A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 48: New god vs Master of magnetism (2)

"Atlast something exciting. You know, I should thank you Cassandra. I was almost beginning to think that I had already become overpowered and invincible and nobody posed any danger to me any more. But, you broke that belief, you gave a challenge to me and I am grateful for that." Rudeus said as he began to concentrate cosmic energy in his palms.

If Magneto could use so much power, then he himself could let loose as well. He just would have to make sure that his attacks don't wipe out the country or kill everyone on the island.

A ball of dense cosmic energy began to form in his hand as he aimed it at Cassandra.

"Let's see if that barrier of yours could tank this." Rudeus shot it out at Cassandra. The cosmic bullet struck Magneto's forcefield almost at the speed of light which was followed by a huge explosion in the sky.

Rudeus saw that Magneto had been pushed back multiple kilometres. However there was not a single speck of dust on him.

But the possessed old man looked worse for wear now. Although he had successfully protected himself, he was still tired because of overusing his own powers to strengthen the barrier and resist the energy blast.

However Cassandra didn't say anything at all. She gave no villain monologues this time and just focused on pulling out more of Magneto's power. She was determined on ending this fight as soon as possible due to her declining stamina as Magneto's body was still that of a normal human.

As she concentrated more and more, the surrounding area became more chaotic. The thunderstorms intensified, pouring its wrath on Rudeus' intangible body. Electricity began to flow through the rocks as well.

Metal mines and reserves from deep inside the island began to rise up from to the ground as hills and pillars. Even metals from the surrounding seas began to rise up on the shores of the island.

The entire island began to shake with an earthquake with the waves becoming bigger and bigger like a tsunami.

Rudeus began to feel pressure from all around him. Cassandra had started manipulating the gravity to attack and bind him. Although it was not really hurting him, it still restricted some of his free movement.

This situation was getting more and more complex for Rudeus. It wouldn't have much mattered to Rudeus if he was fighting Magneto in a deserted land but fighting the new upgraded Magneto in a place where there were civilian lives nearby was annoying.

If he didn't stop him soon enough, all the mutants in the country could die here. But the unfortunate thing was that Rudeus didn't possess a huge portfolio of abilities that would be able to stop the effects of Magneto's powers.

He really lacked versatility in his powers.

But just as Rudeus was lamenting the lack of magic and a more wide set of powers in his perk list, suddenly he felt magneto's power on the surrounding atmosphere weaken. Even the earthquake seemed to become slightly less all of a sudden,

Rudeus could sense Ororo and Jean trying to use their powers to limit Magneto's influence on the surrounding environment. It was working but just barely. They were trying to help Rudeus from wherever they were on the island and Rudeus was really glad for it.

Cassandra sensed it as well. She began to use all her strength to gather electromagnetic radiation energy in her hands and then fired it towards Rudeus to end him directly.

But the young god was ready too. He used his own cosmic energy and fired it towards Magneto in a beam as well.

As the two beams of energy collided, they didn't neutralize each other but began to accumulate at the point they met, becoming a ball of raw destructive and unstable energy.

As both parties began to give their all in a bid to overpower the other, the size of the energy sphere began to increase more and more as it became more and more unstable.

"Ahhhh...." Cassandra/Magneto yelled as she/he increased the power output of the beam. Rudeus did the same too, his armor working overtime to supply the required cosmic energy.

This was the first time he could feel his armor overworking itself but currently he didn't have the luxury to care for that. The power that Magneto was giving out at this moment was easily on an omega level.

If Magneto's beam were to strike earth directly, it could probably wipe out the entire country of Genosha with the sheer amount of heat and radiation it contained. So naturally Rudeus had to use his armor's cosmic energy to match that same level of power in his beam as well.

But the stalemate that the two had reached broke when the unstable accumulation of energy of their energy beams ultimately destabilized by being oversaturated with energy resulting in an explosion that threw back both Rudeus and Magneto.

The explosion lighted up the entire sky as reddish golden light began to shine brightly almost blinding everybody that looked at the explosion with naked eyes. It cleared out the entire sky of the raging storm as all the clouds were completely wiped out.

To the people on the ground it didn't look like an explosion at all, instead it looked like the brightest dawn they had ever seen, the most beautiful yet destructive sight they had ever laid their eyes upon.

As the explosion slowly subsided, the surrounding environment again went back to its calm nature.

"Now, that was intense." Rudeus couldn't help but utter. This was the first time he had used so much power at once, the first time he felt tired, the first time he felt that he was not... strong enough.

He could feel most of his bones aching due that explosion even though he had use his cosmic energy shield on his entire body at the last moment. But even that was not enough, the blast was definitely way more powerful than a nuclear explosion. He was lucky that it happened high up in the sky and not close to the island ground.

This was an eye opener for him. He didn't like it at all, how the fight was so close. No, he was never in any real danger of losing his life. But, it was never a question of him losing to Magneto but a question of if he would be able to protect all these people from him, his future believers.

"You... fcuking... son.. of a... b*tch, I'll... fcuking... kill you." A hoarse tired voice suddenly sounded in Rudeus' ears. He looked at the place from where the sound was coming from.

He saw the figure of Magneto with tattered clothes barely standing up with redshot eyes. Even his iconic helmet was dented at various place in weird shapes.

Rudeus doubted how Magneto was still alive. He was sure that even his forcefield shouldn't be strong enough to resist that huge explosion. Even his cosmic energy shield was destroyed easily. The only reason he was still alive and kicking was because he quite literally has a godly body.

But as Rudeus looked at Magneto's injuries and current state again, he realized why he was still conscious. That evil b*itch, Cassandra was actively using her own powers to somehow hold Magneto's body together from falling apart.

"Magneto's body is no longer in a condition to fight anymore, Cassandra. He is going to die soon and when he does, so will you. You should have stuck fighting your handicapped brother Cassandra. He even probably would have let you live after this."

"But me, I am not just going to kill you. I am going to completely erase your existence from this world. Even your soul won't exist after I am done with you." Rudeus threatened with a passive face.

"Maybe, you are right. But you see, since I am probably not going to live long myself, I might as just well take everyone with me as well. I didn't want to do this but you forced me to do it." Cassandra looked like she had finally lost all sense of her little sanity.

The possessed Magneto brought both of her hands together and closed his eyes. A little black dot appeared out of nowhere between his hands. The dot slowly began to become bigger and bigger as its size increased to that of a marble.

'No, that's impossible. Does he really have that amount of power?' Rudeus frowned and  thought to himself as he understood what Cassandra was trying to do.

But he already knew the answer to that question because he was seeing the scene with his own two eyes.

As Rudeus looked at the black marble being formed in Magneto's hands, he realized one simple thing. He realized that even he could die if Cassandra succeeded at what she was trying to do. His senses made sure to warn him of that.

What Magneto was doing was probably the peak of what the power of electromagnetic spectrum manipulation could do.

Magneto possessed by Cassandra at this moment had a singularity in his hands. She was trying to create a f*cking black hole.

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