A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 32: New god spends a day with a Ninja

"Why are we here again, master?" Psylocke asked Rudeus as they both stood infront of a building in Washington. The surrounding area was quite deserted with not many people nearby.

"Because, we are going to hunt some sheep. In this case the sheep are supposedly very good friends of humanity" Rudeus said the pun with a smirk on his face.

Elizabeth however didn't look like she appreciated the pun much. "Friends of Humanity, what a stupid name. Its even worse than Rud..."

She stopped mid sentence as she noticed his chilling gaze on her that promised revenge.

"Rudolph the reindeer, yep I mean its worse than Rudolph. *Cough* Anyways so are we gonna start the operation or not. I have a telepathy training session with the quintuplets scheduled after this." She quickly diverted the topic.

"Yes, of course we are gonna start soon. We are just waiting for its current leader and our political enemy, Senator Peter Krane to arrive. He is supposedly going to come today as per according to Zoya's intel." Rudeus said in a bored tone.

Peter Krane was one of his most annoying political enemies right now. He was not only corrupted but was also biased against any nonhuman life form including mutants.

The few bills that Rudeus had been trying to pass slowly in the government without attracting much attention were always being obstructed by the shrewd politician.

Normally, he wouldn't come himself to take care of people like Kane but in this case the man was not only a seasoned politician but also the current leader of the anti nonhuman cult/organization, Friends of Humanity.

The organization had grown quite big with help from the senator as well as other like-minded people who wanted to only see mutants strapped to beds in laboratories.

The group had abducted hundreds of mutants for their nefarious 'research' purposes. They even helped other corrupted evil organizations to do the same as well.

Rudeus however had to get rid of them to further his political reach and reduce opposition from the members of the group. That's why he was here today, to wipe out each and every of these so called 'friends'.

He brought Braddock here with him because he would need her special set of skills to get all information about the organization, its members and its vast resources from the minds of the people here especially Krane.

They however didn't have to wait long, as an expensive car soon entered into the base.

Elizabeth was concentrating on the car and as soon as it entered into the building, she looked at Rudeus nodding and confirming that the car contained their primary target Peter Krane in it.

"Well, lets go then" Rudeus and Braddock began walking to the base as well.

Entering into the base was child's play for them.

It was as easy as Elizabeth mind controlling the guard to simply let them in. Rudeus loved telepathy as much as he hated it. It was a power he really wished he would have one day.

As both went inside, it didn't take much time for armed guards to flock to them. However none of the two really cared about their threats.

Psylocke either used her telepathy to mentally knock out the guards or used psionic energy daggers to cut them and give them one hell of a mental pain.

She was making sure to leave permanent mental scars in all of them so that they would never again be able to work for an organization like this. Some even went straight into a coma.

Rudeus didn't help her much. He was just there to watch as he was bored at home. He would only help her if she needed it if they faced anything out of their expectations.

Psylocke alone was probably enough for the entire base, especially after her training with Rudeus and Selene. She even received some tips in telepathy from Emma as well.

As Rudeus and Psylocke moved further into the base, the number of assailants increased. Even Psylocke slowly seemed a little out of breath.

"You could help a little, you know. This is becoming tiring." Elizabeth complained to Rudeus.

"I could but I don't want to. Plus you could use the workout, after all your body needs to be in top shape if you want to continue wearing such tight hot costumes" He playfully smirked at the hot ninja.

As they were clearing the base by knocking out people and Psylocke trying to get important information about the organization from the minds of the more important members, Rudeus felt like they were clearing a dungeon.

They had already cleared the lower level and were going to the top in search of the boss.

'Only the boss in this case is a weak shrewd ordinary corrupted senator with a spoilt psychotic son at home' He sighed at his own disappoinment.

"You bastards, we will make you pay" A random mob shouted as his machine gun rained bullets on the duo.

The bullets were easily blocked by Rudeus' cosmic energy shields as he finally decided to help the tired ninja assassin a little.

As the machine gun used up its entire ammo, another crazy idiot fired an actual Rpg at them.

The idiot didn't even think about the consequences of firing an Rpg missile in a closed space. It of course didn't harm Rudeus and Psylocke at all due to his cosmic energy barrier but the resulting blast not only killed the one who fired it but also most of the other members nearby.

"Now that I have seen their stupidity, I actually pity humanity while these guys are still its friends." Psylocke quipped at them.

"Yep, if humans have friends like these, they don't really need enemies." Rudeus agreed with her.

The two had released all the mutants they came across in these vile laboratories but sadly most of them weren't in a condition to walk or even talk. They had given up on life and just wanted to be put out of their misery.

They had their minds broken by the level of torture they had gone through at the hands of this organization.

Psylocke was angry at their conditions but still not overly emotional due to her previous life and training as an assassin. And as for Rudeus, he just pitied them a little. He didn't exactly have a hero complex but he wasn't a psycho as well.

He didn't blame himself for not rescuing them earlier or something but he did have some amount of sympathy for them.

'Glad to know, I still have some emotions besides lust, greed and anger'

He put the hopeless ones out of their misery, while he and Psylocke helped the ones who still wanted to go back to their lives get out of the place. Some however though still hadn't given up on life, they also didn't have any place to go back to.

Rudeus offered these people a chance at a new life, he gave them an option to join his own organization.

Although some were still skeptical of him, Rudeus still had rescued them from their previous fate and thus agreed to give this 'new life' a chance.

As the rescued mutants left the base through portals made by Zoya, Rudeus and Psylocke ultimately arrived at the 'final floor of the dungeon'.

He had already informed Vanessa to receive the new mutants and try to incorporate them into their ranks.

They finally arrived at the room where its current leader was hiding along with some other higher ranking members.

As both of them entered the room, the duo noticed the fear on the faces of the people hiding there. They were afraid of them, afraid for their lives.

Rudeus had a big evil smile on his face. he looked at Psylocke and noticed that she too was... excited and somewhat pleased at their fear.

'Maybe she is an inner sadist while being an exhibist as well' He thought in his mind.

"Stop. You don't know who I am, I can ruin your entire lives. Even if you kill me, the entire country's government will be after you. There is no chance that you will live free if something happens to me." The senator shouted at the top of his lungs in fear.

He was like an everyday typical rich villain trying to threaten other people to save his life.

"Kill you? Why will we waste your life if we gain nothing from it? After all you will be our secret supporter soon. You will lead the opposition against us while making sure that the opposition never gets too strong to be a threat to our plans."

Rudeus said with an amused smile.

"You will be our mole amongst our political enemies' ranks, controlling the entire opposition while manipulating it just like how we want you to. You will be our secret weapon against the people who will scheme against us in the future."

"What, what are you talking about? I will never work for you, disgusting freaks." Kane continued to shout but Rudeus and Braddock both ignored him.

"Its time for Mr. Kane's major brain operation, Psylocke. Make sure that its successful" Rudeus said while looking at the other scared people in the room too before adding "We will probably be doing multiple operations today, so hurry up."

"As you command master, I normally hate doing this but after looking at what they have done, I'll do it with pleasure" Psylocke said as she started walking towards the extremely scared 'powerful' people in the room.

Rudeus had a smile in his face as he began to watch Braddock work her magic on the people. He remembered why telepathy and other mind powers were considered so op and disgusting at the same time.

'I can't wait to have such cheat power for myself soon' He had an an evil smile on his lips.

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