A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 91: Meeting everyone before leaving (2)


"One day, you're gonna look around and you're going to realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you. And that is the loneliest feeling in the world."

—BoJack Horseman, [BoJack Horseman]


"Logan, good to see you again. I see you have a beer can in your hand like always. Where do you even get the money to buy that much beer?" Rudeus raised one of his eyebrows in curiosity.

"I am very good at menial jobs. You should check out my Craigslist profile." Wolverine said as he continued to sip his beer.

"Logan, we have talked about this. You can't drink alcoholic beverages in front of underage students. AND you can't offer them some as well." Ororo admonished both Wolverine and Lorna who was trying to sneakily ask Logan for a beer can as well.

"Tchh, Spoilsport," Lorna muttered to herself.

"Oh, I just remembered. Anna, why don't you test your power on Rudeus here? Maybe it won't affect him as a god the same way it affects the rest of us." Pietro suddenly spoke out of the blue as he seemed to remember something.

"What? No, I can't. I don't want to take that chance. What if I hurt him somehow?" Anna, aka, Rogue strongly rejected Pietro's advice.

"What power? If I can help you in testing out or controlling your powers or something else, I'll gladly help." Rudeus said as he himself wanted to know if he was immune to Rogue's power absorption or not. Even Thor wasn't immune to her powers and was left in a vegetative state once when Rogue absorbed too much from him.

"But what if something happens to you? I-I always ruin everything I touch. I don't think..." Rogue started.

"Stop. You won't ruin anything, Anna. You are a unique metahuman and your powers are a special gift, not a curse. All you need is to get control of them and that's it. Now stop brooding like an emo teenager and give me your hand." Rudeus smiled at her.

Rogue wasn't completely convinced but she still chose to believe in Rudeus. She slowly extended her hand toward him.

Rudeus wasn't really much of a patient god. As soon as her hand came in his range, he grabbed it and just waited for the pain or exhaustion to come. But it never did.

However, although he himself wasn't feeling hurt or yelling in pain, Rogue on the other hand was displaying all sorts of emotion. Her cheeks were flushed and her face seemed to show a content expression. Even her voice was shaky.

"So much power, it feels amazing." She muttered in a low voice as she gulped at the feeling of her newfound strength.

'Huh, She is able to absorb from me? But I ain't feeling anything. I don't even feel weak.' Rudeus was confused.

But after he concentrated more on his own energy, he finally found out what was happening. Rogue was able to absorb his power but the rate of absorption was so little that it wasn't even bothering him. She was only able to absorb the excessive energies of his body. The power of his she was absorbing was like drops of sweat rolling over his actual body.

"Interesting. By the way, how do you like your new strength? It looks like you are quite pleased with your upgrade. Now, can you please let go of my hand? I like the massage you are giving me but I think we should do this some time later." Rudeus teased Rogue.

She had been trying to squeeze both of her hands to try to feel the explosive strength she was feeling. From the look on her face, she seemed to have absorbed parts of Rudeus' physical strength and senses but none of the perks and abilities that came with the system. She wasn't even able to absorb his divine energy it seems.

"Oh, sorry sugar." Rogue quickly removed her hand but her mood was back to cheery normal.

"Actually I was here to tell you guys that I'll be going away for a month or maybe even a few months. So I wanted to enjoy a little with you guys. How about we have a little party tonight in Genosha, my treat." Rudeus said as he wanted to chill out a little before he went away to learn magic again.

He knew he had to work a lot for the next few months to train in the mystic arts as well as try to completely unlock and control his divinity which will be quite a chore. So for now, he just wanted to enjoy a slow life for a few days.

"Wait, you are going away again. But what if we get attacked? And what about Scott? Can't you heal him? Also what if the government attacks us again?" Kurt asked a flurry of questions as he sadly stared at Rudeus. The blue mutant kid really admired the young god and had even begun looking up to him not just as a protector god but also as a big brother. So he was sad at the prospect of not meeting Rudeus for a few months.

"Don't worry I can always come back in emergencies. Also don't worry, the government won't do anything to you guys anymore. Stryker was an exception. He didn't even follow government rules and had done everything illegally. As for Scott, I'll try my best to learn a cure for his mental health." Rudeus calmed him down.

"Yeah, Kurt you worry too much. We will be fine. For now, let's concentrate on our partyyyyy." Lorna suddenly yelled out the last word happily like she was on a sugar rush. "I'll bring the booze."

"Wait booze? Nobody here said that you can drink alcohol young lady. You aren't drinking alcohol until you are above the required age." Ororo strictly told the over-excited students.

"Oh come on. You are such a bore, Miss Munroe." Lorna complained.

"Well, actually I have been reading up on stuff about Genosha and it turns out that the minimum drinking age of the country is currently just 14. So legally we actually can drink you know" Bobby interjected.

"I'll be making sure to change the law then. You guys are forgetting that I am one of the consulate members there after all." Ororo smugly replied.

Everyone laughed at this except Bobby and Lorna since they were the only ones in the group who actually wanted to taste some alcohol but they couldn't seem to either outsmart or beat Ororo in argument no matter what.

"Anyways, make sure to pass on the information about this party to the entire school. Everyone is invited. I trust that you guys can bear this important responsibility and complete it within tonight with the help of your powers?" Rudeus asked in an extremely serious manner imitating a general going to war.

"Yes my lord, we will complete our duty," Kitty said as she saluted at Rudeus like a soldier.

Everyone there had smiles on their faces at the act as they were all really having fun. They couldn't even wait till tonight for the party to begin.

"Heya guys, I am back from hunting my first hentai tentacle monster. Also, whoever bets me that I won't be able to wrestle a shark in the ocean owes me fifty bucks. *Sniff Sniff* huh, is that the smell of masculinity in the air because I smell quite a catch." A shrill carefree female voice suddenly came from the door as a young girl was seen walking alongside a... small walking shark.

'Da fck?' Rudeus wondered in his mind.


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