A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 55: The First step to World domination

"No, unfortunately or fortunately he didn't get revived by your healing powers. His body was too much destroyed in the fight to effectively revive him. Even his soul was damaged in the battle. So a resurrection was not possible." Zoya silently informed Rudeus telepathically.

"No sadly your father had already completely crossed to the other side, so he could not be brought back." Rudeus gave the first bullsh*t reason that came to his mind as he learnt of the real reason from Zoya.

He didn't need his reason to sound believable to the X-men. No, they would just have to trust his word since nobody else among them knew anything about resurrection currently. The current world still hadn't gone to a point where everyone died and got resurrected the next day. Resurrection still wasn't a general daily occurence in the present time.

But Pietro didn't exactly seem particularly hurt or sad by the news that his father was dead and couldn't be revived. In fact what Rudeus saw in his eyes was a hint of relief.

'I guess Magneto was a really sh*tty dad for Pietro to not even mourn him seriously.' Rudeus thought to himself.

But he wasn't going to judge anyone. Everyone have their own circumstances and reasons.

They soon moved from the conversation and began to just chill and relax as they talked among themselves while helping the locals in rehabilitating the city.

They had quite fun in doing communal work like this as they used their powers efficiently to decrease the work load by a third.

"Lets go guys. Its getting late, I will drop you guys to the school. The professor might need you guys back in the school." Rudeus offered as he opened a boom tube to Xavier Academy.

Although everyone was happy and enjoying their time just chilling on the island, it still didn't change the fact that they had to go back to their own lives. Truthfully, nobody really wanted to go back as they were having too much fun here but they had their responsibilities back at the school to get back to.

"Don't worry guys. You can always come back here to help out or just chill whenever you want. This is from now on a nation for all metahumans, a haven under my protection. You will always be welcome here." He said to the X-men to lift their spirits.

"Also, Pietro do you have a sister or something?" As they were all entering into the portal, Rudeus suddenly asked Pietro out of the blue.

He was asking because Rudeus had been trying really hard to find Wanda Maximoff but his search was not bearing fruit at all. It was like Wanda had completely disappeared from the world.

Rudeus had found Lorna Dane but not Wanda. Pietro on the other hand probably hadn't even heard of Lorna since they were step siblings. But he might have some information about Wanda since they were supposed to be actual siblings from the same parents.

"Umm, I don't know. I was adopted by my current parents when the Maximoff couple who was supposed to look after me died back in Sokovia in a bombing. I was really young, barely a few years old at that time and don't really remember much from that time." Pietro confessed.

"I see." Rudeus nodded. Pietro's story was really similar to the mcu events except the fact that Wanda was currently not with him.

'I wonder what happened to her or where she currently is.' Rudeus wondered to himself. He would have to search harder for her. She was one of his most favourite marvel superheroines back in his previous life. He really wanted to meet her and...

'I should probably train my cosmic senses harder if I want to sense everything occuring on the planet at once. That would probably increase my chances of finding characters like Wanda sooner.' he made up his mind to train his low cosmic senses ability harder.

"Why? Do-do I have a sister or something?" Pietro asked hesitatingly.

"Maybe. Magneto might have other children out there. It seems he didn't like using protection that much. So yes, you might have some other siblings. But I haven't found them yet. I'll inform you when I do." Rudeus said with a straight face.

"Um. Oookay." Pietro awkwardly said. He wasn't exactly expecting to hear such a fact about his father.

"A fake name and a fake number is all the protection you need to have the a good enough night." Wolverine commented offhandedly while entering into the boom tube.

"Well for you maybe, you are resistant to each and every disease out there and also you don't look like the beast from The beauty and the Beast." Hank mumbled to himself sadly before he too followed him.

"You know, the people in my village never really used protection. Maybe I won't need to as well in the future." Ororo whispered to him before hugging him goodbye while making sure to give him a good feel of her huge breasts and then leaving as well.

"..." Rudeus had nothing to say. He was lucky that he was mentally tired, otherwise he would probably already have a divine tower between his legs right now.

It was good that Kitty and Colossus were the first to leave, otherwise their pure minds would have been corrupted by these conversations here.

As Scott also left after Ororo looking like he wanted to just go and b*tch to the professor about him, Jean at last came up to him. "I don't like protections as well. By the way, can we like hang out sometime. I would love to get to know you." Jean said to Rudeus with a red face.

"Yeah, sure. We can hang out whenever we like. Maybe we should call Ororo too sometimes. She also looks frustrated from her job as a teacher." Rudeus gave her a clue about his intention to date Ororo as well. He wanted her to be mentally ready and accepting of his other relations as well.

While he did trust his 'Sexual compatibility' and 'Golden Rule' perks, he would still give an effort to make sure that his future female pantheon members didn't fight for his attention or something. He didn't want to have a 'Hera' in his pantheon trying to curse and kill all his other lovers and children.

Of course, he just ignored about her comment on not liking protections. He didn't want to get h*rny right now. He would bang Jean one day but that would be when she herself would beg him to f*ck her brains out.

Although Jean looked a little down after hearing his statement, she still didn't say anything else and just left through the boom tube after giving him a small kiss on his cheeks.

As all the X-men finally left, Rudeus' expression changed as he looked at his new country being rebuilt by his new 'people'.

He was proud of his newest acquisition.

'I guess I have taken the first step to world domination.' Rudeus smiled to himself.

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