A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 30: Five in One

[Ding! Quest completed.]

[Rewards are being processed]

['Type 1 and Type 2 Immortality' perk card has been deposited in your inventory]

As Rudeus finished his quest of germ extermination, the reward notifications appeared in his vision.

He quickly willed open his inventory and tried to view the information about his new perk.

[Displaying information about the selected perk card]

[Type 1 Immortality (Eternal Life): Characters gifted with this type of immortality cannot die from natural causes, such as old age or conventional illness, but can be killed by unnatural causes. To clarify, this type of immortality can include both those who do not age at all, and those who still grow old, but will never die of old age.

Type 2 Immortality (Resilient Immortality): Characters with this degree of immortality can indefinitely survive injuries that would otherwise be lethal to a normal person, without needing to heal. This type of immortality can have different levels of effectiveness and can be bypassed, for example, by causing extremely severe wounds or the complete destruction of the body or specific parts of it, such as the head, etc.]

Rudeus was satisfied with his new reward. Now he was definitely one step closer to being called a true god. He quickly equipped his new perks.

'Hope I can soon unlock my divinity as well.' he wished to no one in particular.

But Rudeus wasn't sad for long, he quickly recovered his mood as he began to survey the base for more 'loot'.

He hoped that he would be able to find something useful here.

As he began to to scout out the entire base, he fond some research documents on mutants and the x-gene which he stored in his inventory. He also stored all the computers he found in his inventory as well.

He could make use of all this research data later in many ways once he found a good enough loyal scientist for himself..

He even encountered some more U-men in his search but he killed them all except a few who he just knocked out and stored in his inventory.

He would take the help of Emma and Elizabeth later to get all the information in their minds. With that he would be able to wipe out all the bases of Sublime and the U-men all around the globe.

As he was planning his future actions, he suddenly came infront of a separate room in the base. It was quite secured with extra locks and security.

But Rudeus of course didn't care. He just phased through the door while not even bothering to use his strength to break it open.

As he looked around the large room, he realized that it was some kind of a laboratory. There were different instruments all around the room.

Transparent jars filled with different organs and liquids were placed in shelves. But what caught his attention were not these organs or instruments but the presence of large pods in the room.

He could see inside the pods through its transparent sections. But what he saw inside some of those pods was quite surprising.

He saw that there were complete living bodies inside the pods. Some were fully formed while some were in the developing phase or just in its embryo form.

'Seems the bacteria was quite influenced by Sinister, so much so that it even copied his favourite hobby' Rudeus sighed to himself.

He didn't like cloning. He decided that he would destroy all the clones here. He could have them as subordinates but he didn't trust clones made by a crazy germ, atleast not clones that he didn't know from the comics.

As Rudeus prepared to blow the room to kingdom come with a cosmic energy bomb, he suddenly sensed five separate life forms with stronger life forces than all the other clones.

He felt a desperate touch on his mental shields. He immediately went alert.

As he walked towards the direction from where the life signatures were coming from, he found five large transparent pods placed besides each other.

He saw that the pods contained five naked young teenage girls who looked almost identical. They all had the same body type, similar face and blonde hair.

They were the clones of the same person. Rudeus immediately realized who these five girls were cloned from.

They were the Stepford cuckoos from the comics, the clones of Emma Frost.

'Seems Sublime knew about Emma and her mutation and had already somehow managed to clone her even before Rudeus himself met her.' He thought to himself.

'Is this perhaps, fate trying to follow the same path as it was originally supposed to be or just a coincidence? Rudeus realized that he was too lax and that he should take some precautions against some things in the future, just in case that fate in this world is a bitch.

Although he wanted to completely destroy all the clones along with this lab, he still decided against killing the cuckoos.

They seemed to be powerful telepaths since they were able to use their telepathic powers together even when they were all unconscious.

Although he wanted to release them, he however had no idea about advanced machines like these pods. He wasn't a genius in his last life and he still isn't one. So he summoned Zoya through a boom tube into the lab to take a look into those pods.

"What can I do for you master?" Zoya asked after coming into the room through the portal. She had become a little well behaved in the last few days as she learned from everyone.

"Can you see if those five girls inside the pods are healthy and if they can be released outside?" He asked the floating cube.

"Of course, master" Zoya replied as some of the lights on her cube blinked.

She scanned the nearby machines and the pods as she decrypted all the tech. She would always scan everything she came across just to add to her archives of knowledge and information.

"Good news master, it seems the five girls are healthy enough to be released from those pods. I can do it right now if you wish" Zoya answered.

Rudeus thought about taking them back to his base first before releasing them but decided against it since if those girls try to oppose him, killing them would be difficult in his base.

Its not because those girls were really powerful or something but because killing these young girls infront of his other subordinates might lower his image in their minds.

"Release them now" He ordered Zoya.

On his order, Zoya connected to the pods through her thin wire-like tentacles and took control of all the machinery.

Within a few seconds, all the five pods began to open as they released the liquid inside them and showed the complete figures of the all the five members of Stepford cuckoos.

"Now what to do with them" Rudeus thought out loudly as he stared at the potential omega level powerhouse that the collective five could be in the future.

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