A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 47: New god vs Master of magnetism (1)

Rudeus didn't give any time to Magneto/Cassandra to prepare her attack. He flew in a quick burst of speed to end them both in a single full powered punch.

Magneto's powers are more inclined towards long range combat than a short range one. So Rudeus wanted to overpower her by forcing her in a short range battle. He after all had an advantage in the strength department.

But his plans were completely ruined. The moment he reached near the Cassandra possessed Magneto, a surge of force erupted from her body. The huge telekinetic force didn't just push him away, it almost changed the surrounding landscape as everything was blown away in a one mile radius.

The surrounding structures were destroyed, the soil ripped apart and blown away, trees uprooted from the earth and smashed to bits by the force.

'Well atleast he didn't say Allmighty push or gave me a lecture about pain.' Rudeus thought as he stabilized his body in the air.

Magneto had also flown in the air to match Rudeus. They were now both high up in the sky, facing each other.

Rudeus knew this was not going to be as easy as he thought it would be. He hadn't expected Magneto to be able to use other powers besides magnetism in this fight.

'But I guess he can, considering his real power was supposed to be control over the entire electromagnetic spectrum in the comics. I had really hoped that his power would be only as much as that of his movie counterpart but I guess I aren't that lucky.' Rudeus clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Life is never easy especially for handsome people like him.

Rudeus activated his divine spirit perk and moved towards Magneto. One punch was all that he required to send the old man out of commission. He was going for one full powered blow.

Cassandra controlled all the metal scraps near them and manipulated them to strike against Rudeus but all of them just phased through him. Even the iron particles in the air that she had manipulated to hurt his sensitive body parts just passed through him harmlessly.

Rudeus smirked at this. He had already reached near Cassandra and threw a punch at her. However the punch never made contact, it was stopped by an invisible wall around Magneto's body.

'Shit I had forgotten about the electromagnetic force field that Magneto could generate in the comics.' He thought.

However the punch did have an effect. It forced Cassandra to fly away by the force of the punch but she still didn't even have a scratch due to his absurdly strong force field.

In the comics, that force field was supposedly powerful enough to endure a Nuclear blast, so Rudeus' punch didn't do much damage to it at all.

When Cassandra flew back to where Rudeus was standing, she was almost fuming. The face of Magneto looked so angry that it looked like he was having a stroke.

"You, you piece of shit. How dare you? I will take pleasure in ending you. I'll make you suffer. Now behold the true power of electromagnetism." He/she yelled in a frenzy.

Up until now, Cassandra looked like she wasn't taking this fight seriously but now, she started to truly show her real power to Rudeus.

Cassandra began to use Magneto's power to control the surrounding gravitational pull by manipulating with the Earth's magnetic field. Rocks began to move on their own while the ground slowly cracked.

Rudeus' cosmic senses tingled more ferociously than ever before. He could sense magneto's power slowly enveloping not only the country of Genosha but also everything surrounding it.

Under Cassandra's control, Magneto was slowly using his power to take direct control of the earth's magnetic field. The sky slowly became dark, riddled with a massive thunderstorm. Even the thunderstorm looked weird with its yellow lightning.

The country was facing a full blown disaster with a geo-kinetic thunder storm. The sea surrounding it became more violent as the waves became bigger and bigger. Magneto's abilities amped up by Cassandra's power threatened the existence of the entire island country.

Rudeus doubted this was the limit of his powers. Magneto was already an omega level mutant but with Cassandra Nova's help, he might as well be beyond omega now. It was like he went from a power level of 100 to 1000 in a single leap.

The only hope that Rudeus had in defeating him/her would be his lack of control and experience in using her/his newly amped up powers.

As Rudeus thought about ways to beat up the omega level mutant, Cassandra on the other hand was getting acquainted with her new powers.

She felt invincible with this feeling of absolute power. She felt there was nobody stronger than her, nobody more powerful than her. She began to control the lightning in the surrounding storm and began to attack the new god with it.

Full powered lightning strikes began to land on Rudeus. But of course, he didn't feel anything. He was currently still intangible through his divine spirit perk. He didn't even care about Magneto's attacks and instead was trying to find out his weakness if he even possessed one.

This irked out Cassandra. She had already tried to take control of Rudeus' mind using her psychic powers but that hadn't yielded any result. His mind was completely out of her reach. Even her magnetic and lightning powers were not affecting this person before her.

"You are a coward. Fight like a man if you can." Cassandra yelled in anger.

"Why would I? I believe in fighting smarter nor harder. Also did you forget that you are not actually a man yourself?" Rudeus answered.

He started to gather cosmic energy in his hands in the form of an axe. He was going to try to pierce her forcefield using it.

But just as he was going to advance towards Cassandra, she held up her hands and released what looked like beams of light towards him.

Rudeus didn't bother to dodge, but just as the beams were going to hit him, his senses buzzed. He quickly made up a cosmic energy barrier infront of him.

The cosmic energy barrier blocked most of the beams except one. One light beam broke through the barrier and struck his left hand. It left a burning sensation on it despite his still ongoing intangibility throughout his body.

The armor was still intact in that area but he still felt the burning pain on his hand.

"Surprised, aren't you? They are Magnetic rays amped up with all forms of electromagnetic radiation energy and my own psionic energy. They can not only hurt physical bodies but all types of astral bodies as well while giving victims gut-wrenching pain." 'Magneto' smiled creepily.

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