mean, who remembers something as lowkey as a virus.' Rudeus cursed himself.

But that virus is dangerous especially since it is the actual reason behind most of the hate against mutants.

It manipulates the entire government & public opinion against mutants & try to eliminate them from behind the scenes so that it could rule the rest of humanity. Its a virus in the very system, pun intended.

"I see. Try to find more about this person called Sublime. I have a hunch that finding him will solve most of our problems. Is there anything else I need to know?" Rudeus looked at Selene in her eyes.

"Well actually this is not something as important but some days ago, We were given an invitation by a mysterious secret society called the 'Hellfire Club'. They want us to join as a core member. I was even invited to a cruise party to visit the inner group members that is going to be held tomorrow." Selene said while debating with herself if this was important enough to tell her master.

"Did you say, the Hellfire Club?" Rudeus asked her again because this was a club that was quite famous in the Marvel world especially because of the extremely hot waifu in it, Emma Frost.

Rudeus was clearly interested in joining, no, taking over the club because if he was able to get all of its connections for himself then he would be able to solve a lot of his influence problems.

He would be able to have the grasshood level of connections that he needed for his grand project. From celebrities to politicians to even rich industrialists, he would be able to influence all of them.

This could be the next step he needed to increase his influence.

Also maybe he would even be able to get a new hot priestess with this as well. Who was he kidding, he would definitely get a hot new priestess with this.

'As for Sebastian Shaw, well I never liked Nazis.' Rudeus smirked to himself.

"Yes master. Its supposed to be a secret society meant for increasing the wealth, power & influence of its members" She informed him politely.

"Fine, we will go to this party tomorrow. Make the necessary preparations" Rudeus ordered.

"Of course master" Selene said as she left to handle everything.

Rudeus still had a lot to do, a lot of people to kill, countries to take over & hot crazy girls to stick his dick in, & he would do them all, that he promised himself.

He should probably start finding the troublesome people before they brought trouble to him like the clone loving Sinister. Yeah he should end him before the crazy bastard tries to make a clone of him or something.

But he doubted a clone of himself would be possible especially since he was a god. Making clones of gods are extremely tough & rare, even in comics.

But he should still find the crazy scientist before he even gets the chance to try.

'I should probably visit Jean & the others soon. I am really interested in Ororo & Jean. Maybe I should already try to 'get' them.' He thought as he made his plans.

He also wanted to recruit Wolverine & the others too. They were quite useful. In his opinion, they could be even better than the Avengers if trained well.

'Maybe I should go for another round of grind now.' He thought as he got ready to return back to Mars for some more workout.


Next day Rudeus & Selene were now standing infront of a giant luxury cruise with a party going on it.

Vanessa wanted to come with them as well but Selene had taken this as a chance to be alone with Rudeus & had told her that this was only an invitation for two people.

Rudeus could have easily taken Vanessa with them. He didn't exactly care about invitations but he decided to humour Selene as he accepted to go on this 'date'.

So here they were, ready to enter the secret society which by the way was having a very loud party in apparent daylight right now.


So how did you like the chapter?

I know this chapter may appear to be a little small & lack-lustre but that's because I was writing this chapter with a headache the size of Mother Russia, so hope you guys understand...

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