A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 46: A choice and an explanation

[Ding! Quest generated. World choice detected...]

[Please choose one of the following actions...]

|•[1] The slayer of spirits.

Task: Give Cassandra Nova Xavier inside Magneto a true death and make sure that she can never return back to life again.

(Note : This particular task has a time limit of 3 hours.)

Reward: 'Ruler' perk card.

•[2] There is no leader above a god.

Task: Kill Magneto and remove him from the equation so that your future plans remain safe and goes in the direction you want and not what some superpowered Hitler wants, irrespective of if a third party like Cassandra Nova is involved or not.

(Note : This particular task has a time limit of 3 hours.)

Reward: 'Divine healing' perk card.

•[3] The helper of all.

Task: Help Cassandra Nova Xavier in her quest to annihilate all mutants in Genosha and kill her brother and make her dream for revenge come true.

(Note : The particular task has a time limit of 1 day.)

Reward: Heartfelt thanks from Cassandra Nova|

[Additional Note 1: In case of failure of completing mission within time limit, no penalties will be given.]

[Additional note 2: Punishments are not given by the system but are actually the most probable results of the host's own choices & actions]

'Wait, what? Cassandra Nova Xavier is the one pretending to be Magneto right now? Well, actually this makes a little sense now. But when did she take his body?' Rudeus thought.

He had already ignored the third choice in the quest. He was shocked at learning about the presence of Cassandra here. But again it made perfect sense if he thought about it.

That crazy b*tch was the unborn sister of Charles Xavier, she was said to be his mummudrai, the dark mirror-opposite twin of the professor.

But of course, the do-gooder that the professor was from his very birth and even before, he 'sensed' his twin to be evil and killed her using his psionic powers or so he thought.

But the truth was that the stillborn Cassandra Nova Xavier had somehow lived and had been surviving from then on in a gutter somewhere binding her time for revenge against her brother.

Truthfully, if she just wanted revenge against her brother and not the entire mutant race, Rudeus would have allowed her to do so. He might even take her to the mansion himself but again like every other super powered characters in marvel who had gone through suffering, she had turned to the dark side.

She had gone complete and utter cuckoo. So Rudeus had to stop her, not just for the rewards from the system but also because he needed to prove himself a good leader by defeating the possessed magneto in front of the people while proving himself as a capable leader and protector of the mutants of Genosha.

"So, you are Cassandra Nova Xavier, aren't you? You have quite some brother issues." Rudeus said to anger her as he made sure there was nobody nearby to hear their conversation.

He even ordered Zoya to make an anti-sound barrier around them to prevent anubody from listening in their conversation. Zoya even though nerfed was atleast able to do basic stuff like that after interacting with some celestial technologies like the armor and the ship.

"Oh, you have no idea mutant." Cassandra scowled at him.

"But before we start this, can you tell me how the hell did you arrive here in Genosha? And how or exactly why did you possess Magneto?" Rudeus asked her the questions that were making him curious.

"Well since you are going to die soon anyway, I guess I can tell you. You see, from the moment I could remember I was in a drain on the brink of death, desperate to survive. For years I tried my best on just healing myself and becoming normal again from the pile of flesh that I was."

Cassandra started her sob story.

"But I never truly succeeded in that. I never truly healed completely. I was just surviving but then one day a sentinel came looking for me. It was one of Trask's first prototype sentinels and had detected me on its test flight. It wanted to eliminate me as a mutant. So I let it do exactly what it wanted. I let it eliminate me."

"But, after it destroyed my physical body, I used my psionic powers to possess the sentinel itself. And through it, I found Bolivar Trask. He was perfect for my plans. I had possessed him and used him to make an army of sentinels to take my revenge against my brother and the entire mutant race."

"After he had succeeded in making his ultimate sentinel, his perfect ever-evolving creation, I made him kill himself and took control of the sentinel called Nimrod but I had underestimated it, it was able to adapt to my powers and ejected me out of its body forcing me to possess the nearest mutant which was Magneto."

"But it all worked out in the end. The so called best friend of Charles was a potential omega level mutant but with my help in unlocking his latent potential in his mutant genes, I have now become beyond omega level in his body. I am unstoppable now."

"Now I will use Charles' best friend's body in annihilating the entire mutant race and then killing him as well after I am done with Genosha." Cassandra ended her villainess monologue.

"I see, I understand everything but tell me, how did Trask develop such an advanced sentinel on his own. He was smart but he shouldn't be that smart to develop a sentinel like Nimrod on his own at this age and time." Rudeus fished for more information.

"Ohh that. Yes I agree, the dwarf was smart but he wasn't able to do all that by himself. He had help from one of his friends called Stryker to build the lesser advanced sentinel leader prototype."

"As for Nimrod, an anonymous scientist helped him. He never came physically and always communicated through letters or emails." Cassandra revealed to him everything she knew like every other dumb overconfident villain.

But Rudeus was still sad that he couldn't learn of the main scientist who had made Nimrod possible, he had to find the answer to that problem himself. There were hundreds of geniuses in Marvel, anybody could be the anonymous helper.

Just as Rudeus sighed and was going to let the topic go, Cassandra said, "But I remember that he used the abbreviation 'Sinister' in his emails and letters."

"..." Rudeus couldn't believe his ears.

He wasn't surprised that Sinister was the one who helped Trask. No, he was surprised that the extremely intelligent villain who wanted to remain anonymous had actually used his very famous villain moniker to communicate with them when he could have literally used any other name in the world.

He could have just used  'Anonymous' itself and nobody would have known but he had to use the word Sinister.

'Truly a stereotypical comic villain.' He laughed to himself.

Anyways, this was just better for Rudeus. He wouldn't have to waste his time searching for useless clues about the anonymous scientist's identity.

Rudeus had listened to Cassandra enough now. He mentally selected task one and two from his quest choices. Since there was no additional note that he couldn't just select more than one choices, he selected both.

Although he wanted Magneto in his team in the future, that didn't mean he would deny the second task to kill him and forsake free rewards especially since the system was hinting at the possible future of Magneto opposing him if Rudeus were to spare the Master of magnetism today.

"Let's start Cassandra. Its time to get this over with." Rudeus said grimly while looking her in the eyes.

So, yes its Cassandra Xavier, the twin evil sister of Charles Xavier. Some of you might say that she was nor strong enough to possess Nimrod or Magneto but she possessed Charles and kicked his mind out of his own body, so I'd say she is plenty strong.

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