A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 50: Thoughts of an Iceman

<(POV of Robert Bobby Drake, aka, Iceman)>

"I hate robots especially the racist ones." I grumbled annoyedly as I froze another sentinel. These sentinels were really annoying. Not only each of them were really strong but also there were almost hundreds of such droids.

No matter how many sentinels I destroyed, there was just no end to them. They were in the hundreds.

Still fighting the sentinels were easier for me, Ororo and Jean compared to the other X-men. The others like Scott, Beast and Logan were having more difficulties fighting the sentinels.

Turns out that some of the sentinels had an extra coating of some unique metal on their bodies which made Scott's lasers and Beast's & Logan's attacks less effective against them.

At first I had thought that Jean would probably destroy the most sentinels out of all of us but I was soon proven wrong.

Turns out that Ororo had gone into a berserk mode and had rained down non-stop lightning on the droids like never before. Almost every sentinel in her strike radius was completely fried.

Not only me and the other X-men but even Jean also looked shocked as she stared at the white haired mutant looking like a goddess.

Both of them were powerful and they were competing on who was stronger among them. They were probably the two most powerful metahumans in our school since both of them were omega level metahumans.

Well I was one too, but I didn't want to compete with them. Whatever they were competing for, they looked dangerous while doing that.

And anyways, I wasn't here to compete on who got more kills but what I wanted to do was impress my newly found crush, Rudeus Fireheart.

Ah, such a beautiful name. I could imagine the type of person who would have such a name. Probably a pure gentleman who was untainted by the evils of the world.

The moment I met him, the moment I saw his perfection, my gay radar buzzed like never before. I knew I had found my dream man. He is everything that I want in my life partner. He was perfection made real.

I was initially a little sad that he wasn't answering my feelings. I even thought that maybe he was not interested in me, maybe my gay radar was wrong. But then I learnt that he was a god.

I didn't know much about gods but what I did know from some Greek mythologies were that gods like both men and women. They will embrace whomever loves them, no matter their gender. And Rudeus confirmed that as well today back in the school when he said the same thing.

That made me hope once again. I realized that I could not be selfish and keep him just to myself. Others need him as well. So I will not stop him from loving others but that doesn't mean that I will stop loving him. I am sure that one day he will accept me, that he will accept my love.

However even though we were giving our best against these sentinels, we were unable to win no matter what. For every sentinel we killed a dozen other took its place. Their sheer durability and large numbers were too much for us.

However all of a sudden the sentinels stopped attacking us.

They just stood still as all of them faced the same direction. They were waiting for something. All of us also stopped attacking them as we all had an inkling of what had happened. We knew that Rudeus had succeeded.

He and his trusted cubic assistant Zoya had succeeded in taking over all the sentinels. However it didn't just end at that.

After that came the coolest speech I have ever heard. Rudeus again proved himself a god as he stood at the centre of the island and told each and every metahuman and sentinel here that from now on, this island was under his protection.

It literally gave me chills even though I am supposed to control chills. We all heard his godly voice loud and clear as it came from not only himself but also all the radios and other audio equipment from the island, even the sentinels themselves.

As his speech ended all the sentinels left the island as well. Although I was a little confused on why he was letting them go but then I remembered that Rudeus was a god. He knew about these things better than me. He most probably already had some grand plan for them.

The entire thing was too beautiful to describe. But sadly it didn't last long. That monster, Magneto apparently came to fight him. We could only hear Magneto challenging Rudeus and insulting all the metahumans in the country before the voice transmission got cut off.

We all were angry at that because Magneto had insulted all metahumans which included us as well. But Jean looked like she wanted to kill someone. I swear her moodswings are getting worse every day.

She didn't even look like herself right now. She looked wayyy darker than she normally did. However even the peace loving Ororo was clenching her jaws at Magneto's words. Well, not just us but most metahumans around us in Genosha seemed to feel the same.

We were all sensitive about our race and none of us like being insulted due to it.

However just as we were going to go and help Rudeus in beating the shit out the old man, some of the loyal lackeys of the Brotherhood arrived. I swear sometimes I want to kill Toad, Pyro and Sabretooth. There were about a dozen of the brotherhood's mutants here. Even that Mesmero had joined today's fight as well.

Normally this type of fight would have been really difficult for us especially due to the sheer number difference but today all of us were on a roll. Even Logan seemed to be extra motivated to kill Sabretooth.

Well, everyone except Scott who got hypnotized by Mesmero the very moment the fight began. Of course I as his trusted teammate did the right thing and encased him in a block of ice before Jean mind controlled Mesmero to bash his head against the earth until he lost consciousness.

Yeah, today's fight was savage with both Logan and Jean trying to kill everyone in their sights and Ororo maiming her opponents by lightning strikes. Even me and Beast didn't hold back today. Piotr however like the gentleman he always was did hold back somewhat.

But our bad fortune didn't end there. Even though we were gradually winning against the leftover brotherhood villains, the entire island soon began to shake viciously. There were earthquakes, huge seawaves and even a thunderstorm that was forming above us that wasn't a result of Ororo using her powers. I knew because I asked her.

Beast informed us that this was probably due to Magneto manipulating the earth's magnetic field in his fight against Rudeus and if this went on the entire island would get destroyed with time.

That's when we made the decision to help our new god. We would do what we can to help him. Ororo tried to weaken the brewing thunderstorm while Jean tried to establish her control on the island to resist the earthquakes. I began to freeze all the big waves hitting the coasts of the island to prevent a tsunami.

Turns out our efforts paid off as Magneto soon stopped trying to destroy the island by manipulating the environment and fought Rudeus head on. We didn't know what was happening but we just hoped that Rudeus would be able to win this battle.

Even Jean admitted that Magneto was much much stronger than even the current her. He was probably stronger than all the X-men combined even the professor.

That almost made me gulp. I wonder what we would have done if Rudeus didn't exist. We were really lucky that we have a god to rely on.

Soon, there was a huge explosion in the sky. It was as bright as the morning sky. It was as beautiful and majestic as it was frightening and destructive.

We just hoped that whatever it was, Rudeus wasn't harmed in it.

But truthfully, it was really eye opening for all of us. We have never seen or even imagined that level of battle ever happening. It really was like a battle of gods. This made me realize that the world is changing faster than we thought and we will have change with it if we want to survive.

I think the best bet for us to survive and flourish is not hiding in a secret school under the professor but doing something for ourselves and our race under someone capable and strong as Rudeus.

A god like him is probably the only one who we can rely on and who will be able to lead us to true peace.


I wrote this chapter to bring a little freshness to the story with a new pov. Although now that I have written it, I think I could have done a better job. Anyways Bobby may not have referenced some of the mc's battle scenes. I want to clear up that this is not because of lazy writing but simply because Bobby is quite far away on the island from where the mc is. So he simply doesn't know some of the things that might have happened.

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