A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 33: A visit to a School (1)

Rudeus was in a very good mood today. The last few months had been pretty chill for him and his new organization especially since he was more or less ruling the political side of the country.

After he got Peter Krane as his new puppet, he more or less controlled his entire opposition. He didn't eliminate it of course but he did reduce it a lot while only letting his opposition enough power that they would not be able to actually harm his political side at all.

Psylocke was doing her job really well. She had been slowly tearing apart all the branches of the anti mutant organization, Friends of humanity, hunting down all its members.

But in return he had to reward Elizabeth quite frequently too. She had ultimately broken down and begged Rudeus to stop tormenting her and take her as well like he regularly takes Vanessa and Selene.

And Rudeus being a merciful god listened to her wishes and gave her the greatest pleasure she had ever received in her life.

Psylocke loved it so much that she had grown addicted to sex. The ninja was specially into bdsm. Turns out she is as much a exhibitionist and sadist as she is a masochist.

Rudeus being Rudeus went with her wishes without any rejection at all. He himself quite enjoyed the nights of debauchery he had with the sexy assassin where he corrupted her as much as he could. Yes, he was evil that way.

Anyways, she was not only hunting the Friends of Humanity but also the remnants of the U-men as well. She was having help of course in the form of the Morlocks.

But it wasn't enough. Even after completely cutting off all leadership and other resources some of these organizations were still holding on.

So Rudeus decided that they needed more manpower if they wanted to get rid of them quicker.

And there came the problem. Rudeus need manpower in the form of mutants. He needed trained people with strong useful powers not connected to the government or any big intelligence agencies in any way.

Right now, there was only one such group which met all his expectations, the X-men.

But Rudeus wasn't gonna beg for their help. He didn't want to owe other people favors. But he had a very good idea on how to take their help without him owing any favors to them. Maybe if he played his cards right, he could even improve his own image in their minds.

That's why currently he was standing infront of the gate of the Xavier School along with the Stepford cuckoos.

They had been trained enough to not only resist Professor X's mind control skills but also have become extremely loyal to Rudeus due to Selene's continuous guidance and influence. They will be his loyal spies in the school until he takes it over.

He had even informed Emma about the cuckoos being her clone daughters as well. At first she was quite surprised and conflicted but soon after seeing their collective cuteness and potential power, she had accepted them.

She even makes it a point to regularly spend a few hours every week with her 'daughters' although Rudeus suspects that she does it mostly to get in his good books and not for love or something like that.

As Rudeus was going to enter the mansion with his thoughts, a dark busty beauty came even before he could cross the gate to receive him.

"It seems you have atlast remembered about us Mr. Fireheart. I was beginning to think that you have already forgotten about us. Ororo said in a flirty tone as she came to receive Rudeus at the gates.

"I haven't forgotten about you at all, Miss Munroe. Its just I was a little busy up until a few days ago. And please call me Rudeus." The young god replied in an equal flirty tone.

"Well, please come in. The professor is expecting you." The white haired mutant said as she began to lead him and the cuckoos into the school.

Rudeus had already informed the school about his visit beforehand. He didn't want to appear out of nowhere just to look cool while spooking the X-men and giving them a bad impression of him. He was trying to go for a good public image after all.

"Oh by the way, I didn't ask but who are the girls with you?" Ororo questioned Rudeus in a curious tone.

"Oh, they are the Stepford Cuckoos. They are quintuplets who all possess the common power of telepathy. I intend for them to study here since there are quite a lot of other metahumans their age here." Rudeus told the hot dark skinned woman.

"Oh I see. That's good. Wait, what do you mean by metahumans? I have never heard of that term before." Ororo expressed her curiosity.

"I personally think that the term mutant is quite derogatory and demeaning. It sounds like we are some kind of sick or ugly freaks of nature. That's why I prefer the term metahuman more. It sounds better and also makes us seem atleast human and not walking abominations." He said in a sagely manner.

"You are actually right. Now that I think about it, mutant is really not that of a good name. But metahuman does sound much more appealing." She accepted.

Rudeus was quite surprised that she had accepted his argument about changing the general name of their race so easily.

'Guess I underestimated the power of my golden rule perk' He thought in his mind.

The group led by Ororo soon entered the main school building and soon arrived infront of the principal's office.

"Come in" a voice came from behind the door without even them knocking on it.

'He is still reading all nearby minds, isn't he? He is quite the peeper. I am now slowly understanding why people find him so annoying in the comics.' Rudeus thought to himself as they entered the room.

The professor was sitting in his iconic wheelchair behind the principal's desk. He looked at the new people entering his room and gave them a grandfatherly smile.

"Good morning Mr. Fireheart, I am quite happy that you decided to visit our school today. Not many people as rich as you are willing to spend their time on visiting a school or doing something for their race's benefit." The professor said in a tone of curiosity.

It seems that Rudeus's quite large donation to the school in his own name had surprised and impressed the professor at the same time. He wanted to know Rudeus' reason behind this action.

To the professor right now, Rudeus was either a great potential ally or a very poisonous snake. And him being unable to read Rudeus' mind was in no way helping to alleviate his confusion.

That is why the Charles had decided to allow Rudeus in his school because if he was a potential ally, he could keep him close but if he proved to be an enemy, he would be able to keep his much closer eyes on him.

Rudeus was of course aware of the professor's thinking and he was quite happy to play his little game.

He was gonna make sure to use the professor's school and his X-men to its actual full potential, for the greater good of course, his greater good that is.

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