A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 81: A New god always helps

"I don't think this is perfectly legal. You can't just bring every metahuman child you find to the school here. We are not an orphanage or a support home for the needy. There is a certain process and method to things and also there is something called law. I mean, we have to first determine who her parents are, make sure that she is a proper citizen of the country along with a group of other complicated procedures." Scott complained while frowning at Rudeus.

"Well, I tend to naturally find people who truly need help despite their ethnicities and country of origin and I as a god readily provide whatever help I can to them. It's your decision if you wanna be a part of that or not. I don't care either way. I just did my duty helping her and bringing her here to the school first." Rudeus said in a righteous tone.

"I agree. Scott don't argue with your friends especially if that friend is a kind and merciful god here like Rudeus. By the way, thank you Rudeus for helping a metahuman girl in time of her need. The world needs more kind and selfless people like you" Ororo said with a voice full of gratitude. She was a genuinely good and empathetic person and encouraged everyone else to be caring and good as well.

"It's okay Ororo. Just make sure you take care of the girl. She seemed to be quite a powerful metahuman to me, maybe even an omega level like you, Bobby, and... Jean. Make sure the professor doesn't get too close to her. I saved her, so she is my responsibility and if the professor mind-rapes her for some reason, I'll probably not be able to stop myself from killing the old fool." Rudeus said his piece.

He actually had half a mind to take Wanda back to his own faction's layer and keep her with the quintuplets. Maybe they could have been good friends and they could even train the girl to control her powers effectively. But he decided not to do it simply because he was still not certain how much influence Chthon had on this version of Wanda.

Chthon had taken over Wanda's body repeatedly in the comics and even in the movie, his Darkhold had successfully corrupted her into a more twisted and evil version. That meant that Wanda didn't have much willpower to resist Chthon's corruption. And he wasn't gonna allow someone like her into his innermost circle without first taking measures to prevent that.

Rudeus didn't believe that the repeated loss of Wanda's control of her powers and magic was just because of her sad background or unstable mind. No, he believed that those were just catalysts. The main reason was the corrupting influence of the very source of her power itself, Chthon.''

'I'll need to find some way to prevent interdimensional entities from corrupting or messing with people's minds and spirits. There are too many cases where certain heroes went dark or evil just because some powerful cosmic entity woke up and decided to play puppets with their lives. Maybe I can ask Morgana.' He thought remembering his soon-to-be starting magic classes with the hot sorceress.

That's why he was leaving Wanda at the School for now. He was sure that she would not have any negative take on him due to most of the teachers and students already being his 'believers' and hardcore fans. Plus he could visit her whenever he wanted.

"Oh and Rudeus, Zoya contacted us about a certain girl named Lorna Dane who recently awakened her powers. She informed us of her location and that she had electromagnetic powers similar to Magneto and even told us to ask you about her if we wanted further information. So is she someone important or something?" Hank who was listening to the entire conversation till now spoke up.

Rudeus was a little surprised at this. The timing was amazing. Just when Wanda had properly awakened her powers, her half-sister Lorna also known as Polaris did it too. It was almost like they had a sibling connection.

Zoya hadn't said anything to Hank because she was not sure what Rudeus would want her to say or what excuse Rudeus would want to give on why he had all this information about the girl. So she just told the Beast to ask Rudeus if he wanted to know more.

"Yes, Lorna Dane. I remember her. She is special not only because of her incredibly strong power but because of who her father was. Maybe you could guess from her power." Rudeus looked at Hank and Ororo, both of whose faces looked like they had lost their color.

"You can't mean she is Magneto's daughter. ..." Hank began.

"So she was the sister of Pietro who you referred to that day in Genosha?" Ororo asked.

"No not really. It seems that Lorna is only a half-sister to Pietro. Same dad but different mothers. I learned about it from Erik himself. He told me just before he died about his three children and his wish for me to protect them in case they ever unlocked their powers. Of course, I accepted." Rudeus bulsh*tted like a pro.

"But then, who is the third child who is supposedly Pietro's full sister, and also why had you hidden this fact from all of us, even Pietro himself? He should have a right to know about all this." Scott who was still there and had gone silent spoke up in annoyance trying to dig out holes in Rudeus' words.

"Because Magneto himself during his final times made me promise to keep the existence of his children a secret till they unlocked their powers. He was afraid that after his death his old enemies might come after his children to take revenge. He also didn't want his children to know of his past. I think he was ashamed of all the wrongs he had committed in his life and was repenting them during his final moments." Rudeus concluded his bullsh*t masterpiece while maintaining a straight face the entire time.

"Oh and as for who the third child of Magneto is, it's the girl lying on the bed that I brought with me today. Her name is Wanda... Maximoff, the full-blooded sister of Pietro Maximoff. I found her today in Serbia when I was looking for Magneto's third daughter to make sure she was okay and safe. I found her on the verge of being burnt by a group of villagers calling her a witch. So I saved her and brought her here.

Sorry, if I didn't take her to the country's authorities who would most probably be corrupted and use her in some sick illegal ways. As for her citizenship and the law, I'll have my company take care of it." He said as he gave a side glance to Scott who was now feeling guilty and a little self-hate for saying those stupid things at the beginning.

While Rudeus was having this conversation with them in the faculty room, Wanda had already started waking up in the room she was placed in. She sat up on the soft comfortable bed wondering how she got here from the orphanage after she was almost burnt alive by those evil people.

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