A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 43: A Blast and a Speech

Rudeus was extremely surprised after hearing the machine voice coming from Nimrod. He was initially having really fun bashing the sentinel into scraps but the new protocol that it activated was a little troublesome for him.

It was not because he would be hurt by it or something. No, he knew that he was strong and durable enough to not be seriously hurt by a mere bomb but the problem was that the self-destruction protocol would completely destroy the sentinel itself.

Rudeus didn't want that. He wanted the designs of the sentinel for himself. He needed Zoya to scan it and completely copy its technology but that would not be possible if the entire sentinel was itself destroyed.

So he did the only thing he could do in such a case. He called Zoya. As the mother box quickly came floating to him, she didn't even wait for his orders.

She was smart enough to know what to do in times like these, she was probably even smarter than other mother boxes.

She made some wire-like tentacles from her cube body and extended them towards the half destroyed remains of Nimrod.

She didn't need its entire body to take control of it or copy its design. What she needed was access to its main core and its primary cpu. She did her best to quickly take down all the firewalls and other protective countermeasures it had against external influence and to hack it as soon as possible.

The timer for the self destruction however continued counting down.

"Self-destruction in T-4 seconds."

"T-3 seconds."

"T-2 seconds."

"T-1 second."

"T-..." The countdown ultimately stopped just before it could reach the zero second.

Zoya had succeeded in taking control of Nimrod at the last second. Truthfully Rudeus had even expected something like this. The cliche of stopping an explosion at the last second was very common and he had expected this to happen to him as well.

'Is it possible that I am a protagonist in some story or something because I am definitely feeling protagonistic vibes from myself." He joked to no one.

"I have now taken complete control of the sentinel called Nimrod, my lord. But even though I now have full control over it, my advice would still be to dispose of its nuclear core as it has become extremely unstable due to your repeated hits on it." Zoya dutifully advised Rudeus.

"Wait, by nuclear core you don't mean that the explosion that could have happened from it could have been comparable to a nuclear explosion, right?" Rudeus asked as he almost had sweats on his forehead.

An atomic explosion could wipe out the entire city and everything in it. Everyone here irrespective of if they are mutants or sentinels or even humans would have completely turned into dust.

He even doubted if he himself would remain unscathed if there was such an explosion. After all, even Superman from DC or the alien mothership from Independence Day or even the Chaitauri army from Avengers were all critically hurt or completely destroyed when hit by nuclear missiles.

He gulped at this information from Zoya but didn't say anything else. He needed to always maintain his godly appearance and personality no matter what.

As for the unstable nuclear core that Zoya brought to Rudeus after taking it from Nimrod's 'cold dead body', it was stored in Rudeus' inventory.

As time is completely frozen in his inventory, the nuclear core would just remain in that condition until he decides to take it out again later.

"By the way, you copied its design right?" Rudeus asked Zoya.

"Yes master. We can now design more sentinels that will completely and only be loyal to you whenever you want. We will be be able to have our own army when we decide to create our 'haven'." Zoya tried to please her master.

Rudeus was quite pleased at this. This was excellent news. A sentinel army that could adapt and evolve to superpowers and only loyal to him was a really tempting dream in a world like Marvel.

But day-dreaming about potential robot armies would be for later. Right now, he had an entire country to impress.

He broke the head of Nimrod and took it with him after Zoya made sure that Nimrod had completely been 'terminated'. He slowly floated up from the crater that he had created while bashing Nimrod, with its severed head held high in his hands.

Zoya had already controlled all the other sentinels to stop attacking. They had also turned towards where Rudeus was floating just like all the mutants in the country.

Everyone in Genosha at that moment wanted to know the identity of this charming person majestically floating in the sky with the severed head of the leader of their robotic enemies.

Zoya also made sure that he was being projected on every piece of digital screen in the country.

"You might be wondering who I am and why I fought for all of you today despite not being a citizen of this great country. I am just like one of you, a mutant of my own race. I am also different like each and every one of you."

Rudeus started his speech, his voice being amplified by Zoya so that it can reach most of the island country.

"But that does not make me any less than any other being in the universe. That does not make me a monster or an abomination just like that does not make you an abomination. We all may be different but its that very difference that binds us all together, that very difference that makes us all... Meta."

At this time Rudeus really hoped that his Golden Rule perk was working because if it was not then he probably would not be able to live on this planet anymore due to the immense shame.

"As for who I am, I am a New god, a god of metahumans, a god for everyone who is considered a Meta or just different. I am the God... Atem, the New god of change." Rudeus continues his extremely cringy speech hoping that his golden rule perk worked.

"From today onwards, none of you need to fear anyone ever again, no more hiding, no more fear, no more weakness, no more cruelty. From now on, there will only be change. Never fear for from now on, I am here." Rudeus concluded his speech to the metahumans hoping that people were still alive even after the immense cringe.

He had even decided on his new god/super name for this speech and he was quite proud of it. He just hoped that the people of Genosha were impressed by his performance too. He left all his trust in the Golden Rule perk he had.

And by what he saw, he was sure that they were hella impressed. Most of them were already on their knees proclaiming him as their saviour. Some of them even had tears in their eyes as they gobbled up the shit he had just laid upon them.

However some still looked skeptical but they didn't say anything to not offend him in this situation. They were in the minority so they were also scared to oppose the new 'god' in the open.

"As for you droids, go back to where you came from and never come back here again because from now on, this country is under my protection, the protection of a god." He acted as Zoya controlled all the sentinels to fly away to one of their headquarters.

He was trying to not only win the people's support but also subtly claim authority on the country by proclaiming it under his protection along with reminding the citizens that he was a god, and thus above than the rest of them.

"Stop this heresy. You are not a god, you are just another mutant trying to take power from me." Just when he thought that everything was going according to him, a heavy angry voice came out of nowhere.


So how did you like the chapter? If you like my story and writing, please let me know in the comments.

Hope you guys like the new super name. I think Atem suits him the best due to it being the exact opposite of Meta.😁 I actually got the idea after reading a reader's comment.😇 His name would still be Rudeus but it would be like his human identity name like Donald Blake was for Thor.

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