A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 49: End of the Battle

"Master, we have to stop them before they succeed in creating a stable black hole. Because if they do succeed in creating one, then not just this island country but the entire planet could be completely destroyed by it once it gains enough mass and energy." Zoya warned Rudeus like the loyal and dependable AI she was.

But what Rudeus was thinking was how would he possibly destroy a black hole even though it was a newly made one.

In actual world's science, a black hole could never be destroyed no matter what but according to comics physics black holes can be destroyed if someone applies enough opposite force on it.

But that in itself would be impossible since there were very few people with that level of power or energy which could obliterate a black hole.

'Wait, did Zoya just say that the black hole was still not stable yet?' Rudeus suddenly thought.

"Hey Zoya, what do you mean by the statement the black hole is not stable yet?" He asked Zoya confusedly.

"Well right now, the singularity that Magneto is trying to create isn't self sustainable. It isn't nearly as stable as a real natural black hole. The only reason it isn't collapsing on itself is due to the power that Magneto is constantly using to maintain it. Otherwise the black hole would have destroyed itself due to the imbalance of mass and energy in it." Zoya informed him.

"So, if there is no Magneto, then there will be no more energy to maintain that singularity. So all I have to do is just kill Magneto and I will be able to save everyone including myself. That doesn't sound that hard."

Except it was, because Rudeus could sense that Magneto had covered himself with his magnetic forcefield again. The same forcefield that could easily endure a nuclear blast.

Last time that forcefield was destroyed by a blast that was the combination of both of Rudeus' and Magneto's full-powered beam attacks. So Rudeus would have to again generate that amount of power in his next attack but on his own this time.

It sounded almost impossible but he still had to try if he wanted to live. He could just fly away from the planet and escape his fate but the rest of the people might die that way.

The same people that had trusted him, the people that would come under his rule in the future, his potential waifus, everyone might die and he didn't want that. Earth was his home, it always was, no matter which dimension or universe, it will always be his home.

So he had to atleast try.

With a determined face Rudeus closed his eyes and concentrated. He could already sense cosmic energies all around him through the armor but now, he actively used his low cosmic senses as well. Something changed. He didn't just sense those energies anymore, he began to feel them.

The amount of energy he could feel was infinite. It was destructive yet creative, harmful yet nourishing. He began to try to reach them through his armor and pull them all to himself.

He pulled harder and harder as much as he could. His armor was like a cosmic energy purifier and battery. It not only purified the cosmic energy, making it easier for him to use it but also stored the purified energies in itself for him to use its abilities.

But right now, he could feel the battery getting full, the armor was almost entirely filled to the brim with cosmic energy, no longer being able to soak up more of it. It was unable to absorb any more energy.

But that was not enough. Rudeus needed more energy, he needed more power and he would have it.

He might not produce the power of a nuclear blast with his punch but he had to produce that level of attack on Magneto somehow and this cosmic energy was currently the only thing he could rely on.

So he steeled his will and forced his body to absorb more cosmic energy through his armor. His cosmic senses helped him in this a little. It was quite a unique perk, the only perk he was unable to completely master despite the faster learning ability of his alpha physiology.

In a passive state, the Low cosmic senses perk acted much like spider sense, alarming of any danger or any sudden change to the laws of reality or the world around him but in an active state, it helped him to perceive everything around, to sense everything, to feel everything. It basically made him nigh-omniscient in a particular small area.

But of course whether he could comprehend all the things that he sensed during this time and whether he could use it without his godly brains shutting down due to the unbelievably huge strain was a completely different topic altogether. But he was adapting to it and he was definitely getting better.

He used these senses to feel the cosmic energy around him, establish a connection with it through his armor and then he began to absorb the excess energy directly into his body.

It burned, it burned a lot, it was like his cells were trying to absorb and store lava in them, something that they were definitely not made for. But he still continued doing it.

He could not help but scream as the pain slowly became unbelievable even by his godly standards as he continued absorbing more and more of the raw cosmic energy.

His body continued resisting and even actively trying to spew out the cosmic energy from itself but suddenly he felt something from his alpha physiology and divine spirit perks.

He felt something change in his body and sprit, like an artificial limiter which suddenly broke. He found that his sensation of pain was now lessening steadily and his body had stopped resisting the energy.

Infact he felt his body gobble up more and more cosmic energy as he continued absorbing more of it. Even his rate of absorption of cosmic energy had tripled as well.

As he felt the enormous power present in his body, in every one of his cells, he knew something was different. This cosmic energy present in his body was different that the one that could be stored in his armor.

The one in his body seemed to be more... potent. He had even received a couple of system notifications as well but he did not have the time to check them or experiment with his powers right now.

The marble in Magneto's hands had grown to the size of a basket ball and was dangerously close to becoming a stable proper black hole very soon. So Rudeus could not waste any more time.

He used his body's new energy to form an axe in his hands. The new axe formed however was red in colour, different from its normal golden.

He instead of using an axe on Magneto's forcefield could use a cosmic energy blast or a cosmic energy bullet. But both him and Cassandra were on land right now.

If Rudeus were to use an explosive attack on her, it could kill a lot of people or destroy a major portion of the island country in the resulting blast. So he went with a melee weapon instead.

His unique energy would be mostly concentrated in the blade of the axe, to make the weapon construct stronger and more powerful.

Rudeus grabbed the axe with both of his hands and breathed deeply. This was going toe be his only chance and he could not mess it up. He probably would not have the chance to strike again after this.

So, he raised the axe and jumped high towards Magneto to get a momentum. He used every bit of his strength and power as he descended towards Magneto through the air.

Cassandra noticed him as well. She too understood what Rudeus was trying to do. She was aware of his last attempt to destroy her plans, to stop her. She snickered at his desperate and worthless try to do so.

But she still took caution as she used Magneto's last dregs of remaining power and energy to strengthen his barrier more to make sure that she would be able to complete her last move.

But Rudeus didn't care as he just gave it his all descending on magneto like the god he was.

As his axe touched Magneto's forcefield, it did not stop in any way and just passed through it as the barrier was cut like butter and the axe slashed not only Magneto but also the unstable black hole.

There was no explosion, no blast, no lightworks. There was only Magneto's unmoving dead body with his entire body slashed by the axe. Even the small black hole seemed to be cut by the unique energy as it stopped growing and began dissipating as it seemed to get corroded and devoured by Rudeus' new unique cosmic energy.

Rudeus's gamble and efforts had paid off. He had done the impossible. He had won.

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