A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 29: Exterminating a bacteria (2)

As Rudeus tested out his new cosmic energy weapon construct on a living specimen, he wasn't satisfied with it. Well, he was actually satisfied with its power but not its form.

He would have to work harder if he wanted to make a better, more stable construct.

'I wonder if I'll not only be able to make weapons like Thena in the mcu but also other more complex constructs like Phastos. Maybe with enough practice and research, I can actualy fulfill my dream of make this armor into a lite version of the green lantern ring.'

He however cancelled his cosmic energy scythe construct. He had to save energy for another experiment. Till then, he had another move to test.

As the U-men saw the golden scythe disappearing into nothingness, they became a little bolder than before. They presumed that it was probably an energy or stamina intensive ability that Rudeus is not able to use constantly.

Even Sublime relaxed a little. He released a breath that he was unknowingly holding.

"Come on, lets attack him together. We will make sure that this freak dies a horrible inhumane death. We will blast him to smithereens" The current leader of the U-men yelled.

Rudeus on the other hand didn't say anything. To him they were not even enemies but just lab rats.

He was at a level of power at which it was almost an insult if he had to fight them himself but he still did it simply because he wanted to test a couple of his moves on living specimens.

He smirked to himself as raised his left hand and prepared to end the fools once and for all.

"Die mongrels" He said to the U-men in a haughty voice as transparent spatial rifts began to open all around his body.

Sharp heads of bladed weapons began to slowly appear from these rifts.

All the people in the room were surprised at this scene. They had never seen or even heard of such an ability before. As they debated in their minds if they should charge towards the young freak or try to get away from those weapons, Rudeus had already signed their death sheets in his mind.

He mentally willed his inventory to release all those weapons at the U-men at high pressure. As the weapons left the inventory space, they charged towards his enemies at a high speed.

The next scene in the room was quite bloody as most of the fanatics had already been torn apart by the high speed projectiles giving them a quick death.

But some of them weren't that lucky. Those people had various weapons sticking out of their non vital parts of their bodies slowly bleeding them out and giving them an extremely painful and agonizing death.

As Rudeus looked at his bloody handiwork all around the room, he was quite proud of himself. He had finally done what he had always wanted to do. He had used that technique while saying that particular phase.

'Another thing to cross from my bucket list' He thought to himself.

Although most of the people were either dying or already dead, however one of the masked men slowly stood up. He had a knife lodged in his eye and a spear in his stomach but he still seemed to not lose hope.

"You bastard. You think you are so great and powerful. But you are only a freak. You have no idea about the power we normal humans possess. We will never lose hope. We humans will never bow to you monster. That's my human way. Now DIE."

The hypocrite of a shonen-protagonist wannabe said with difficult breathing and used some sort of plasma gun he had on his back to shoot Rudeus in the face.

Rudeus hadn't given any of them an oppurtunity to shoot him with that plasma gun before but now being influenced with that surprisingly good shonen speech, he was quite startled himself.

Thus he didn't react when the masked man shot him with that weapon. It was both because he was amused at this guy and because he wanted to see that if the gun would have any effect on him.

'Was I just affected by his shonen speech or something?' Rudeus wondered to himself.

Both Sublime and the last standing U-man had thought that the energy shot would be able to atleast knock out the young boy infront of them.

But sadly no such thing occured. Rudeus was still standing still just as before, the only difference being his hair was a little messier than before.

"Well, that gun looks awfully more hi-tech and expensive to be just a hair blower." He made a funny remark.

"But still it was a good try. Its just that you are not the mc of this story here. You are just another nameless mob" Rudeus smirked evilly as he released another knife from his inventory which directly punctured the brain of the last U-men.

"Now, I guess its your turn Mr. Bacteria" Rudeus innocently smiled at Sublime.

"Wait, what? How do you know that? I-I am not a bacteria at all. What the hell are you talking about?" Sublime this time was truly afraid.

His biggest secret was out now. He had always kept the fact that he was a bacteria possessing a human a secret. That secret had protected his life multiple times in the past.

