A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 96: A Reward and a Date


"You counter despair with hope. You strive forever for the best you are capable to be! Therein lies the victory!"

— Ororo Munroe (Storm),  [Heroes for Hope]


Rudeus opened his system inventory and selected the perfected 'Rinnegan' perk card to display more information about it.

[Displaying information about selected card]

[Perfected Rinnegan:

1) Optical Abilities-  Your vision processes the entire electromagnetic spectrum as well as allows vast control over selective perception and focus as well as microscopic and telescopic vision. Can see different types of energy and their flow. Can predict, mimic and copy any technique of the opponent through observation. Can take partial or complete control of the target's body and mind temporarily through eye contact, control duration depends on the user's energy and mental power and the target's mental strength. Can also recognize patterns as well as analyze and decipher codes.

2) Deva Path- Controlling attractive and repulsive forces using the user's energy.

3) Asura Path- Mechanically altering one's body while keeping unique abilities of the body intact. Users can control them like puppets or take over them directly.

4) Human Path- Extracting souls from living beings. The probability of the extraction being possible depends on the user's power level and energy.

5) Animal Path- Summoning various monstrous creatures. All summoned creatures would only be loyal to the user. They are semi-sentient and only act according to their beastly instincts and users' commands. User can also take over their minds directly.

6) Preta Path- Absorbing life force from targets to heal yourself or increase your own divine energies temporarily.

7) Naraka Path- Summoning a large demonic statue-like puppet called King of Hell with enormous physical strength and durability that can seal spectral or energy-type beings in itself and increase its own power. It emanates a tremendous life force, launches bolts of energy, and can emit phantom dragons and chains to absorb the life force and energy of other creatures.

A smaller version can also be summoned which can pass judgment on target by either letting them live or devouring their souls according to if they are lying or speaking the truth to a particular question. It can also repair the mechanical bodies of the asura path as well as store the bodies and souls of people to transport them and revive them at a later time.

8) Outer Path- Allows the user to preside over life and death, granting them the ability to revive the dead. The Outer Path also allows the user to transmit their energy into black receivers, manifest energy chains to bind targets, and create the Six Paths of Pain: six bodies controlled through the use of black receivers/rods, which can each utilize one aspect of the Six Paths Technique. The black rods can be shaped into more elaborate forms and can prevent regeneration of the target as well as transmit the target's life force to the user and vice versa.

9) Unique Abilities- Able to absorb any energy attack and subsequently release it in an amplified form, as well as transform life force, and living individuals into edible fruits that can give the user the powers and vitality of the target who was converted into the fruit.

10) Susanoo- Able to construct a gigantic, humanoid avatar made of the user's divine energy which surrounds and protects them as well as fights on their behalf. It can also manifest armor and weapons with enough training. Combining other different techniques and skills with it is also possible.]

'Okay, it's official now. I am op at last. This directly slingshots me from just a physically strong god to the upper echelons of the marvel universe. Although I am probably still not at the high universal or multiversal level like the celestials, I am damn sure that I can even beat Odin now with this new diverse set of abilities.' Rudeus thought joyfully.

He was more than just happy. He was elated. He quickly equipped his new set of eyes, afraid that further delay might cause this amazing set of eyes to disappear.

[Perfected 'Rinnegan' perk card equipped]

The moment he equipped his eyes his entire worldview changed, quite literally. He understood why the Rinnegan was called the Samsara eyes. They were truly the eyes of a god. He could feel the power in them.

He could see everything now. He could see the truth of the world. He could see the life force flowing through trees and animals, he could see the gravel on the moon, the signals being transmitted through the air, and he could even see the souls inside people's bodies. It was amazing.

Rudeus directly opened a boom tube into his room and approached the nearest mirror in his room. As he looked into it, he finally saw how his activated Rinnegan looked. Both of his eyes looked like Sasuke's Rinnegan from the show, only blood red in color instead of purple. It was more like the Rinne-Sharingan and looked hella cool.

