A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 54: A Speedster’s apology

"Hey, Rudeus are you okay? You are not hurt fighting with that magneto, right? I should have come to help you. Its all my fault for not getting rid of those pests earlier." Jean said in a single breath after reaching Rudeus.

She was really worried for her first crush. No, what she felt for Rudeus was not even a crush any longer, it could be almost said to be bordering on obsession. Her feelings for Rudeus seemed to only increase with her increase in power.

Even she herself realized that her love for Rudeus was almost unnatural but she could not help herself.

"Its okay, Jean. You helped plenty. You guys defeating the rest of the brotherhood for me was extremely helpful. In fact I wanted to thank all of you for your amazing contribution to truly free this country and help save all the metahumans in it." Rudeus smoothly answered.

"It was our pleasure. I am glad that we could do something for our people." Piotr surprisingly answered. He spoke less than the others due to his funny accent but the big bear was definitely a sweetheart.

"By the way, how did you revive the dead mutants. I thought no mutant possessed powers like resurrection, especially one that could bring back so many people back to life at once." Hank, the Beast asked.

"... What?" Rudeus was stunned. He couldn't believe what he just heard.

He knew his new perk was powerful and could potentially resurrect someone from death but he thought that it needed some great sacrifice or something like a life for a life or a huge amount of his life force and divine energy or some other complex ritual.

But hearing that he had unknowingly used his power to not only heal people from the brink of death but also revive actually dead people as well really surprised him.

'Wait, so that's why so much of my divine energy was used up.' Rudeus found the answer to his question.

"I guess, my divine healing power is just that strong. I am just glad that I was able help so many metahumans due to my ability." Rudeus played it lightly.

"But still, the ability to defy death almost sounds a little unnatural. Its an ability that goes against the path of nature and should not exist. Otherwise the very balance of the world might fall apart." Scott tried to give his own thoughts to the discussion.

"That sounds really funny coming from a guy who can shoot destructive lasers from his eyes. You know Scott, seeing a few jedi masters on the big screen doesn't really make you one, right?" Ororo couldn't hold back any longer as she replied in a sarcastic manner

Rudeus on the other hand seemed amused that Ororo actually knew about Star Wars. It seemed to him that there was still yet hope for the weather goddess to one day become a woman of culture under his training.

"Hey children, look who I found. Our old friend, Pietro Maximoff." The voice of Logan suddenly reached them. As Rudeus turned around to see what was going on, he saw Logan coming towards them with a bottle of beer in one hand and dragging Pietro on the ground by another.

The Pietro who was currently being dragged through the ground looked like he was in pain and was not resisting at all. Logan's facial expression on the other hand seemed to be really proud like a dog bringing back a ball.

Rudues had to consciously put effort to not laugh at this scene.

As Logan reached where they were standing with Pietro in tow, Piotr was the first one to break the awkward silence. "Why do you look like you have constipation dude?"

"... Because he punched me in the gut with a force equivalent of a f*cking volvo." Quicksilver said as he pointed at Logan.

"Don't lie bub. I only punched with the force of a toyota, max. And that too because you were not behaving and trying to escape when I held you from the back." Logan scoffed.

"Well yeah, because first I was on the edge due to murderous robots trying to kill all mutants on the island and second, I was sure that I was dead for some time until I found out that I was actually not..." Pietro complained.

"Wait, did you just say that you were dead?" Beast interrupted Quicksilver.

"Yeah, after I... left you guys, I came to this island and joined my father's organization to help make the lives of the mutants better here. But... turns out my father wasn't really that fair and liberal as a ruler. Anyways, just when I was getting disappointed with his style of ruling the country, bam we were attacked by murderous robots out of nowhere."

"All of us at the brotherhood tried to fight back. But the sentinels were really strong, especially the adapting one that seemed to their leader. Even my father with his recently increased power was barely able to contend against it. I myself was trying to save as many people as I could from those droids but while I was trying to save some civilians, I was hit by an energy blast directly from one of the sentinels as I protected a girl with my body."

"After I was hit by the blast, it was all dark. I was pretty sure I was dead for some time. But then a golden light illuminated the darkness around me. I literally felt myself... coming back to life because of it. After I heard everything that happened while I was dead from some people nearby, I wanted to thank the person responsible for giving me my life back. That's why I came back to the city. I was coming to thank you." Pietro Maximoff said as he looked at Rudeus with guilt on his face.

Rudeus understood the kid's mentality. He was not evil at all. He joined his father because he simply wanted to be with his family like everyone else normally does. He was simply just a kid who made a wrong decision by supporting his own father.

Rudeus sighed as he looked at Pietro and said, "I accept your apology and your thanks. But its not really me who you need to apologise to." as he gestured towards the X-men who were intently listening to the speedster's story till now.

"I am really sorry guys. I really didn't understand the value of my friends till I died. I guess some bonds are even more powerful than blood. It took me my death to realize that, but still, better late than never I guess." He said as he looked at them.

"Its okay Pietro. I forgive you. After all, that's what friends are for. To forgive each other for silly mistakes like these." Colossus gave him a big smile.

"We forgive you too. Although you may or may not get double homework and assignments for the next month." Both Ororo and Hank forgave them too.

"Whatever as long as you are not a hindrance and listen to my orders." Scott behaved like a tsundere.

"Well, even though I forgive you, I still can't promise you that we will go back to being the good friends that we were... but I will still try to put this behind me and give you another chance." Even Jean caved in after seeing Pietro's guilt ridden face.

"Well, that's it then. I guess you are officially forgiven. Although there might be a lot more people back at the school you need to earn forgiveness from." Rudeus told Quicksilver with a smile.

"Yeah, you are right. But I'll still try my best to make amends with everyone. Anyways I heard that my father died in a battle with you. Don't worry I am not blaming you Rudeus, I heard what he said about the people here and that he was the one who attacked first. But I wanted to ask you if you think that he got revived like me as well due to your healing power?" He asked Rudeus.


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