A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 62: Another Reincarnator?

<(Gwendolyn Poole, aka, Gwenpool pov)>

This is amazing. I still can't believe that this is happening. I actually crossed over to another world and not just any world but the one and only Marvel multiverse.

Well take that Truck kun. But sadly I didn't receive any op system or something. Tchh, I guess you don't get everything you want in life.

But still I did get an extremely powerful healing attribute that is more or less actual immortality. How do I know that? Because my shitty luck transported me in front of a speeding truck which again almost killed me.

I guess truck-kun tried to screw me again. But this time my new healing attribute kicked in and healed my broken bones and crushed skull effortlessly.

God, I was so close to death. I think I almost even felt Lady Death trying to scissor with me but I as a straight as a stick girl returned to life as pure as ever.

But turns out healing and immortality isn't my only superpower in my new life. Turns out I can also convert my body into something like different forms of plastic like that Plastic man from the Dc comics as well as make innumerable clones of myself by trying to over stimulate my healing and elastic abilities.

It also means that I can grow big, small, change my shape, colour, structure and so much more. I am basically op.

So yeah, I guess I am really strong considering that I can more or less make an army of immortal self healing plastic hotties.

It also turned out that I am not in the mainstream 616 universe nor the scary ultimate one nor any zombie invested earth. But that was not what surprised me. What surprised me was that there was an extra character here that I had never heard about.

A really hotty handsome who calls himself Atem, the god of metahumans. I mean there were probably many marvel characters I had never heard about but none of them should be as 'famous' as this Atem.

He is like the god of present day metahumans who got popularity after he laid claim to Genosha. Although there are only a few of his actual photos actually available to normal people but he is still famous nonetheless.

Well, since I am also more or less a metahuman after my rebirth, should I worship him too or maybe I should meet up with him and see what he is about.

Who knows maybe he is also a reincarnator like me... Naah, who am I kidding. There is no way that there is any other reincarnator except me. I am the one and only GWENPOOL.

And by the way, how did the name mutants even change to metahumans at all? I mean wasn't metahumans supposed to be a DC thing? Well, whatever. It ain't like I want people to be racist to me.

But maybe he could be my prince charming or should I say god in this case or maybe he could be my nemesis. Who knows. But I'll definitely meet up with him.

But first I need to get out of these tentacles. As much as I love some kinky play, the man infront of me is not the one I want to do this with.

The cheap looking red clad villain who is more or less the combination of Wolverine, Captain America and Dr Octopus wants to kill me just because I tried to ask him about where I can find Atem.

I guess the young hot god doesn't really have a good rapport with Russian mercenaries, huh?

"How the f*ck are you even alive even after being affected by my death factor pheromones. You should be dead by now, well atleast severely weakened." Omega Red yelled in an unbelieving tone.

"Well I guess I am immune to death, amigo." Gwenpool smirked proudly.

"You do know that I am Russian, not Mexican right?" he asked as one of his brows scrunched up.

"Well potato potato, same thing. Also get your tentacles away from me, you creep. I ain't allowing any metal snakes near my sacred cave." She huffed as she used her ability to duplicate herself.

"Wha-what..."  Omega Red never got to finish his question as about a dozen Gwenpools spawned from the original and attacked Omega.

He quickly tried to kill the original one and tried to break her neck and spine with his carbonadium tentacles but alas nothing happened. Instead of her bones breaking, her body just became soft as she seemed like malleable rubbery plastic.

"Yeah, I know, I am really cool. I am more or less the pro version of Kamala Khan, Mister Fantastic and Deadpool. I am GWENPOOL." she yelled as two of her duplicates changed their hands to blades and cut apart Red's arms that housed the tentacles.

"Also from next time, just tell people if you don't know about the location of the person the other person is searching for. Don't just try to kill and torture people man. That's not cool." She said as her duplicates swarmed him and began to cut him up with their plastic arm blades.

"This could have been a good instagram post. #Cutting up Omega red or maybe something like #Redding up Red. *Sigh* I miss instagram." She sighed in her mind.

Now, back to my search for Atem. Maybe I should try the Xavier school next. I would have gone to Genosha but I don't exactly have all my legal documents sorted out for a valid visa or a plane ticket.

"Don't worry my future husband/nemesis I am coming for you soon enough Haahahahaha"


<(Rudeus Fireheart, aka, Atem pov)>

'Hmm, is someone talking about me? I am suddenly feeling chills on my body for some reason. Maybe the vampires are talking shit about me or something.' Rudeus became angry at the vampires for no reason at all and vowed to atleast kill a hundred more of the useless buggers.

"As I was saying, I want you to help me kill my father Lord Atem. If you help me then I promise that I will open the gateway to the Otherworld for you." Lilith told him.

"Wait, you want him to help kill your own father. That's..." Vanessa started saying.

"Easy. But depends on who your father is and why you want to kill him. Also how did you come by the password to the gateway despite being a vampire?" Rudeus finished Vanessa's words as he looked at Lilith questioningly.

"Well you probably know my father. He is the infamous Lord Dracula. The king of all vampires and the current Lord of Monsters." Lilith answered.

Its the arrival of a new unique character in the story folks. A case of a canon isekai event in Marvel. Normally authors or fanfictions don't use the character much due to her original unique reality bending op powers that are a pain to write about but I realized I can always change it and give her some other easy to write about op powerset after one of the readers reminded me about her.😁

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