A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 68: Atlast, a Boomtube

"How do you feel?" Vanessa asked from the back as she looked at Lilith with curiosity.

"I feel powerful, stronger than I have ever felt before." Lilith said as she continued looking at herself in amazement.

"Any psychotic tendencies like drinking blood or ruling the world?" Blade asked as he already had an inkling of what Rudeus just did to Lilith.

"Uhhh, No. I don't think so." Lilith said with a small smile on her lips.

"But I think I can rule all vampires if I want to. I can feel them around the castle, I can feel a connection to them. If I just tug on that connection, I think I can even control them somewhat."

"Wow, that's a strong power if you can actually do that." Rudeus said as he himself could sense Lilith to be as powerful as base Dracula at the very least.

He was almost jealous of her huge power increase in such a short time but he didn't regret giving Dracula's soul to her because it not only saved her life but also made sure that she would be grateful towards him. It even opened up oppurtunities to get the entire vampire and monster nation under his control through Lilith in the future.

He could have taken the vampire lord's soul and powers for himself but that would have been a waste since as a god Rudeus was not only imcompatible with Dracula's vampire soul but also the power boost that he would have gotten from it would not even be worth mentioning. So Lilith was the best choice for it.

'Although, maybe I'll help myself if I get my hands on a on the soul of another god or some other dimensional godly entity. Maybe I can go after Ares, the god of war of this universe. Atem, the God of war, sounds really good actually.' Rudeus narcissistically thought.

"So are we done here? I mean Dracula won't return after this right because he has a nasty reputation for returning from his death every time he dies." Blade asked Rudeus for confirmation.

"No, he won't return this time. I guarantee that... unless some other multiversal variant of him comes into this universe to take his place. In that case I am not responsible for anything." Rudeus joked.

"Haha. I am not the most academically talented person out there but even I know that there is nothing called the multiverse. Anyways I should go now. I have more vampires to kill and a worried wife to get back to. It was a pleasure to work with you guys by the way." Blade turned around to leave.

"Wait." Rudeus said.

Blade stopped and looked back at him.

"Do you have a job?" The young god asked while looking at him with a weird glint in his eyes.

".... No. Not a permanent one. But I have a good thing going at a nightclub as a trumpeteer." He said like he was quite proud of the position.

"Ohh, good. But how would you like to work for Meta platforms, work with me that is? You will do what you do best, hunt creatures in the dark and you will not only get paid for that but also receive best of the class equipment as well." Rudeus baited him with a job offer.

He wanted Blade to work for him because that way he could use him as his private mercenary and executioner when he would start taking over the monster side of the planet.

"I have always worked alone. I don't know if I could adjust in a team." Blade hesitated.

"Don't worry, I am a good boss. You will find whatever assignments you get will be in the end for the good of all living kind. Plus I am also calling in that favor now. Also the pay is really good, so will you work for me, Blade?" Rudeus asked as he could sense his Golden rule perk doing its best to affect Blade.

"Fine. I'll work for you. But if I don't like it..." Blade started.

"You can quit anytime." Rudeus finished for him.

"I just hope you give some good pay and employment benefits." Blade joked with a small smile with Rudeus.

"We give only the best. We even provide a place for our employee's family to stay so they can be safe under our company's protection." Rudeus smiled at him too.

"What about me? What should I do?" Lilith asked as she didn't know what she should do after this.

"You can live freely and enjoy a lazy life if you want... OR you could unite the entire monster world under a single rule and you could teach them to live with other human beings in peaceful harmony without destroying either race." Rudeus adviced her already knowing which one she would choose.

"I'll take the second option then. I'll be very much different than my father. I know that even monsters have a heart." She spoke with determination.

"Good. Me and my organization will make sure to fully help you with it. From now on, Meta will not only support all metahumans for equal rights but all supernatural beings as well, even the so called monsters." He said like it was the most selfless thing he could possibly do.

"Anyways, its finally time to call Zoya." He said out loud.

"YES. No more walking." Vanessa yelled out like some junkie who got another sniff of the powder.

As Zoya appeared answering his call, Rudeus ordered her to send some people to 'clean' up the castle of all of Dracula's treasures and bring some combat oriented metahumans as well since there could still be some vampires or other monsters hiding nearby.

"Oh and by the way, if anybody finds an old sealed sacrophagus, tell them not to open it no matter what unless they wanna die by having their life literally being sucked out of them. Preserve it in one of our bases. I would open it myself when I return." Rudeus warned Zoya.

He remembered about the succubus sleeping in the coffin that Dracula got from Mephisto as part of his deal and truthfully he was getting quite giddy at the prospect of potentially bedding a royal succubus princess of the highest order. But that had to wait. He wouldn't free her now, for now it was time for him to learn magic and get stronger.

He also told her to transport Blade to his home and inform Selene to contact him later to offer him an employment oppurtunity under his organization.

"By the way master, you should have a different name for our organization as well. Having our secret organization and our public company possess the same name won't work quite well." Zoya reminded him after Blade left through a boom tube and his organization members came through one to 'clean' the castle.

"Yes, I was thinking the same too. And truthfully people don't really use sister Selene's name for the organization, Vermillion society. It doesn't have that punch to it, the terrifying authoritative factor that a secret organization should have." Vanessa supported Zoya too.

"Hmm, I guess you two are right. I'll do it later. Right now, we have an otherworldly gate to open and a sorceress to find. Zoya, open a boom tube to the Stonehenge in Uk." Rudeus gave the command.

As a red swirling portal opened with a sound, Rudeus, Vanessa and Lilith finally stepped through it.

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