A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 61: A Half and a Noble vampire

"What the fcuk is Blade doing here?" Rudeus asked as he saw the sunglass and coat wearing hero wielding his blades against the dozens of lower vampires that began to swarm him.

"You know the weird guy?" Vanessa asked as she slashed away the head of the last vampire that attacked her with her new claws.

"I had heard of him. He is supposedly the feared day-walking half vampire, vampire hunter that most vampires are afraid of. But I didn't really expect him to be in Europe at this time. I thought he mostly operated in the US." Rudeus gave some information to Vanessa about the silent vampire hater.

"Maybe we should talk with them and find out more about what's going on here. Because I have never seen a single vampire in my life, yet the first time I get to see one, I see the entire freaking clan. I am gonna take a guess and say that its probably not normal." Vanessa gave her thoughts.

"Yeah, lets go and see what this is about." Rudeus began to walk towards them.

Blade and 'Lady Drake' were still fighting and killing their low vampire enemies as they seemed to just not end.

As Blade was slashing vampires left and right with his sword, he was regretting coming here with less firepower. What he wouldn't give for some tnt filled with silver dust at this time or maybe some more UV light flash bangs.

Normally vampires wouldn't even attack at day due to their obvious well known weakness to sunlight. But in this particular mountainous village covered with mist and fog, sunlight wasn't a big problem for the vampires especially because of the cloudy weather.

'Should have brought the big guns.' He lamented his lack of heavy firepower.

But before he had a chance to take out his sorrows and anger on the seemingly never ending bunch of low vampires in front of him, small window sized golden portals began to form all around the area.

As dozens of those portals formed, they suddenly began to release knives made of some type of red energy at a high speed and power. The knives accurately pierced the bodies of the vampires converting them all into dust and ash the very moment it touched them.

In just a few moments, the entire area was clear of all the low vampires as it was now filled with dust. Yet neither him nor the lady vampire were even touched by those knives.

"Wow, talk about environmental pollution. I think I should introduce vampires to Greta Thunberg. She and her supporters will probably 'take care' of the entire race of vampires in the name of climate change." Rudeus thought amusedly.

He was really in a good mood seeing that his little experiment had worked. He could now use his divine energy to make weapon constructs, then store them in his inventory for an indefinite period of time and then use them later en masse as a crowd control skill.

The constructs would remain solid in the real world as long as the energy he used to make the energy weapons aren't completely consumed. He would no longer have to carry actual metal weapons in his inventory any more. He quite liked this new upgraded feature to his cosmic divine energy.

"Stop right there. Who are you?" Blade asked him in a gruff voice once he noticed Rudeus and Vanessa coming in his direction.

"Oh come on, really? I just saved both of your lives. A thank you would have been nice. Anyways, you can call me Atem and this here is Copycat. We are in search of someone named Lady Drake." Rudeus explained to them.

At the mention of Lady Drake, both of them tensed up for a moment. Their guards went up more as they stared at Rudeus and Vanessa trying to gauge their intentions and threat levels.

"Why do the new patron god of metahumans and guardian of Genosha want to meet someone as unimportant as Lady Drake. I don't think she has anything to do with... godly stuff." The vampiric lady asked Rudeus as she scrunched up her brows.

"Well maybe, he just wants to know to talk after a little birdie told him that lady Drake knows the spell or the password required to open the gateway to Otherworld. Now are we going to talk Lady Drake or are we gonna pretend that you are not her and just continue discussing about you in a third person?" He smiled at her.

"... *sigh* Fine, we'll talk but do you mind if I first help the rest of the gypsy survivors here? They need some kind of medical attention that I am capable of giving." She looked at the injured survivors trying to help each other.

"No, not at all. Infact..." Rudeus looked at his surroundings to see all the injured people and then released his golden healing light towards them, bringing all of them back to their healthy states. Even the ones who had died due to the attack, now began to heal up as they too slowly returned to life as humans.

'Take that Lady Death.' Rudeus mocked the cosmic entity as he felt like he was even above her now. The power to have control over life and death, the power to bring people back from the darkness of death was really addicting.

'Although I shouldn't use my resurrection powers that much. Stuff like that never ends well in the comics.' He reminded himself.

"Doctors aren't really that important when you have an actual god with you." Vanessa said as she laughed aloud.

"..." Blade couldn't say anything as he was amazed at the miracle that just happened in front of him. He couldn't even believe his own eyes.

He had seen resurrections as well as coming back to life and stuff. But they were never as easy as this 'god' made it out to be. Those normally included a lot of preparations, spells, sacrifices and other dark stuff. But this, this was just too simple.

"Ummm, ok. Thanks for the help. Anyways, I am Lilith Drake, the lady Drake you were searching for. And as for your question, yes. I do know how to open the stonehenge gateway to Otherworld. But I need your help first.... please." Lilith said in a single breath as she stared at the expressionless face of Rudeus.

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