A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 95: Telling ‘truths’ (2)


"Friendship is just love that has yet to sprout wings and take flight."

― Kristen Reed, [The Kings' Council]


"So you are trying to say that you are completely straight and have no sexual interest in men whatsoever? And you are not at all interested in me as well?" Bobby asked in a low voice as his voice seemed to break.

"I am sorry Bobby. I wanted to tell you before but I didn't know how to break it to you. I thought not responding to your advances would be the best course and would give you the hint that I am not interested. But clearly that sis not work." Rudeus said in a sympathetic voice.

Rudeus didn't bend that way at all but that didn't mean he hated people who did. To him, it didn't really matter who someone is sexually interested in. One could get turned on by plants for his sake, but as long as nobody bothered him, he didn't care.

"But my gay radar is always right. Are you sure that you are not even a little bit gay, like not even bi-curious?" Bobby tried to find some hope.

"... Ok now, you are just begging to be punched," Rudeus said with a passive face.

"I see. I guess first love never works, right? I just wish that we could have taken our relationship a little further." Bobby said sadly.

'Actually, there was 'no' relationship to begin with" Rudeus thought to himself but he didn't voice it out since he didn't want to hurt Bobby more than what was necessary.

"I guess, I'll miss you. Bye, Rudeus. I hope you find your happiness in life." Bobby acted like he was breaking off some long-term relationship or something while coming towards Rudeus to hug him.

"I am not much of a hugger but yeah, I hope you find the love of your life one day too," Rudeus said as he backed away while using his hands to stop Bobby from initiating the hug.

"Thanks," Bobby said as he didn't seem to mind Rudeus not hugging him, maybe he even expected it a little.

As Bobby left, lost in his own thoughts, Rudeus began to plan his next steps. Maybe, he should take Ororo to that date he promised her.

'What if I take her to Wakanda or at least some place near there? Of course, I am gonna make sure that she stays away from T'chala, but I think taking her to her original birthplace could be considered a good date.' Rudeus thought to himself.

As Rudeus was thinking about this, a voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"Hey, whatcha doin'?" A shrill girly voice spoke up.

"Huh? Oh hey, Gwen. I am just thinking about what I can do special for Ororo for our upcoming date." Rudeus said honestly.

"Ohh. Hmm, I guess you can plan an orgy. I can even participate in it if you want. Normally I am only interested in men but I guess I can experiment a little if you want me to." Gwen said innocently like she was talking about the weather.

"... Uhh, No." Rudeus straight-up denied her. He wasn't gonna have a threesome with Ororo right now, especially since their relationship is just starting out. But, he probably would do it in the future when she becomes easy enough with him.

"Ohh, that's a bummer. I was planning to create my own complicated love triangle like the comics. There goes all my dreams. So I guess, you also wouldn't be interested in being part of my reverse harem of hot Marvel superheroes, would you?" Gwen asked a little hopefully.

"No, I definitely wouldn't. I know it makes me sound kind of like a hypocrite but I don't do sharing or swinging. And that's final." Rudeus said a little annoyed at her.

"Aww. Well so now I have to choose between pursuing a harem of hot male superheroes from Marvel and trying to get a New god from DC interested in me." Gwen muttered to herself.

"Wait. What did you say?" Rudeus was thinking of leaving but he stopped after hearing her comment.

"Well, you are definitely not from Marvel. So I guessed you might be from somewhere else like dc or something especially since you call yourself a New god. Although I didn't read too much about dc, I still know a couple of basic nerdy things. I am a proud geek after all." Gwen proudly explained.

"I see," Rudeus said wondering if it was wise for him to keep Gwen alive. He was even debating the advantages and disadvantages of killing Gwen right now to keep his 'exclusive' Reincarnator's knowledge a secret.

'She might be really powerful and useful if I could gain her loyalty somehow but doing that would be incredibly difficult. It's not like she is stupid or crazy enough to just start working for an unknown stranger like me knowing that I might be dangerous.' Rudeus thought as he observed Gwen.

"You know what, I have decided that I will work with you from now on." Gwenpool suddenly declared out of nowhere.

"Huh?" Rudeus couldn't believe what he heard.

"Well, you are the most interesting and unpredictable thing that happened to me in this new world. So I am sure that working with you will be quite an interesting experience for me. Also, Reincarnators 101, reincarnates always stick together. And also you might be the best husbando for me I can ever dream of. I am sure that godly dick can stretch my entire body more than I can stretch myself." Gwen said in a dreamy voice like she was imagining something lewd.

That was the moment when Rudeus finally understood. This version of Gwenpool was not only crazy but an absolute pervert.

"*Sigh* Fine. You can join my faction. But remember this, if I ever catch you even trying to betray me, I will make sure that next time you won't even have a soul to reincarnate with." Rudeus warned Gwen in a strict tone.

"Aye aye, Captain. I promise I won't disappoint you. I'll be your most loyal bitch ever." Gwen gave him a serious salute like a soldier.

"Ok. I guess I'll talk to you later then." Rudeus said as he wanted to leave to be alone for some time to think things through.

'That was... unpredictable." Rudeus thought to himself as he looked at the back of Gwen happily skipping away with a smile on her face.

'Now, I guess I'll have to arrange that date with Ororo. Maybe I should also equip my new eyes too now. It will be quite useful while learning the mystic arts from Morgana.' Rudeus thought as he began to surf his system inventory to find his new set of eyes.

{A big shout-out to my new patron 'Chamar Ellis' for joining the Celestial Emperor tier on my Pat-reon. Thanks for the support.}

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