A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 69: Recruiting a Hot Sorceress teacher who is not Bald

Rudeus had always thought that opening a interdimensional portal to another world would be exciting and an experience like never before. But sadly he was wrong. Maybe he had already gotten his fill of excitement when he transmigated over to the Marvel world. Because he didn't his experience could be called mediocre at best.

Lilith chanting a spell in front of the Stonehenge and opening the gateway to Otherworld was still a unique experience but what happened afterwards was not.

Rudeus had expected to see things that he had never seen before like fire breathing dragons or flying hippos but unfortunately he didn't see anything like that.

There were more animals there than in the real world but nothing much different than what he had already seen. Also it turns out that Otherworld was not just a small piece of land but a huge dimension probably bigger than Europe.

Rudeus, Vanessa and Lilith were lucky that they had brought their trusty teleporter Zoya with them, otherwise they would probably have to walk or fly around in search for Castle Le Fey.

But since they had Zoya with them, all they had to do was visit the nearest town which was mostly the same as an ordinary town, only more medieval and get a map of the entire Avalon there, the supposedly perfect country established by King Arthur.

Once they got a map, Zoya scanned it and determined the coordinates of Castle Le Fey and immediately opened a boom tube to the place.

'Quite uneventful and boring.' Rudeus thought to himself. He had half expected that his terrible luck would force to rescue the dimension from some interdimensional invader lord or some other evil monster or maybe the present king of Otherworld would brand him as evil and try to end him. But fortunately nothing like that happened.

"So what now?" Vanessa asked as they all reached in front of the Castle.

Rudeus didn't answer her. He just continued looking at the magic spell barrier that was covering the entire castle. He could see it using his divine spirit perk, turns out his perks were really useful.

"What do you think of this magic barrier Zoya?" He asked his mother box.

"According to my calculations, the barrier wasn't made to protect the castle from external threats but to instead prevent something from getting out. It seems that its not exactly a true barrier but actually a seal." Zoya informed him as she scanned the area.

"I see." 'So my comic knowledge was right. Morgana is still sealed at this time. Merlin probably sealed her in there after she lost the war against King Arthur.' He thought to himself.

Rudeus placed his hand on the seal and tried activating his divine energy in his hands to see the reaction. The moment he did that, he felt his energy slowly trying to corrupt and devour the mystical energy of the barrier.

'Interesting. Seems I was right in my hypothesis. My divine energy can affect almost all mystical, divine or spiritual energies. So I can break this.' He thought happily. 'Now all I have to do is contact with Morgan Le Fey inside the castle.'

But that turned out to be a task in itself as he had to do something unique to catch the attention of a sorceress like Morgan from inside the castle.

So Rudeus did what he does best. He used his godly powers to destroy the mountain in front of Castle Le Fey and wrote the phrase 'Morgan Le Fey, let's go on a date'. He mainly said it because asking someone like Morgan on a date will force her to come out of her home just to see who was the one who had the guts to actually try to court her.

Rudeus was quite proud of his wits. Maybe he was even above Odin in intelligence. 'Should I challenge Athena in a chess match one day?' He thought narcissistically.

"Are you sure master that asking an 'evil' sorceress on a date just to catch her attention is a smart decision? I mean couldn't you just yell using your godly voice that you had come here to make a deal with her?" Lilith asked him with curious eyes.

"..." Rudeus couldn't really answer her. Maybe on hind sight, he really was wrong in writing that particular sentence. But he couldn't do anything anymore except click his tongue now because he had successfully managed to catch the attention of the hot dark 'evil' sorceress in question.

Rudeus noticed the figure of a beautiful woman wearing a green robe slowly descending through the air from the castle as she easily passed through the seal barrier like it wasn't even there.

"Wait, wasn't the seal supposed to keep her inside the castle? How come it didn't even affect her, let alone stop her?" Vanessa asked as she could not even believe her eyes.

"The seal is stopping her, well atleast her physical body. But because of her immensely powerful and complex magic, she is able to bypass the seal's effects somewhat and project her astral self outside. She is truly a magical genius." Zoya replied before Rudeus could say anything.

The newcomer sorceress wasn't really interested in their conversation. Instead she was observing and analysing the people in front of her. She ddn't care about Lilith and Vanessa much since to her they were just a vampire and a 'witchbreed' but she stopped when her eyes fell on Zoya and Rudeus.

She was surprised because she had never ever seen a magical artifact as complex and intricate as the mother box. She could sense the immense potential inside the box if it was able to ever reach it. As for Rudeus, she recognized him as a god. She could sense the divine energy in him. But she wondered why a god like him could enter the otherworld so easily.

Dimensions like the Otherworld had lots of security measures against letting people enter the dimension forcefully especially gods. So no pantheon would ever in their right mind would allow one of their members to enter a different dimension unless it was an emergency, or they were invited officially or they had something immense to gain.

"Which one of you wrote that on my lawn?" Morgan just asked a single question with an impassive face as she decided to hold her judgement for now.

"Well, considering that I am the only male here, it would be me." Rudeus said with an innocent smile.

Morgan just looked at him like she could not believe he had enough courage to actually admit that in front of her.

"Why?" She asked him.

Rudeus couldn't really understand if she was asking why he wrote that or if she was asking why he would want to date her. So he decided to answer both at the same time.

"Well you are very beautiful and I really need a magic teacher to learn magic. So you seemed the perfect one to approach." Rudeus gave her a smile like a naive isekai'd protagonist hoping that it will work its magic with his Golden Rule perk.

However the other two girls and Zoya listening to the conversation wondered why their god just had a personality change from badass divine conqueror to sweet divine angel in such a short time.

"I see, so you want a magical teacher." Morgan replied ignoring his remark about her beauty.

"Yep and I am here to make a deal with you for that. You will teach me magic and in return I will free you from your prison." Rudeus said going back to his original personality after seeing that his smile didn't really fluster Morgan or affect her much despite having Golden Rule.


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