A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 42: New god vs New prototype sentinel

"Stop there you piece of junk. You are not welcome here. Run back to your little makers before I decide to scrap you for parts." Rudeus yelled to get everyone's attention.

He really wanted to puke because of the extreme cringe he himself had just uttered but his unholy cringy dialogue had successfully attracted the attention of most of the people here, both sentinels and mutants.

Right now, his golden perk probably had to work double time to not make him seem like an idiot. 'God, I wish I had read some good motivational hero quotes in my last life.' he thought.

Rudeus looked around through the corner of his eyes expecting everyone to be cringing right now but unexpectedly all the mutants looked at him like he was their beacon of hope. Even the sentinels for some reason had stopped their actions as they looked at the floating young god.

However Magneto for some reason was frowning at Rudeus but didn't say anything.

"Another pathetic mutant I see. Well, no matter, its just another insect for me to crush after all. Also my name is Nimrod. Remember the name when you choke on your own fluids, you meat bag" The fiery sentinel said.

'That's interesting. So the sentinel is not just another unintelligent sentinel similar to the ones in the movie but the very famous villain Nimrod from the comics. But the question is how does it exist right now when it was supposed to be developed decades in the future.' Rudeus couldn't make sense of how this particular universe worked.

Maybe there were unknown forces working behind the scenes or maybe it was just fate trying to correct itself but whatever it was, Rudeus was having one hell of a headache because of it.

Magneto attacked Nimrod trying to take advantage of the sentinel's distraction. He controlled a swarm of metal particles to completely destroy Nimrod but the sentinel released a fire explosion that not only destroyed the attack but also threw magneto back into a wreckage.

It then concentrated back on Rudeus. It couldn't detect any mutant gene in the person standing infront of it but it could detect that he was not human. So it to terminate him due to him not being a pure 'human'.

"What are we waiting for then? Let's fight and end this once and for all." Rudeus showed a battle hungry smile. He made sure to speak quite loudly to make sure everyone heard him. He was putting up a show after all.

He had even ordered Zoya to broadcast his fight with the sentinel to everyone present on the island. She also had the responsibility to take control of all the remaining sentinels and control them while he was fighting.

Under her control, the sentinels would still fight against the mutants here but they would make sure not to destroy too much property or take any more life.

Rudeus would only make them stop after he was done showing off thrashing Nimrod, the leader of the sentinels publicly, like a hero and savior of the mutants.

He was not being evil or anything, just making sure that his hard work gets recognized and rewarded at the end of the day like any other normal sane person would want it to. He was not selfless like spiderman after all.

Nimrod was the first one to attack as it rained fire on him, literally. Rudeus of course didn't even move. he didn't even need to activate his spirit perk to dodge this attack. He just calmly watched the sentinel's desperate attempt to burn a god like him.

Nimrod soon realized that fire would probably not do anything to the person standing before it. So it shifted to other different attacks. It fired high powered plasma cannons at Rudeus.

He didn't take them head on. He wasn't a masochist so he just became intangible and phased through those attacks and quickly closed the distance to the sentinel.

He had expected Nimrod to not be able to harm him but the sentinel surprised him as it switched to a vibrational sound attack which actually affected him even in his intangible state.

It forced him to go back to his physical state. However Rudeus didn't stop and had already went near Nimrod. He punched its face but nothing happened. There was not even a crack on its body.

'Interesting. Seems, its body is completely made of carbonadium instead of space polymers. The reason that Magneto still couldn't control it despite that fact was probably because it had adapted and evolved to resist magneto's powers.' Rudeus understood.

But while he was thinking about the sentinel's metal body, Nimrod itself wasn't idle. It too had extremely fast processing powers. It had started to scan Rudeus' powers so that it could adapt to them or evolve through them.

But sadly although it was able to find countermeasures against Rudeus' powers, it couldn't scan them to develop them for itself. It just couldn't determine how they worked.

So it increased its own strength by using one of the powers of a mutant with a big metal helmet it had defeated before. Its body became more bulky as it increased in size.

It punched the weird 'non-human' infront of it with full strength pushing him a large distance away. It even fired a couple of red hot porcupine quills from its body at his direction.

But he again phased though them.

Nimrod used Magneto's power it had scanned and controlled the surrounding metal to capture him using the power of magnetism.

Rudeus however didn't wait to be captured. He flew to it in a burst of speed and used a cosmic energy sword to slash at the sentinel. But it barely left a scratch.

The hardness of the carbonadium metal along with the durability buff it had received  from different mutants was enough to make it extremely resistant to damage.

So the cosmic energy weapon was barely able to do its job.

Rudeus understood this fact. So he improvised. He began to manifest his most favourite and preferable weapon in fist fights like these. He created a knuckle duster of pure cosmic energy on his fists.

He was going to make this sentinel regret ever being created.

Nimrod was slightly more confident now. It would have been even more powerful right now due to the huge amount of powers it possessed but the problem was that it couldn't use a lot of powers at once. The more powers it used at the same time, the weaker those individual powers were.

So it began to use the physical strength and durability of the Juggernaut mutant as its primary power. That monster was the most powerful enemy it had defeated before the magnetic mutant and this new weird one.

Nimrod was confident in its new physical powers but against someone like Rudeus going physical was its biggest mistake.

Both Nimrod and Rudeus rushed at each other to fight in a purely physical brawl. The sentinel had a lot of advantages. While using Juggernaut's strength and durability added with that of carbonadium, it was also using plasma powers it had previously scanned to coat its attacks with plasma energy hoping to give Rudeus some extra damage.

It was even actively using an elastic like mutation it had copied earlier to dodge some of Rudeus' punches.

This was enraging Rudeus even more. He was getting so angry that he was using more and more power in his punches. each of them producing sonic booms.

He forced the Nimrod to descend under the force of his attacks and pinned it to the ground under him so that it could not escape. Then he rained hell on it.

There was no fighting style, no tact, no fancy moves but just raw full powered punches like a raging primal beast. He just wanted to end this sentinel, the one which had dared to challenge him.

Nimrod was still trying to fight back. Although it had already realized that it wasn't as physically strong as Rudeus himself, it was still doing its best. It trusted in its own durability to survive and was concentrating on eliminating Rudeus by any way possible.

It began to use different powers that it had previously scanned on Rudeus, some of them just phased through him while most didn't affect him at all.

Nimrod despite being a machine was now facing something it had never expected before. It was facing desperation. It was desperate to complete its mission by terminating this 'mutant' infront of it but sadly nothing worked on him.

He was completely resistant, immune or invulnerable to anything it threw towards him.

Soon Nimrod realized that it wasn't just failing to defeat Rudeus, it was itself getting defeated now. The young god was now using so much force that each of his punches powered by the cosmic energy was damaging its extremely durable body.

At every punch, chunks of metal were being separated from itself. As it itself began to lose strength and power, the force of Rudeus' punches remained the same.

Even its defence abilities like elastic body or forcefields were being neutralized by the cosmic knuckle duster. It had absolutely no way of getting out of this. It knew that its fate had already been decided.

But it would not abandon its mission. Nimrod decided use the last trick it had in its bag, the ultimate and final move it could use in case everything else fails.

As it had already lost connections and control of most of its body including its limbs, it activated its final protocol.

"Nuclear-core self-destruction protocol initiated."

"Self destruction in T-10 seconds."

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