A Pervert's World

Chapter 194: Three golden rules

Thoughts from the author:-

<<Had quite a hectic day at work yesterday, so was not able to read all your comments. Let me respond to the general theme then.

Firstly, saw a few people announcing that they will drop this story if I continue like this lol.. For all those readers, I thank you guys for all your support till this point.

Now coming to the unsatisfied ones. I respect your views and it's perfectly okay for you guys to have your own aspirations form the story. Despite that please forgive me but I won't be taking any suggestions for the plot.

I write these webnovels because I love writing them and there is no point writing something that I don't enjoy. As much as I would like it, my hobby doesn't pay my bills just yet. Hence, I can accommodate any other request like improvement in my presentation skills etc, but not the plot itself.

Next, for others who love this novel for what it is, a big thanks from my side. Keep supporting.

Let me announce that you can now read the bonus chapter on Patréon as well as enjoy my inspiration for Amelia's incoming dress, apart from the unreleased chapters of course. Thanks and Peace!!>>

Ryu was having a hard time reacting to the situation. It was hard to believe if this guy was serious or this was just a deception. Yet, this felt too elaborate to be a deception. From what he knew about this guy he was too proud to ever bend his waist like this. Even if he was trying to deceive him, he was certain the most this guy can pull off was a slight bow of his head. Anything more than that was impossible for a guy with a fragile ego like him.

What's more, he was keeping his head down. Was he waiting for his response? This was not something he was prepared for. Looking at his mom, he saw her grin like she just won a bet against him. 'Don't tell me this guy too got himself a transmigrated soul?'

He had no other explanation to justify such a drastic change in attitude. He was in a bind. Although this guy looked sincere he was still a bit suspicious of him. "Okay... I don't really care about it that much. Just don't initiate troubles with me anymore."

Only then Jim got back up. "Thanks. I was too naive earlier. All could do was harass kids younger than me to feel good. Since in my heart I knew, I was trash who can't compare to people my age. But I have realized it now."

"Well, that's true indeed. Hope you keep to your words." Ryu didn't want to interact anymore with this guy. He was no friend of his, even though he had apologized for his mistakes. Waving his hand he left the room.

"Haha.. come here, kid. You did well." Ryu might not have understood what this apology meant for Jim, but Amelia was aware of how difficult it must have been for the boy. After all, he was barely 3 years older than him. She pulled the boy in for a hug and Jim too didn't shy away from pressing his body tight against her. Right now he had no sexual thoughts about Amelia, all he needed was to remain in her warm embrace for a while.

She stroked his head. "Don't brood over it. Ryu was just a bit awkward talking to you. But I am positive he had already pardoned you. So you can leave all this behind and move ahead." Jim nodded his head as he wrapped his arms around her. "Thanks to you too, Mrs. Amelia. I would not have been able to pull this off without your support."

"Haha.. what are you saying? All I did was to stand to the side, you are the one who gathered enough courage to say sorry." Amelia let him hug her for a while before they separated. "Let me bring something for you to eat."


Ryu watched Amelia send the boy off after half an hour. She came back at stood beside him with a smug face beside him. "What happened?" She had kept staring at him and he was forced to talk to her in the end.

She giggled and as always jumped into his arms and kissed him. She had grown more and more audacious lately, not even caring about kissing him in the garden itself. Now that Mira wasn't here she didn't action cared about what the maids thought of this.

"Hehe.. what did I say?" She began licking his neck in affection, playfully biting him. Ryu carried her into the house and placed her on the bed before removing his clothes. "Well, I am still not fully convinced of the guy. You better remain careful." Dorothea and Emma had followed behind him as he wanted a session with all three of his milf.

Amelia didn't respond to him, instead choosing to suck on his cock. Before long both the maids were naked too and had joined in the sensual blowjob. Time passed like this and once the deed was over only Ryu and Amelia were left in the room, tugged under their warm blanket.

