A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 36: A wild Sentinel and a teenage Dark Phoenix

It didn't really matter to Rudeus if this was a dark alternate universe of Marvel or its prime version. He had already made up his mind to rule this particular Marvel universe no matter what.

But what did matter to him right now was if this sentinel was a normal sentinel or a crazy power adapting sentinel of the future.

He didn't want to face something like Nimrod right now. That droid was almost as dangerous as Ultron. Actually one could say, it was the X-men version of Ultron.

Of course Rudeus had his own ace, his personal mother box Zoya but he did not want to use it on killer droids so soon. Because if by any chance Zoya fails to take over some crazy op droid like Nimrod and if Nimrod manages to somehow assimilate Zoya into itself, then it will virtually be unstoppable.

Of course the opposite is equally true. Zoya taking over Ultron or Nimrod or even Master Mold will give him a potentially powerful army. But he is not gonna bet on it, atleast not so soon. He wanted to let Zoya get some more experience before that, maybe give it an upgrade or something.

His mother box would be the last card in his sleeve, his ace in the hole.

As Rudeus was pondering over the identity of the  sentinel, the sentinel itself was silently scanning everyone infront of it.

It had identified everyone here as mutants except Rudeus. It could not detect the x-gene inside him and thus classified him as a non mutant.

"Multiple mutants detected. Non-mutant life is also detected nearby. All non-mutants are requested to vacate this area for the purging of non-human mutant life forms." The sentinel announced.

'That sounds like it was programmed by a hardcore Xenophobic.' Rudeus amusedly thought to himself.

He decided to think about the identity of the sentinel later. Right now, he just needed to attack and neutralize the machine threat whoever or whatever model its supposed to be.

But before Rudeus himself could attack, two red beams of lasers suddenly hit the sentinel causing it to stagger back.

It seems Scott could no longer keep his calm and had acted first. Rudeus didn't like Scott much but he did agree with his hit-first strategy. After all offense is the best defence.

However the sentinel didn't seem to be damaged at all. Although it had momentarily staggered due to the force of the laser beam, it quickly found its footing and easily blocked the laser with just one of its hands.

Scott seemed surprised at this. Anybody would be. His beams were really hot and had somewhat of a destructive property to them. But the sentinel easily blocking them with just one hand meant they were made of some really crazy strong materials.

'I hope its not adamantium or vibranium.' Rudeus wished to himself.

As Scott ran out of energy and stopped his eye beams, the sentinel looked like it was done giving warnings and was going to charge at them.

Rudeus became ready, it was his time as a god to impress these mortals. He was sure no matter how hard and durable their bodies were, they would not be able to resist against a full powered punch from him,

Also this sentinel didn't exactly look like an adapting one since it had not adapted to Scott's beams. It just looked like a basic model like a normal sentinel from the X-men movie, only made of something much stronger, maybe titanium or something.

So Rudeus could probably use Zoya too without worrying about her being corrupted by other supersmart villainous AI's.

An AI being corrupted had actually become the norm of the worlds of marvel & dc. Any AI no matter how advanced or intelligent or how loyal would always be somehow corrupted by something and turn against its very creators or owners.

Rudeus didn't want that for Zoya. He knew that Zoya turning on him was almost impossible due to it coming from his system but he didn't want to take any chance.

He was always extremely paranoid whenever it came to rogue AI, clones and zombies. Those three were his nightmares back when he was still a human.

'Oh good, I remember my nightmares but still not my name or even my face.' Rudeus sighed to himself. It was truly a hypocrisy.

But just when he was going to attack the sentinel to establish his extreme coolness infront of all the X-men, the sentinel suddenly began to float in the air as its body seemed like it was being crushed from all sides.

Its entire body creaked as its size slowly got reduced more and more until sparks began to fly from it. The hard body of the sentinel which had successfully resisted Scott's laser beams was gradually transformed into a ball of metallic scrap.


Rudeus was not the only one who had become silent. Everyone in the scene had become the same They could not believe that a scary looking droid like that could be destroyed in that way so easily.

They all were currently looking at the perpetrator of the act who was a panting Jean Grey with one of her hands stretched towards the currently trashed sentinel.

"Huff. What, I saw a chance and I took it. I thought you guys would appreciate me destroying the weird robot before anybody got hurt" Jean said in a betrayed voice.

"No, its not that but were you always that strong? I mean I don't think I have seen you doing something like that before." Kitty spoke up.

"Well, I-I think I have grown stronger than I was previously. Its like there is some strong power in me which was... dormant previously but now its slowly awakening, making me more powerful than ever before. I feel stronger now, and I... love it." Jean said slowly as she realized that she had just used a level of power she had never displayed before.

"Are you sure Jean, maybe we should go to the professor. It would be best if we take some advice from him about your increasing power" Scott tried to play the part of the good boyfriend even though he wasn't one.

"This power is mine. I think I'll know best at what to do with it. You or the professor should mind your own business." Jean said a little angrily.

Rudeus knew what was happening currently. Jean was probably awakening her phoenix force inside her and if he were to go by her fluctuating emotions, he would say that she was going towards the dark phoenix path.

But he didn't say anything because he wanted to see if he could somehow profit from this. He had a guess that even if Jean were to be completely taken over by the dark phoenix, she still wouldn't hurt him.

Because one, Jean had quite a serious crush on him due to their bond and two, the Phoenix was supposed to be his mother and a mother normally doesn't try to kill her own son unless she is absolutely crazy.

But the phoenix didn't seem crazy or an enemy to him since it was the phoenix herself who had made Selene find him and bring him to life.

Also he wanted to talk to the Phoenix force. There were things that he needed to know from her especially about how he was her son or who his father was if the phoenix force is supposed to be his mother.

"So wait, you are having a natural upgrade to your powers. Cooooool." Kurt fangirled infront of Jean.

"Well I guess so. Actually now that I think about it, my powers started to increase after I met Rudeus back in Egypt. After we... bonded, its like a lock was opened inside me. It was almost like Rudeus was the key to the lock on my full powers." Jean blushed like a strawberry as she said those words, struggling to meet Rudeus' eyes.

Scott looked like he was going to blow his top at his crush's blatant flirting with the handsome god and tried to say something.

But before he could say anything, ten new sentinels suddenly flew to where they were standing and landed infront of them.

"Seems like some mutant-hating evil mad scientist was quite busy" Rudeus commented as he smiled looking at the new arrivals.

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