A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 44: Vanessa’s ambition

Rudeus was surprised at the interruption. he didn't think that anyone would oppose him so openly. He almost doubted if his Golden Rule perk was really as op as he thought.

But when he saw who the person who had interrupted him was, he removed that thought from his mind.

It was Magneto who had opposed him. Rudeus should have expected this. Magneto was one of the leaders of the mutants who believed in force instead of negotiations and peaceful approach.

Normally Rudeus wouldn't have that much of a bad impression of such a person if that approach could be justified. But the problem was Magneto, atleast the one in this universe regularly participated in acts of terrorism to bring change in the current status of mutants.

Truthfully Rudeus didn't think that Magneto even wanted to bring change anymore. What he wanted was just to establish mutants as a superior race to humans while making sure to wipe out most of the humanity, while enslaving the rest.

He wouldn't go for a peaceful approach even if he was offered one. Eric Magnus Lensherr who had once been a victim of the Nazis, who had hated Hitler due to the dictator's policies had himself become another dictator like Hitler with time.

He had not only lost his way but lost himself as well. Rudeus even though sympathized with him, he still wouldn't let the old man have his way. He needed Genosha to increase his power and influence to the global level and he would not let anybody stand in his way.

"It doesn't matter what you think, Magneto. What matters is that these people need my help and I am here to give it to them. If you try to prevent me from helping these people just because of your stupid pride, them I am afraid that I'll have to knock down that ego of yours." Rudeus threatened.

He really didn't want to kill Magneto. He had thought about him and wanted to see if he could use the metal controlling in furthering his own influence.

Magneto would be useful, his powers were quite unique. Rudeus had even searched for Magneto's daughter, Polaris. He had found her as well. But currently she was leading a peaceful life with her adoptive parents so Rudeus didn't try to recruit her.

He was waiting for the right time when she would awaken her powers. So he had an option, that even if he killed Magneto, he would still have a mutant with powers over electromagnetism but training Lorna Dane from scratch would be a headache.

So he still preferred Magneto in his team but if he were to oppose him, then Rudeus would not show any mercy. He might be a merciful god but he was a strict one as well.

As Rudeus was deciding the fate of Magneto in his mind, the master of magnetism himself quietly floated down while glaring at Rudeus. For some reason the mutant dictator didn't quite seem like himself today.

* * *

<(Vanessa Carlysle, aka, Copycat POV)>

"For the last time, I am not a ninja Elizabeth. I might have a body like one but sadly I am not. So stop thinking that I can keep up with you." I yelled to Psylocke.

She was really getting on my nerves.

Right now, we are in a hunt, a hunt for one of the smartest men on the planet in Russia. We are currently hunting Bolivar Trask, the famous weapons designer and ceo of Trask industries.

Why we are we hunting him? Because the extremely intelligent dwarf made the extremely foolish decision of making master his enemy by trying to go against us, the metahumans.

A few hours ago, master had ordered us for some reason to search for Bolivar Trask, well he had actually ordered that to Braddock.

But she needed a partner in this to complete this mission successfully, a partner with a skillset like mine.

Well the fact that Selene was too busy to come because she was making preparations to take over some country was a different thing.

But anyways, this was a good chance for me to show my value to master and do something for him, so I was quite excited for this mission.

After he trained me so much, I still couldn't win against that colour changing bi*ch that day in Egypt. That old crone didn't have the mimic power at a level that I have. She is only a beta level where I am easily on alpha level. She could only mimic appearances while I could mimic powers as well.

Yet that day, she managed to hold on from losing against me. Her tremendous experience from all those years of her old dusty life was enough to match against my power and harsh training with master.

I was really depressed after that, I was even beginning to doubt if I could help master at all except releasing his stress every night. But he didn't let me get down too much.

He encouraged me to work harder and I did exactly that. I didn't just train my moves but also my powers as well so that when I finally meet my archenemy again, I can show her what true power is.

Our battle will be legendary and I will reign as the final victor.

That's why I joined this little expedition with the masochistic ninja assassin. This was supposed to be a test of my mighty powers before I meet 'her' again.

But sadly, it was nothing like I imagined. We didn't really fight people that much, most enemies that came across us were just mind controlled by Psylocke to move out of the way or just simply put to sleep.

I was getting quite frustrated at this. Because I had barely done anything for this mission at all.

We had gotten some intel about Trask from Zoya.

The little floating smart cube was probably the most capable among us. She knows how to get things done. However she scares me sometimes. She gets really touchy when it comes to fulfilling master's orders.

Master probably doesn't realize that but the rest of us do and believe me when I say that the narcissistic little cube is obsessed with master, I am not exaggerating at all.

Anyways as I was saying we got information that Trask was last seen in Russia developing high tech weapons in collaboration with some Russian partners as investors.

The American goverment hadn't sanctioned the designs of his newest 'anti-mutant' weapons and had repeatedly turned down the project. Of course Selene had a hand behind this. But he doesn't know that.

So the brilliant scientist ditched his country and went to Russia as he got approval to design his new weapon there as well as the resources he needed for that.

The mutant hating bigot actually agreed to work with the Russian government just so that he can slaughter all of us, the metahumans.

As we reached the facility, we found that there wasn't much security in here. Well there was security against normal humans but against a telepath like Elizabeth, there was almost none.

As we were inside of a what looked like a nuclear bunker, we soon came infront of a massive thick metal door. Not just the door but the walls of the room too looked like they were made of metal.

"Okay, time for you to shine, Copycat. Turn into Trask and open the door through the iris-scanning lock and the fingerprint lock." Elizabeth turned towards me and handed me a hair sample which was most probably Trask's.

"So you brought me here with you to Russia, just so that I can open a door for you." I asked as I just stared at her blankly.

"Well... you are just making it sound bad. Opening locks mean you are already on your way to becoming a ninja." She tried to calm me down.

"No, that makes me a thief not a ninja." I huffed as I took the sample from her angrily and used my power to turn into an exact duplicate of the dwarf.

One of the advantages of my power is that I can turn into anybody as long as I can remember that person well or have access to that person's dna material.

As I opened the huge metal vault door annoyedly with Trask's biometric data that I mimicked, we both walked inside the central room of the facility.

"What the fcuk?" Both Psylocke and I exclaim at the same time at the scene infront of us the moment when we entered.

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