A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 60: An European tour and a Vampiric encounter

"I-really-miss huh-huh, Zoya's huh, boom tubes." Vanessa panted as she and Rudeus continued walking through an old broken road.

"This is like the third time you complained Vanessa. I am really getting tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. Also, some walking is good for your health. It will keep you in shape." Rudeus said without paying her much attention.

"Well, hello. An always in shape metahuman with the power to change appearances and shape here. I don't need to keep myself in shape. That's what the loser mortal women do. Also why do we have to walk instead of using Zoya? She could have made this journey four times easier." Vanessa whined like a child.

"Well first, I was bored of using boom tubes to go literally everywhere. I wanted a change so I thought that going 'hiking' like this would be a fresh change. Not just me, even you were addicted to boom tubes. You think I don't know about how you used boom tubes to even go to the washroom every time." Rudeus teased her.

"Hey, I only use them in emergencies. Plus Zoya never said no. So I just continued doing it. It ain't like I am addicted or something... Okay maybe I went over the top a little bit."  She muttered.

"Also second reason is that the place we are searching for is a location where Zoya can't just teleport us to. Its in a different dimension which is supposed to be parallel to the nation of United Kingdom. And Zoya would not be able to open a boom tube to it unless she knows its exact dimensional coordinates or has been to that place or atleast have some general knowledge about its location." Rudeus said patiently.

"You are talking about this mysterious otherworld right? The supposed perfect country that King Arthur founded?" Vanessa asked.

"Not exactly. Otherworld is a mysterious dimension like many other dimensions that are connected to this world like K'un-lun. King Arthur only founded a small country inside the dimension called Avalon. Many regions of the dimension are ruled by other factions as well. We are in search for one of them. We are searching for Morgan Le Fay who is supposedly imprisoned in her own home, Castle Le Fey." Rudeus explained.

"Although, the famous stonehenge was supposed to be the gateway to that dimension, turns out neither me, nor Selene nor Zoya can actually open it. We need a 'key' to open that gateway, the password. And sadly its not 'Open Sesame', I checked." Rudeus sighed.

"And that's why we are now here in the middle of nowhere searching for a village where there is a woman according to our information who supposedly knows the so called password to enter the Otherworld."

"But why are we even searching for Morgan when we already have sister Selene as our own personal sorceress. Although she doesn't use her magic much, isn't she like a really powerful sorceress like even better than Morgan?" Vanessa asked.

"Powerful, maybe. But Morgan is much much more talented than her in the pure mystic arts. Morgan knows an unique branch of mystic arts called fey magic using which, she just in a few years of magic training was powerful enough to stand her own against Merlin and Arthur. She has incredible genius and talent in the magic. She would be a very valuable addition to our faction." He said.

"Also it is rumored that she knows about how to travel the nine realms without using the bifrost." Rudeus told her the main reason of why he was searching for the ancient powerful sorceress.

"I see. But I still wish I could relax after coming to Europe instead of walking through a dirty and rocky path in search of some Lady Drake. What kind of name even is that? Like can you be even more chunibyo?" Vanessa joked while conveniently forgetting that she herself had the codename Copycat.

She was learning more and more about 'culture' from Rudeus since he had deemed her worthy of the burden of his knowledge.

"You do know that... something is wrong. I think I found the village we were looking for or maybe I should say what remains of the so called village we were looking for." Rudeus suddenly remarked seriously as he stared at a certain direction, his low cosmic senses warning him of the bloody carnage going on in the nearby village.

"Let's go quickly, I don't want our key to die there before we get to her." He said before picking up Vanessa and flying to the direction of the village.

It only took him a couple of seconds to reach it in his godly speed of flight, landing on the earth in the middle of the village with a sonic boom.

As Vanessa got down from Rudeus' hold, she finally understood what Rudeus meant by carnage. She saw dozens of rabid looking bloodthirsty humanoid monsters attacking every moving being in the village as they feasted on their blood like...

"Vampires. Of course, I should have known. I almost forgot about these little buggers. I think now I even have an idea about who this mysterious Lady Drake is since she is connected with vampires." Rudeus said in an enlightened tone.

"But should we help them? I mean, we don't know these villagers but they really look like they can use our help." Vanessa asked permission to act from him.

"Yeah sure, I guess we can always do some good deeds." 'Also I always wanted to be a vampire hunter.' Rudeus said as he thought the last part in his mind. He wished he could have a cool sword at this moment.

'Wait a minute...' He remembered he actually did have one, actually he had hundreds in his inventory. He also could spam more with his new divine energy manipulation perk.

He formed a red energy sword in both of his hands as he got ready to cut the vampires. Vanessa too used her mimic powers and changed her form to a more... vampiric form with fangs and claws as she mimicked their physical powers.

As they charged into battle, Rudeus quickly realized that battles with low level enemies like these had become extremely boring and meaningless for him.

Any vampire that came in contact with his divine energy sword got incinerated the moment it touched them. For him it was like a level hundred player trying to fight a horde of level one minions. It was not at all exciting.

Even Vanessa found it too easy as she just dodged and slashed all that came near her with her now increased physical abilities.

*Boom* a sound suddenly came from a few meters away from where they were fighting the vampires. There was a small explosion of some kind which released more light than an actual fiery explosion.

As Rudeus looked at that direction, he was surprised. He saw a really hot lady who looked like a vampire as well with her pale skin fighting with a group of the lower vampires. But that was not what shocked him. What shocked him was the man who was helping her fight against those vampires.

He didn't expect to meet this person here so soon in this world. Rudeus thought that he still had time for 'his' canon story to start. 'But I guess this is the real world and not just a movie verse where the characters only star in their own movies only. Characters do more work here I guess.'

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