A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 45: Another Twist?

Psylocke and Copycat were both surprised at what they saw in the room infront of them.

They had found the person they were looking for. They had found Bolivar Trask but weirdly they didn't find him in a condition that they expected to find him in.

The brilliant scientist at this moment was lying on the floor, bleeding out from a wound on his chest. He had a bloody knife in his hand which was most probably the weapon that was the cause of his current condition.

Looking at the scene, it looked like he had inflicted the wound on his own self. It looked like he had tried to kill himself which was quite unbelievable.

The racist dwarf was a coward, he would do anything to save himself. And even if he wanted to die, he would most probably first try to annihilate all the metahumans in the world before that.

But then the question was who did it.

Vanessa quickly acted adjusting to the situation. She ran over to Trask to check his vitals to see if he was still alive. But unfortunately for them, he had already passed away from the wound on his chest.

Rudeus actually wanted him alive because he needed Trask to answer some questions for him. Rudeus needed to clear some doubts about the entire situation of the sentinel army.

He knew that things were not as simple as they looked but he just couldn't point out what. He was missing the big picture here.

Also truthfully Trask wasn't inherently evil like most other X-men enemies. He infact had even got redemption against what he had done in the comics and had even helped the X-men sometimes.

So Rudeus was even thinking of hiring Trask in his faction as well, after some brainwashing sessions by Selene of course. He could be a resourceful scientist in his company but alas he was already dead before the two got here.

"I am beginning to think that I am really unlucky." Vanessa lamented to herself.

"Hey Vans, can you come here? I need your help to access the recordings of these cctv cameras." Psylocke asked her.

"Okay, sure." Copycat again changed to Trask's form and gave her biometric data to the computer.

The computer unlocked and very soon Psylocke began to play a cctv recording on it.

It was quite normal. Trask was the only one in the recording, standing in front of what looked like a unique robot like machine. He activated the droid through his computer and stood back while the droid started up.

As the droid successfully activated, Trask seemed to be really happy. He began to touch the droid while closing his eyes, looking like he was doing something to it. But the question was what.

Soon he removed his hand and picked up a knife and suddenly pierced his own chest with it, a smile still present on his face. It was one of the most creepiest things that anybody could ever see.

"Wait, so Trask did kill himself. I don't understand, why would an extremely rich and smart inventor kill himself when it looks like he was quite pleased with whatever robot he had just made." Vanessa asked Elizabeth.

"You are absolutely right. So maybe, he didn't commit suicide. After all, sometimes things aren't what they seem." Braddock said while looking at the screen with a frown.

She had noticed that after Trask killed himself, there was almost a what looked like a glitch on the screen, that travelled from his falling body to the sentinel that was silently standing infront of him.

As the 'glitch' entered into the sentinel, the droid moved and looked around itself. It then ignore Trask's dying body and flew though the ceiling as a small part of the roof opened to allow the robot to fly out of the facility.

"What the hell was that?" Vanessa asked as she couldn't believe the bulls*it she was seeing through her eyes.

"I don't know but whatever that was, it was not good news for us." Braddock said.

None of them expected to find something like this here, yet they did. But that didn't mean they would just return home empty-handed. They would still steal all the data along with everything else that was of importance here to bring it to their own base.

Their own researchers and Zoya should be able to make use of the things they bring from this facility and try to find out exactly what the hell happened here.

* * *

As Magneto was standing infront of Rudeus with an angry expression, Rudeus couldn't help but feel something was wrong with him.

He felt something from magneto, something ominous. His senses trying to tell him something but Rudeus didn't know what. He couldn't quite understand what was different in the current Magneto standing here compared to the one he met a year ago.

"You mutants are all alike. You are all disgusting, always surviving like a cockroach, no matter what. Everything was going right, everything was going as I planned but then you had to interrupt my wonderful day, didn't you." Magneto appeared really angry.

He was actually almost foaming from his mouth in his anger. He looked like he wanted to not only kill Rudeus but also wipe out his entire bloodline as well.

Well Rudeus would understand if he was just angry with him due to Rudeus trying to take away the magnetic mutant's place as the leader of the country. 'But, why is he saying those lines like he hates mutants? Shouldn't he be one of the most pro-mutant person alive?" Rudeus wondered.

Plus this Magneto was really weird. His speech pattern, his facial expressions were different that the Magneto he met last time.

'Is this Mystique trying to appear as Magneto. I mean I didn't see after I arrived in Genosha, so it could just be her trying to buy Magneto some time to escape or something.' He thought in his mind.

"It doesn't matter. Everything ends here. Even though Charles didn't come with you, I will still follow through the plan. I will make this country the biggest mutant graveyard in the world. I have unlocked all the latent potential in this mutant's genes and now I will use it to annihilate the very mutants the idiot fought for." 'Magneto' declared.

'Wait, what?? Am I hearing wrong or did I miss anything?' Rudeus cleared his ears to try to listen better. He didn't understand what was going here. The plot was moving too fast for his taste.

[Ding! Quest generated. World choice detected...]


Can you guess what's hapenning with Magneto? If you can, keep it to yourselves, No spoiler. And if you can't, well, you will understand in the next chapter.

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