Even if someone wanted to kill him, they would have no knowledge that the actual him was not a human at all but a microscopic bacteria. So he had never truly died despite the countless murder attempts on him for so many millenia.

He had always survived no matter what just because nobody knew what he truly was. But today this young boy had guessed his true identity.

'No, even if he knows it won't matter. I'll still be able to escape using my microscopic size. There is no chance that he has a way of finding me and then completely killing my actual body despite my powerful regenerating factor.' The bacteria thought to himself.

"Let me guess, you are thinking something along the lines of that I won't be able to actually find your tiny little microscopic body and completely destroy it right. Truthfully that line of thought would have been correct. I didn't have a surefire way of completely eliminating a bacteria like you before." Rudeus began.

Sublime felt his fear increasing to an abnormal height as he sensed a 'but' coming.

"But, I now have developed a new move to annihilate hard to kill slippery creatures like you. Its my last move that I'll be field testing for today." He smirked.

Sublime didn't want to hear Rudeus anymore. The moment he had heard that the boy might have a way to actually kill him, he abandoned all hope as he quickly tried to leave his currently possessed human body.

But Rudeus was quicker. He copied one of his most favourite marvel waifus from his past life and quickly conjured a spherical force field made of cosmic energy all around Sublime before the virus could leave the human body.

He could sense the life of the bacteria inside his forcefield using the life sense ability of his mother box Zoya through his armor's connection with her.

Although his force field wasn't a perfect sphere but it was still doing its work. It could still function as a good enough force field. But he would probably have to work in the precise control department of his cosmic energy manipulation more.

If only using powers were as easy as they were shown in fanfictions.

He understood now why mutants had to actually train and study so much to control their powers. Controlling and training your power is much like training any other skill you have.

You have to actually work on it a lot to upgrade its level.

He looked at Sublime who in his human form was now thrashing inside the force field trying to get out.

"Look, how about this, if you don't kill me I'll give you all my connections and research I have. I'll even be your slave. Please just let me live. I can't die here. Please" Sublime begged Rudeus for his life.

Sublime was always a true coward. All his life he had lived in fear. Fear that mutants would one day kill him or fear that he would not be able to possess anybody again if the entire human species turned into mutants.

And now he was afraid of him. Afraid of death.

But truthfully, Rudeus was slightly tempted with his offer. If he took the bacteria as his subordinate, he would be able to completely his first task and maybe even get the disease manipulation perk.

'Naah, he is too much of a headache to keep. Also his fear of mutants had led him to orchestrate so many events against them. Even the vile name of mutants was probably chosen by this guy. So he might scheme against me and try to oppose me later as well' He thought to himself.

He would not underestimate Sublime. If movies and novels had taught him something in his past life, its not to underestimate even the weakest and smallest of creatures. And he would always continue to heed to that wisdom.

"I don't need you Sublime nor do I want someone as disgusting as you in my faction. Prepare to die now." Rudeus said in an emotionless voice.

"You-you are making a big mistake. I can help you. I can even help you defeat my sister if she ever returns to rule this planet. You can rule this world with my help. I'll be able to help you in so many things. My knowledge is..." Sublime never got to finish his words.

He was interrupted by Rudeus as he formed a charged cosmic energy sphere in his hands and hurled it towards Sublime. It easily passed through the force field and exploded as it came in contact with Sublime's human body.

The energy explosion destroyed everything inside the forcefield as not even dust remained but was still contained within the force field.

He didn't even care about the human which Sublime had possessed. In Rudeus' mind, he was probably doing the human a favour by killing him, if he even is still alive after being possessed by Sublime that is.

As the explosion came to an end, Rudeus used Zoya's ability to detect if there was anything else alive inside the force field. He smirked as he sensed no life inside it any longer.

He had finally exterminated the wretched bacterium from this planet.

Also you can visit my new Pat reøn page as well to read chapters in advance. Right now I have about 20 chapters in advance there.

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