Rudeus tried willing it to disappear and surprisingly it did as his eyes turned back into his normal form. He was happy that he wouldn't have to suffer like Hagoromo and Sasuke from the show by not being able to transform his eyes to normal in public.

Of course, as his eyes went back into their normal form, Rudeus felt about half of his ocular abilities diminishing. He still had access to some of them but most of its intensity and power was lost after deactivation. But Rudeus didn't need it now, so he decided to just keep the eyes deactivated till he starts learning magic or he fights someone.

'I have to say, I am most impressed by the Animal Path and Naraka Path. They would enable me to have my own form of personal loyal beast army and a huge mecha, well sort of. I wonder if my specially upgraded King of Hell statue would be able to take on the Asgard's Destroyer armor.' He wondered to himself.

The only thing he was depressed about was that he didn't get the ability to cast Infinite Tsukuyomi through his new eyes on the moon.

But that didn't diminish his excitement at all in any way. He wanted to test out his new powers right now, especially the new King of Hell that his system seems to have upgraded by merging it with the Outer Path's Demonic statue for some reason but he controlled himself.

He didn't want to attract any unwanted attention by using such high-level powers here. He would practice and perfect them later, away from everyone's eyes after he went to Otherworld to learn about mystic abilities from Morgana. After all, he was at last confident enough that he would be able to learn magic on the level of Dr. Strange in a short period of time with the help of his eyes' new copying, analyzing, and mimicking abilities.

But for now, it was time for him to go on a date with a certain goddess waiting for him.


"Hey Ororo, did I keep you waiting?" Rudeus asked as he smiled apologetically at the beautiful woman who was waiting for him in front of the gates of Xavier's school for the gifted.

'Hmm, I think I should change the name of the school. Any school named after a human doesn't sound good especially if that person is a hypocrite... Maybe I should change it to Atem's School for Metahumans.' Rudeus thought shamelessly.

"No, I didn't. My shift just ended half an hour ago. I didn't even have time to put on any makeup. I barely had enough time to choose a good dress." Ororo returned his smile.

"Oh good. I guess I am on time. Let's go then. We are on a schedule. We have lots to do." Rudeus opened up a boom tube through his connection with Zoya. "Ladies first."

Ororo walked into the boom tube curiously, wondering where they were going.

As Rudeus was going to follow her, he turned back at the school first as he sensed something and activated his Rinnegan. He saw the professor looking in his direction from his room on the second floor through a window.

'Is it just me or does the professor's aura looks kind of dark for some reason? Even his soul seems disturbed like it's being affected by something. Did he do something stupid again?' He wondered. But he couldn't really be bothered. He had a lot of things to do, he couldn't just babysit the professor all the time.

'Whatever. If he screws up next time, I'll just kill him and get it over with.' He thought as he deactivated his rinnegan and entered the boom tube behind Ororo as well.

The couple exited the other side of the boom tube into an area filled with lush green vegetation and dense forest. There were birds chirping on the trees and the earth seemed to emit a natural aura that seemed to nourish everything in contact with them.

"What is this place?" Ororo asked curiously as she felt a weird feeling in her heart.

"This is Kenya, near the border of Wakanda. Kenya is your ancestral homeland, right? I found out that your ancestors were priestesses of a tribe in Kenya and even had ties with Wakandan history, so I thought that we could have our first date here amongst nature." Rudeus gave Ororo a charming smile.

"Thanks. You truly are a good boyfriend or maybe I should say a good boyfriend." Ororo laughed happily as she gave him a quick kiss on his cheeks as a reward.

'Oh, I am gonna take a much bigger reward for this later.' Rudeus thought as he looked at Ororo's blushing face.


(A/N: BTW, I just want to clear up that the mc didn't notice parts of Magneto's corrupted psionic signature inside Professor Xavier because those twisted psionic shards are inside the professor's mind not his soul. There's not much wrong with the professor physically or spiritually, so Rudeus didn't find out what was really going on since he didn't look inside the professor's mind but just at his body and soul. He was only able to notice some physical and spiritual side effects of what was truly happening inside the professor's mind slowly, what was being born inside of him.)

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