A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 34: A visit to a School (2)


"By the way I should tell you about the quintuplets who are here with me. They are the Stepford cuckoos. I brought them here so that they can be with metahumans their age and can even make some friends here. So I hope that you would allow them to study here."

Rudeus introduced all the girls one by one to the professor.

There wasn't much change in the professor's face hearing about this. He didn't even question Rudeus' use of the term metahumans instead of mutants.

Most probably he already knew everything from Ororo's unprotected mind. Maybe he had even tried to read the minds of the cuckoos themselves.

It didn't matter to Rudeus either way since he hadn't told Ororo any excessive or important information, nor were the minds of the cuckoos weak enough to not be able to stop the professor's mental probe.

"Absolutely. All mutant children are welcome to study in this school to nurture and develop their gifts." The professor answered in a sagely voice.

He didn't even use the term metahuman like Rudeus, intead he had stuck with his own term, mutants.

"I would appreciate it if you try to use the term metahuman instead of mutant. You should already know the reason for that from reading Ororo's mind, right?" Rudeus gave a subtle jab to the mind reading professor.

Even though the professor himself had too much of a thick skin to pay attention to his words, the jab however did warn Ororo about Xavier's mind reading, as evidenced by the slight change of her facial expressions as she stared at Charles.

"Anyways, I think I would like a tour of the school now." Rudeus quickly said before Xavier could say anything else as an excuse. He didn't want to give the professor a chance to explain himself to Ororo.

"Of course. Miss Munroe, if you would please give our guest a tour of the school. I myself would have joined in but sadly I still have a bulk of papers to grade right now. Exam season really gets stressful, you know." Charles excused himself.

"Fine, no problems from my side. I'll be glad to have someone as beautiful as Ororo accompanying me throughout the tour." Rudeus didn't miss his chance to flirt with Ororo a bit more.

His words although seemed quite cheesy still had more than just an effect on the white haired mutant due to his op Golden rule perk.

He was truly lucky he had gotten that perk, otherwise his life would have been a lot different right now.

As he and the quintuplets were led by Ororo on the tour, the exotic beauty suddenly asked "Hey I heard that you are some sort of God of muta... um I mean metahumans. Is it true?"

"Where did you hear that?" Rudeus asked in a curious voice. He wasn't exactly advertising himself being a god to everyone he meets. So someone knowing about his true race is quite a surprise for him.

"Jean told us. She said that she had heard some of the thoughts of your subordinates that day in Egypt. They regarded you as some sort of metahuman god. They might even have formed a cult around you" Ororo answered.

Rudeus frowned a little at this. He didn't have a problem about people knowing him as a god since that would be free pr for him but he did have a problem about the minds of his employees being an open book for other telepaths.

He would have to take some countermeasures in the future to protect his underlings' minds from other telepaths if he didn't want any information to leak from his side.

'I had completely forgotten about the other mutants I took to help us fight against Apocalypse that day. They did not have any strong protections in their minds. Selene may have protected their minds for some time but Jean was still able to read some of their thoughts.' Rudeus sighed in his own mind.

He was lucky that those subordinates weren't that important and didn't have much information about his long term plans and goals, otherwise he might be fcuked right now.

He really didn't want to fight the X-men. He had much better uses for them planned in his mind for the future. Even the school was a core part in his long term plans.

"Yes, she had heard right. I belong to a certain race called new gods. But don't worry you do not have to pray to me or something... Although you may dedicate yourself to serve me for eternity if you want." Rudeus joked with her.

However though it was a joke, he wouldn't say no to her if she accepted his proposition. He was a kind and merciful god that way.

"Maybe, but not so soon. I am too young to devote myself to a god. But I might consider it after a few years, o heavenly one." She joked back.

Ororo was quite easy with Rudeus. She always felt like she could be her real self with him, that he wouldn't judge her based on her colour or race or powers. She had never felt this free with anybody else, not even with 'him'.

Even 'that boy' always used to expect her to behave in a certain way back when she was friends with him in her country but Rudeus didn't. This young god was almost perfect in every way.

As she became lost in her thoughts, Rudeus suddenly felt a weird feeling. He had felt this before. This was the same sensation he felt in his heart back in Egypt. He smiled subconsciously as he stared at a particular direction.

Soon a red haired teenage girl was seen running towards them from that exact direction.

Even Ororo noticed her excitement and stopped walking as the redhead stopped infront of them panting.

"You do know, he was not running away from you, right?" Ororo teased Jean as she had obviously noticed the crush of the teenage girl on Rudeus. She even had heard about the bond between him and Jean as Jean had confided that information in her while asking for romantic advice.

Although Ororo had given her dating advice despite being quite a noob in that department herself, the truth was that she was a little jealous of Jean.

She wished that she could have a similar bond with someone as charming as Rudeus. Infact she secretly wanted a bond with Rudeus in place of Jean. She had been lonely for quite some time and really wanted to experience some love for a change.

And just when she thought that she had finally met someone amazing enough for her to pursue in a romantic relationship, Jean had suddenly appeared and developed some sort of psychic link with him.

Ororo thought herself to be quite unlucky as she sighed to herself.

"No, its just I sensed him so I came to say hi." Jean quickly answered as she blushed to try to not seem like a desperate simp.

She was quite excited when she felt Rudeus nearby through their bond and had come running while ditching all her friends. But she was not gonna say that infront of her crush.

"Hey Jean, why did you suddenly run away like that? You ran even faster than Pietro." A female voice came from the same direction that Jean had come running from.

Rudeus saw a group of teenagers coming towards him as they talked among themselves while eyeing him and Jean. They seemed to be the rest of the X-men who were friends of Jean.

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