A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 37: A New god brawls with Sentinels

"What do we do now? There is no way we can fight all of them at once" Kitty almost shouted in desperation.

She of course was not the only one. Most had concerned expressions on their faces except a few like Jean and Rudeus. Even Ororo looked a little unsure about their chances of winning.

Rudeus knew why this was. Unlike the battle hardened X-men that he used to see in the movies and comics in his previous life, these X-men were just starting out. They barely had any experience in actual combat.

They were just children who were being trained as soldiers because they had some special powers. They were not supposed to be heroic but just normal students.

So Rudeus didn't blame them for their cowardliness. He could understand the reason for their fear. However he had to say something to assure them of their survival against these killer robots today, to give some of their confidence back.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of these droids. I won't let anything happen to you all." He declared to try to calm them down.

They actually did calm down hearing him due to his golden perk rule. To them, he appeared as their savior, their protecting hero. They subconsciously accepted him as their impromptu leader and got ready to fight and support him as well.

Ororo even had a shy smile on her face as she stared at the brave and bold god standing infront of her as her mighty protector.

Jean however didn't smile. She just stared at Rudeus' back thinking about something. Anybody would think it to be a normal gaze but strangely if somebody would look closely at her, they would notice a small dark glow in her eyes.

However Rudeus on the other hand didn't care about what others were thinking at the moment. He was instead contacting with Zoya through his armor's connection with her and told her to portal to the X-mansion.

He wanted her to scan one of the sentinels to get its design and technology.  It would be quite useful for him in the future if he could get an army of these to battle the intergalactic factions later down the line.

He didn't want to depend on a single team of heroes to win wars against intergalactic space armies with billions of soldiers armed with advanced tech. No, he would much better make his own preparations.

Also, there was something in the X-mansion that also wanted the design of. He wanted the technology of Cerebro. It would be quite useful for him if he ever needed to battle some super strong psionic threat in the future.

He was sure that Emma or the quintuplets would be more than powerful enough to use it to its full potential.

As he ordered Zoya to come to his location, he didn't waste any more time and attacked the nearest sentinel.

He had used about ninety percent of his strength in a single punch against the sentinel fearing that his strength won't be enough to destroy the material that the sentinel was made of.

But again, he was proven wrong. He had again underestimated his power, the power of a god. He had forgotten that the strength that his body was hiding in that lean human frame of his was capable of severely damaging even planets if used smartly.

As his punch landed on the sentinel, it didn't create any type of blast or explosion, it simply went through its metallic body as a clean hole was formed in its center, all the machines in that part of its body completely crushed and pushed out to the open.

The sentinel of course was no longer in a working condition at this point. Its entire body became limp and unmoving as it lost its violent red light in its eyes.

All the X-men had also followed Rudeus in battle but before they could engage the other sentinels, they saw Rudeus easily destroying a sentinel with a single punch. They were crest fallen.

They could not understand if Jean and Rudeus were truly that strong or Scott was just pathetically weak and useless. They began to doubt their own eyes as they saw the scene infront of them.

Even the other sentinels stopped and stared at Rudeus trying to recalculate his threat level. They had immediately recorded the information and sent it to their shared server so that all sentinels could be aware of the threat that Rudeus was to them now.

This was one of the reasons that the sentinels were so dangerous. They could record information and send it to their shared servers like a hive mind to analyze all threats and come up with the best and most efficient ways to deal with them.

Rudeus didn't however stop, he took advantage of the sentinels' 'surprise' and moved to attack the next one.

He targeted its head this time. With a single full powered slap he blew away its head from the rest of its droid body.

The rest of the sentinels got alarmed at this. They had already lost three of their numbers so easily, two of them by the same individual even.

Two of the sentinels raised their hands as little laser guns formed on their wrists. They fired their lasers together at Rudeus expecting to neutralize the threat as efficiently as possible.

Rudeus knew that he wouldn't be much hurt by those lasers. The max that can happen to him would be a little sunburn on his skin. But he wasn't a masochist and he had no mood to try out his durability out at this moment.

He just activated his Divine spirit perk and simply phased through their lasers.

"Wait, he has my powers as well on top of his intense physique. Now that's just cheating." Kitty complained with an expression on her face like she was wronged by the world. She was immensely surprised by this power of Rudeus.

Ororo on the other hand was the first one to get out of her surprise and decided to be of some help to Rudeus as she used her powers to summon thunderclouds in the sky. She was gonna rain lightning on these metallic droids.

Rudeus too didn't waste ant time and formed a cosmic energy axe in one hand and jumped towards one of the sentinels who had just attacked him with the laser. He noticed the other one also being attacked by lightning through the corner of his eyes.

He knew who this was. He smiled as he thought about the hot weather mutant trying to help him in the fight. Although he of course didn't need it, it doesn't mean that he will not appreciate it.

'She could be a good skymother in my pantheon' He thought to himself.

Rudeus noticed that all the X-men had now started fighting with the rest of the sentinels as well.

Kitty was repeatedly phasing through one of the sentinels, damaging some of its internal parts every time. Scott using his beams to try to do some damage to a sentinel. Jean was using her telekinesis to slowly rip apart one of them.

Bobby had frozen one of them and was trying to penetrate its armor somehow with his ice. Even Logan who was beaten back before was now trying to choke one of the sentinels from its back while using his claws to hold on. And Kurt was just playing tag with one of them using his teleportation power.

Rudeus wondered where the Professor and the beast was right now. He didn't expect help from them but he thought that they would have atleast come outside to see what was happening but they were nowhere nearby.

He chopped off his enemy sentinel's head with his axe as he looked around trying to gauge the situation.

'Seems this will be quite easy' Rudeus thought to himself as he saw the sentinels being kept busy by the X-men and also felt Zoya appearing near him through a boom tube.

But he had no idea how big of a red flag he had just raised as he didn't notice a unique sentinel bigger and different than the others observing the entire battle from quite far away while preparing countless contingencies against the young god.

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