A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 82: A Witch making some Friends and a New god getting a call

"Where am I? This is really comfortable. Wait, does that mean I am dead?" Wanda said to herself as she woke up and felt the soft blanket wrapped around her. For someone who had grown up in poverty and constant war, it seemed to her like she had died and arrived in heaven.

All she remembered was being abducted by the local people in her town after she tried to experiment with her powers and mistakenly burnt her room in the orphanage though nobody was fortunately hurt. Truthfully after that, she didn't even try to resist much, just accepting her fate and the sad end to her sorry life.

After that, she didn't remember much as something caused her to fall asleep even when her life was in danger. She just remembered bits and pieces of what she had seen when she had sometimes woken up in a trance or opened up her eyes only to fall asleep again at the next moment.

She remembered seeing the warped face of a demon with a weird-shaped mouth, hundreds of people carrying... pitchforks and torches? and also flashes of the face of an angel. It was the most beautiful being she had ever seen, like someone that shouldn't even exist in this impure world. Perhaps he was her guardian angel who tried to guide and protect her from death but still failed.

At this, all sorts of curious thoughts began to race through her mind like what sort of afterlife she was in now that she had died or if there was some kind of induction program for new arrivals. She even wondered if she would be able to meet her dead parents. But soon, her patience ended and she could no longer wait lying on the soft bed. She decided to explore this heaven herself to see what this was about.

She got up from the bed and noticed she was wearing some nice and comfortable robes. After she got out of the room wearing a pair of flip-flops she found beside the bed, she began exploring the place.

Originally she had expected to see some angels with wings in here or some holy maiden wearing tunics but instead, she saw teenagers talking among themselves about studies and videogames. Some even wore gothic outfits and a few even had piercings in different places. This made Wanda quite amazed at how liberal this afterlife was.

"Hey, I have never seen you around. What's your name? Are you new? Do you want me to give you a trip? Which year are you in?" A young girl suddenly came into her view and threw a torrent of questions toward her without waiting for her to answer. However this didn't startle Wanda, what startled her was the fact that the hyperactive girl was followed by a comparatively shy, blue-skinned boy with an actual tail attached to him.

"Wow," Wanda said subconsciously as she believed she was seeing an actual real-life demon again and she really was in heaven or maybe hell.

"Oh. This is Kurt Wagner, my friend. He is also a student here like us. He is a little blue due to his unique mutation but doesn't go on his looks. He is the most well-behaved student here with straight A's. Also, I am Katherine Pryde but my friends call me Kitty. You can call me that too." Kitty introduced herself and Kurt while making sure to let Wanda know that Kurt was her friend so that Wanda didn't say anything rude about him.

"I am Wanda. Nice to meet you two. You just mentioned that he is a student right? So this is like some sort of school. I mean do they teach the newly dead people here how to adjust to this afterlife and stuff?" Wanda asked innocently as she couldn't contain her curiosity anymore.

"Huh? Newly dead? What do you mean? We all are alive. I mean I may be a little thinner and shorter than most people but that doesn't make me a dead skeleton. We are all metahumans who study in this school to not only get our required education but also to learn how to control our powers." Kitty said as she bended her head slightly in a cute curious expression.

"... So we are all alive and not dead. YAAY. I really thought that was the end of my short pitiful life. Ooof, Thank god. Anyways, what are these metahumans you mentioned? You said I was one too?" Wanda almost had tears in her eyes due to her joy of still being alive. She controlled those tears somehow however and asked Kitty for further clarification.

"Um, Metahumans are like a branch of ordinary normal humans, only waayyy cooler. We have superpowers like in comics and video games where we all possess some sort of unique power, also called quirk by youngsters nowadays, that makes us special. For example, I can pass through solid objects like walls and Kurt here can teleport from one place to another." She said in visible excitement as she showed her power to Wanda by passing her hand through a table beside them.

However, Kurt was too shy to teleport in front of her as he got stage fright after seeing a beautiful girl like Wanda intently staring at him.

"Don't mind him. He is a little shy sometimes. Oh and also, you are actually right to thank god since he was the one who saved you, specifically, the God of us metahumans, Atem. Although we as his closest believers and pals call him Rudeus Greyheart or Rudeus in short. Although the Frost sisters weirdly refer to him as master sometimes." Kitty muttered the last part to herself.

"By the way, what's your power?" Kurt asked shyly in a desperate bid to shut Kitty up and stop her from her excessive rambling.

"My powers aren't nearly as amazing as yours. I can just use a form of crimson energy that I produce to lift and control things. Also, I can sense people's emotions and also blast things away with my crimson red energy." Wanda revealed her powers without thinking in a bid to try to make friends with them.

"Coool. That's so amazing. So you are like Jean. She is... was a friend of ours. She too had telekinetic and telepathic mind powers like you. Although your color thing is unique as she didn't really produce any colored energy when using her powers. Maybe you are like Rudeus. His energy is also red when he uses his abilities. It looks so cool whenever he uses that." Kitty said to give Wanda some confidence. But both her and Kurt's expressions became a little sad at the mention of Jean.

"Really? Can I meet Jean and Rudeus? Maybe they can help me bring my powers under control. I am not really an expert in controlling my powers. The last time I used them, a lot of people became really angry at me." Wanda smiled a little sadly as she remembered the events of her hometown.

"Well, you can meet Rudeus. But meeting Jean is not possible anymore. She passed away some time ago. She used her powers and saved all of us but in the process unfortunately lost her own life. But don't worry. There are a lot of other people here who can help you master your powers. This is a school for metahumans after all.

You know what? Come with me I'll take you to meet Bobby, Piotr, Miss Ororo, and the others and of course our resident god, Rudeus. I am sure that they will love you. That way I can show them how good I am at making new friends and not at all weird." Kitty happily said as she held her hands and dragged Wanda and Kurt away to meet up with the others and show off the new cute friend she had found.

Wanda didn't complain since she herself was excited about getting to make new friends and study in a school. Her life until now wasn't too good. That's why she instantly jumped at this opportunity of having a new life with a new home, new friends, and maybe even a new family.

Also, she was hopeful that this way she would be able to meet her guardian angel once again. She was certain that her guardian angel was responsible for saving her from her imminent doom and not some 'god' that Kitty mentioned. She wanted to meet him just one more time to see him properly and thank him for what he had done for her.

Rudeus till now after having finished his talk with Hank and Ororo was using his cosmic senses actively to observe Wanda and hear the conversation going on between the three. He was waiting for the right time to make an entry and make a favorable impression on Wanda.

But just as he was going to do exactly that, a call came to his personal phone that he carried for appearance's sake and gave its number to only a few people. As he accepted the call in an annoyed manner, the words that he heard next really surprised him as he never really thought that he would get the chance to hear them.

"Uhh, hello? Hey, it's Johnny Blaze. You gave me your card last time we met. You might not remember me. I was a little out of it at that time, being a burning skeleton and all... Anyways, I need help in fighting a demon prince who wants to rule the world. And you offered your help last time. So, can you help?" Blaze, aka, Ghost Rider asked in an awkward embarrassed voice.

'And here I thought I finally had the chance to impress one of my favorite superheroine girls in this world.' He lamented at his lack of time for some personal enjoyment.

'Maybe I should stop spending so much time railing the girls. After all too much sex is never a good thing... Naah.'

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