A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 24: New God goes clubbing

The cruise/yacht whatever you wanted to call it really was the epitome of luxury. It was filled with people who all looked like their favourite food was money.

Rudeus of course himself was actually richer than most of them now. But he didn't try to show off so much.

But these people, they showed off more than they had. They talked in a way that almost made it seem like they were talking in some rich people language.

Rudeus almost doubted that his allspeak perk was not working properly or something.

He was constantly being pissed off by the huge number of proposals that came towards him & Selene. The rich men tried to court Selene while the rich women flocked towards him to ask him for a date.

Hell, even some men had dared to try to court him. Some even tried to clue them towards possible threesomes or foursomes.

Rudeus almost blew his top at these perverted group of people but before he could do anything excessive, he found that most of them had become silent with dazed eyes.

He looked towards Selene & found her smiling at him. Seems like he was not the only one annoyed by these idiots.

He loved this telepathic 'priestess' of his.

At this time, a middle aged man wearing the uniform of a butler came forward to meet the two.

"Good morning people, Mr. Shaw is waiting for you two in his personal meeting room. If you will please follow me." The man said with an obvious lack of respect.

Rudeus frowned his eyebrows but didn't say anything since he was most probably gonna beat up all of them very soon anyways.

Getting angry now would just be a waste of his own time & energy. But he did make a point in remembering to break some extra bones of this person later.

Selene too was angry but as Rudeus gesture her not to do anything, she too didn't act & the two just followed behind the man.

As they went inside the cruise, they reached a room which looked like it was designed by someone who was a fan of rich Bond villains.

As they entered inside the room, Rudeus saw that there were already a couple of people in the room.

There was a man wearing a suit who sat on the sofa at the front of the room with a literally red skinned person wearing a tuxedo with a tail sticking out from his back standing behind him.

Talk about being a Devil.

Rudeus recognized that the two were Sebastian Shaw & Azazel.

'Should I tell Kurt later that I found his missing dad' Rudeus amusedly thought to himself. 'Naah, I don't wanna tell a kid that I killed his dad that never returned with his milk'

Rudeus had already made half his mind to kill Sebastian because of how his butler had disrespected him. He was not being arrogant but he needed to maintain his respect as a god even if nobody knew that he was one at this time.

He also saw another person in this room, the one he was really looking forward to meet, a blonde beautiful woman wearing an iconic white corset & a cyan colored lipstick on an impassive face. She was Emma Frost.

Rudeus however did not stare at her too much & just gave her a once over through the corner of his eyes.

"Ahh Miss Gallio, I was looking forward to meeting you. I am Sebastian Shaw, the current head of this little 'club' & these here are my associates Azazel & Riptide" Sebastian introduced himself & his two lackeys.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Shaw, I am Selene De Gallio, the present Ceo of Meta as you probably already know" Selene introduced herself.

She was gonna introduce Rudeus as well but he quickly took up charge of the conversation as he said "And I am Rudeus Fireheart, the chairman and owner of Meta."

Almost everyone in the room was a little surprised. They had all heard about Selene since she was the face of the organization but none knew about Rudeus. His involvement in the company was mostly kept under wraps as he didn't want to be pestered by ambitious people.

But they quickly got out of their shock as Sebastian replied, "I didn't know that the company even had a chairman. Well, colour me surprised. Anyways welcome to the Hellfire Club Mr. Fireheart."

"Thank you, but now can you please fast forward to the reason why we were invited here. My time is really precious." Rudeus said in a bored tone. He was trying to rile them up a little & get them angry before he beat them up. This was his way of having his own little fun.

"Yes of course. By the way this is Emma Frost, she is the new Ceo of Frost International. She will also be joining in our discussion today as she was invited for the same reason you were, to join the Hellfire club" he finished in almost one breath.

'Interesting, so Emma had not officially joined the club yet. That means she is still not loyal to it & I might even get her to join me quite easily if I play my cards right.' He thought happily.

Emma on the other hand was looking at Rudeus with a curious gaze. She was trying to read his mind but the only thing she was getting was a static sound. She already had an idea about Selene being a mutant but now she thought that Rudeus was a mutant as well.

But even among mutants there were very few mutants who could actually stop her from reading their minds or controlling them. So she was quite surprised at this.

"Are you also like me, a telepathic mutant?" She asked as she could no longer keep her curiosity.

"Not exactly. I don't have any telepathic powers right now. Also I am not a mutant. I am something called a new god." He said like he was discussing the weather.

"Also don't call your race mutants. That sounds derogatory like you are calling them with a bad word. Instead you can use the term meta or metahuman just like we use. It actually sounds a little better." He chided her.

"As for me, I am the god of metahumans. You can say I am a meta among gods. I am a New god" he continued with an expressionless face.

Truthfully he wasn't bothering to take the conversation slow as he was most probably gonna kill three of the four new people he had met in this room. He was just dumping information on them because he was simply in the mood to chat right now.

As for Emma, he would try to have her because as much as he remembered from the comics, she was quite useful & could get things done.

Infact, Rudeus already had an idea about the type of faction he wanted to create. He could even use his 'priestesses' to create his own pantheon in the future.

'Creating an all-female pantheon of dedicated new goddesses only loyal to me instead of a normal harem does kind of sound tempting to me but I should probably find some bros for me too.' he thought as he mentally went over a list of potential bros he could have in this world.

"Wait, are you joking or something. Gods don't exist. You cannot be a god & if you think of yourself as a god, then you are just another narcissistic fool" Sebastian said in an angered tone.

His pride seemed to be somewhat damaged by Rudeus claiming himself to be a god infront of him.

Rudeus of coursed ignored the man. In his eyes he was already dead. But he looked at Emma who seemed somewhat confused & surprised at his words.

"You seem to not believe me Miss. Frost. Tell me do you need proof of me being an actual god? Do you want to see a god take over this little secret club from the hands of a mortal?" Rudeus continued to ask her in a seductive & hypnotic voice.

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