A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 92: New god meets Gwenpool


"I'd trade it all for a little more."

-C.M. Burns.


"Hello there," Rudeus said in greeting at the new girl's arrival after he shook out of his initial shock. The shock was mostly because he didn't remember anybody looking like this girl from X-men comics. But he thought that she might be someone original from this world not shown in the movies.

"Hmm, General Kenobi?" The girl suddenly stopped and asked in a confused manner as she looked at Rudeus.

'Wh-what? This is not possible. How the fck did she... no, maybe she saw it in the movie. But again that movie shouldn't be released here yet. So is she really someone reincarnated like me?' Rudeus thought in panic as he tried to brainstorm his mind to figure out what to do if there were more reincarnators in this world like him out there.

"Hey, I know you. Do you think you can hide from me, mister? No, you can't, not from this extremely talented and hot sexy beautiful genius. I know the secret you are trying to hide." The girl grinned as she proudly placed her hand on her hips and pushed out her breasts to show off her fit and cute teenage figure.

'Does she know that I am a reincarnated person as well? I didn't want anyone to know that at this stage since neither do I want to give people existential crisis by telling them that they are potentially just comic book characters, nor do I want op universal or multiversal level beings to try to kidnap me to get my future knowledge about this verse... Should I just kill her? But again that would be difficult since I can't kill her in front of so many people but I will do it if she threatens me here.' Rudeus made up his mind.

"You are the hot dominating Ceo of Meta International, aren't you?" The girl said in a way like she had found out the biggest mystery in the world.

"..." Rudeus was gobsmacked.

"That's not a secret Gwen, almost everybody knows that now after the Genosha incident." Rogue dismissed Gwen's 'big reveal'.

"By the way Rudeus, I think you haven't met her till now. This is Gwendolyn Poole, we call her Gwenpool in short. She is a metahuman like us too, she joined us recently to try to train her powers." Kitty explained.

'She is Gwenpool. I remember her. She was actually a canon character from the Marvel comics with some sort of plot manipulation powers. Although she is almost as crazy as Deadpool. In one way, she is actually sort of his female version but with no gender bender b.s.' Rudeus thought as he remembered reading about her.

She was a girl in her teen with short blonde hair with a cute face and a fit figure with curves in just the right places. She actually looked much similar to not only her own comic representation but also resembled the Spider Gwen from Earth 65 as well. They looked so similar that they could actually even be passed off as sisters.

He hadn't read all her comics but apparently, she was really op and her personality was quite similar to Deadpool or Harley Quinn from DC. But the most important thing was that she was a canon Marvel character, a nerdy Marvel fan who was transported to the Marvel world which basically means that she was a treasure trove of Marvel knowledge.

She could be of genuine help in knowing Marvel stuff in more detail as well as remembering important storylines in the future.

"Well, hello Miss Gwenpool. It seems I am truly lucky that I got to see so many new beautiful girls in a single day." Rudeus flirted with her.

"Ohh, thanks. I know I am really beautiful but you mentioning that makes me a little shy." Gwen shamelessly says as she giggles a little.

Both Wanda and Lorna snorted at Gwen's statement for some reason as they rolled their eyes. Rogue and Kitty didn't say anything as she just amusedly viewed her friend's antics while Ororo smiled at her childish behavior.

"Yes you are but can I ask where you got the walking shark since meta animals are quite rare on Earth? In fact, this is the first one I am seeing in person myself." Rudeus smiled a little as he asked about the shark in curiosity.

"Oh, you mean Jeffrey. Well you see, I went to the sea in search of some good seafood some days ago and there I found Jeffrey here being molested by a huge tentacle monster. Of course, me being the big breaste... um, I mean big-hearted girl I am, I rescued Jeffrey and made the tentacle monster into sushi after defeating it. That was a good meal by the way. After that, I thought about having myself some baby shark sushi as well but Jeffrey was too special and cute to be made into sushi. That's why I decided to just adopt it. Now, it's my loyal pet." She took the young walking shark into her arms and squeezed it like a plush toy.

"Ahh. I see. Good for it I guess. Also since you are here, I would like to take the opportunity to officially invite you to my party tonight. It's a sort of farewell party since I am leaving for a few months for training. You will come right?" Rudeus asked her.

"Oh yeah, of course. I'll definitely be coming tonight, harder than I have ever come before." Gwenpool said as she muttered the last part, although it was still heard by almost everybody present.

"Good. Now, everyone, I think you should get back to your classes since break time almost seems over now. I'll meet you all tonight." Rudeus declared as he pretended that he didn't hear the last part of Gwenpool's words.

Everybody left quite happily soon as almost everyone was quite excited and wanted to select what dresses to wear for the party.

Rudeus informed Zoya as well and instructed her to make all the preparations and inform Selene, Vanessa, Blade, and the other important members of his faction too about the party as they were all invited as well. In one way, it was a party for his new... 'family?' or whatever he could call it.

He even had a word with Hank and the other new teachers Ororo had hired from the school to invite them officially to his party as well. Although he didn't visit the professor. The others might forgive him all the time and give him second chances but Rudeus knew that Charles was extremely rigid in his beliefs and he won't change them no matter what. It was only a matter of time before Xavier messed with someone else's mind or do something extremely stupid for the 'greater good' and the moment he did something like that Rudeus would be there to strike the final nail in the coffin.

He also wanted to inform Lorna about her real biological father and Bobby about his own straight sexuality as soon as possible too but he refrained from it since he didn't want to ruin their mood before the party. He decided that he would approach them and reveal the facts to them the next day.

For now, it was time to enjoy the biggest metahuman party ever celebrated.


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