A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 28: Exterminating a bacteria (1)

As Rudeus stepped out of his boom tube into the current hidden base of Sublime, he noticed that there was a single person wearing a lab coat and eight more people wearing full body black suits with gas masks in the room.

He immediately remembered who this group of people was. They were the u-men.

In the comics, they were a cult of crazy fanatics who believed in human superiority and acquiring powers without being mutants. They even wore full body suits to keep themselves pure from the world's 'impurity'.

But the funny thing was that these people actually acquired powers by grafting mutant cells and organs in their own bodies.

It was quite funny to Rudeus how almost all cults are made by scamming people. They were all filled with crazy hypocritic fanatics.

Of course he conveniently forgot that he also was a hypocrite and even had his own cult of fanatical followers.

But that wasn't important. What mattered was that he had to get rid of this bunch of crazy idiots as he didn't want them to gather more numbers, wealth or connections in the future and try to oppose him and his group.

He would get rid of all competition as soon as he can so that he could have a peaceful life later down the lane.

As the people in the lab noticed him entering through a portal, they all went stiff in surprise. The man in the lab coat however quickly recovered from his surprise. That man was John Sublime or actually a bacteria called Sublime controlling a human host.

He couldn't help but look at Rudeus' godly form from head to toe. This was the first time he was seeing such a perfect human. It was like he was at the apex of physical perfection.

Sublime wished to himself that he would be able to capture this person and possess his body as his new vessel. He was already quite bored of his current one.

However Rudeus didn't notice his disgusting gaze as he was busy with reading a new notification from his system.

His amazing system had just issued him a new mission.

[Ding! Quest generated. World choice detected...]

[Please choose one of the following actions...]

[•[1] It may be a bacteria but it can still be useful.

Task: Convince the bacteria named Sublime to give up its hate against metahumans and join your cause of building a great united empire one day. Get it to pledge its undying loyalty to you from the deepest corner of its heart.

(Note : There is a time limit of 3 hours to complete this task.)

Reward: 'Disease manipulation' perk card.

•[2] It is a bacteria. Exterminate it.

Task: Completely destroy the bacteria named Sublime and remove all its traces so that it has no chance of regenerating back into life.

(Note : There is a time limit of 3 hours to complete this task.)

Reward: 'Type 1 and Type 2 Immortality' perk cards

•[3] It is a bacteria but it is still a life and all life is sacred.

Task: Don't harm the bacteria named Sublime. Instead try to befriend it and help it to solve its problem with metahumans.

(Note : There is no time limit to complete this task.)

Reward: Sublime manages to eradicate all metahumans and then tries to kill you after finding out that it cannot possess you.]

[Additional Note 1: In case of failure of completing a mission within the time limit, no extra penalties will be given.]

[Additional note 2: Punishments are not given by the system but are actually the most probable results of the host's choices & actions]

[Additional note 3: Due to the contradictory nature of the choices in this particular quest, only one option can be selected]

'Wow, just wow. This time not one but two of the options are actually useless for me. I mean its impossible to actually make Sublime forget its hatred against mutants and instead pledge its loyalty to me and I am definitely not going to befriend it or something' Rudeus sighed in his heart.

He almost had tears in his eyes that he would not be able to get an op power like disease manipulation for himself.

'But I guess, immortality is also useful since I don't actually have it especially since I am getting two types of immortality here' He soothed his own mind.

Seeing no other actual option he quickly chose the second choice of the quest.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" Sublime finally spoke after a long time of assessing Rudeus.

"Hmm? It doesn't really matter who I am since you are not really going to be alive for long to actually remember that. So why don't we just cut the crap and go the point where you tell your lackeys to attack me" Rudeus said in a bored voice.

"You are quite brave, aren't you? Nobody has spoken like that to me for years. Fine, I'll accept your wish of death. Kill him" The bacteria possessed human said the last part to his subordinates.

At his command all the 'U-men' began to flock him. They surrounded him in a circle hoping to overpower him in numbers even if he was somebody with unique powers.

'The villains are always idiots, aren't they. I mean Sublime saw me getting out of an actual portal and then heard me challenging him confidently even after seeing his lackeys but he still presumed that they would be able to defeat me. Such egoistic idiocracy' thought the young god.

He was however quite happy that Sublime actually hadn't tried to run away. He wouldn't have to waste his energy to go after him. He could just kill everyone here one by one.

Rudeus didn't wait for them to attack him. He had no danger from them even if they had some kind of powers. But he wanted to test something on them.

He raised his hand to concentrate cosmic energy in it and then willed to shape the energy into the form of a scythe.

Immediately a scythe shaped weapon made of cosmic energy formed in his hands. However its shape was quite crude.

'Seems the delicate control aspect of the skill needs more work' He thought as he inwardly praised his armor.

He swung the scythe towards one of the lackeys and cut him apart without even giving him a chance to fight back.

The others were immensely surprised at this as the recently deceased u-man was quite strong and skilled. He could even rival Captain America in stats. But he was still killed in a single slash of the energy scythe even before he could react.

Sublime on the other began to fill an emotion that he had not felt for a long time. He felt fear, fear of death.

It was at this point that Sublime realized, that he had fcuked up.

I hope you guys are happy that the mc now has immortality. I could not give him immortality from the get do due to a certain plot detail that will be important later. But now, he will have two types of immortality, which should make him as immortal as any other immortal god. As for the plot detail, sorry I can't tell you. That would be a spoiler.

Also you can visit my new Pat reøn page as well to read chapters in advance. Right now I have about 20 chapters in advance there.

Just go to  pat reon.com/God_Doom

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