"Mom, I want you to promise me a few things." Amelia turned to look at the boy and give him a peck on his lips. "Anything for you my child." Ryu took a deep breath before explaining. "Firstly, I don't want you to lick some other guy's asshole. Not even father's, you can only use that tongue in me and no one else."

Amelia was taken aback by such a request from him. She was confused as to why would the boy put such conditions on her, considering that man asks for it anyway. "Hmm.. okay, I don't have any problems with that. But there is an issue." She playfully bit her tongue.

Ryu felt his heart stop. Was he too late in informing her? He can stomach her messing around with her vagina but he didn't want to see her shoving her tongue up any random guy's asshole. That was too much for him to handle. Since they had already come this far, he believed he should mention it to her now. But it seems he was late.

"Hehe... I was too curious so I tried doing it with little Jake. But I can stop if you want. It didn't feel that good anyway." Only now did his heart calmed down. For a second he was scared she would bring some dude in but as long as it was Jake, it can be forgiven.

"Hmm.. well I would have liked if you would not have done that, but I can skip over that since he is my friend. But remember from now on you can't do it with anyone, including Jake." Amelia pecked her head like a chicken. "I won't do that with any other man, but what about a woman? Can I do it with them?"

Ryu was quick to respond. "Yeah, ladies are exempt from this rule." What a joke! He would love to have her do what with other ladies. He thought for a while before continuing. "Okay then, next rule. No one gets to use your asshole other than me."

Amelia broke into laughter. "Haha... I have not seen a single man interested in that hole other than you, kid. So this rule is redundant. Go on, is there any other?" Ryu nodded and fell in thought for a few seconds. "Ahh... Yes. Third rule. No one gets to piss on you other than me. That includes, no drinking it from others too."

Once again his words left Amelia laughing. "All three are easy to follow. Except you, no one else is interested in doing these things with me. Anyhow since you have specifically mentioned these, I will remember them well. Nonetheless, you forgot the last one."

Ryu was confused. He thought he covered everything. "What?" Amelia got up and climbed onto him, kissing him aggressively. "Hehe.. don't kiss any other man except your husband and your boy. This one." Both of them laughed together.

"But seriously though, what made you put so many restrictions on your mother?" Ryu knew this was coming and he had thought of the perfect explanation for this question. "It's because I want to keep some things about you, personal to me. Some things that only I am allowed to do with you."

He knew his emotional blackmailing worked as Amelia's love-filled eyes were now slowly accumulating tears. "Oh.. my sweet boy. Mommy loves you so much." She forced his head into her chest, trying to merge him in her soul itself.

"Ahh.. you made mother cry." She hurriedly wiped her tears off before pinching his cheeks. "Brat, doesn't that give you even more privileges on my body, than even my husband?" She pretended to be mad at him.

"Doesn't matter. Father won't mind if I have a bigger portion of privileges. Also, once I grow up a bit we will look for some other woman for father, and then I will marry you as my wife. So be prepared for that." His words sent Amelia into a laughing spree. "No one can win against you, kid.. haha... I would love to watch Jeff's reaction to this haha... His own boy is planning to steal his wife away."

Ryu watched her laugh with a smile on his face. She didn't realize, he was telling her the truth. That's what he had planned for his father. He can't watch them break away as he loved Jeff too. Hence, that left him with a single choice. Look for another partner for him and then take Amelia for himself.

Sure, she was a total sex addict and loved to fuck around but that didn't change the fact that he will have her for himself, one day. Doesn't matter if her habits change or not, he will lay his claim over her in any situation. She can't belong to anyone else.

"Mom, another thing. I need a favor from you. Can you pass these rules around to all my other women?" Amelia pinched his nose. "Your women? Brat, focus more on cultivation, than collecting 'women' for yourself." Yet she tactfully didn't let Ryu continue as he would have blamed it on her. "Okay, okay I got it. I will pass this around. So they just need to follow these rules if they want to have my boy in their beds?" Ryu gave a nod and the mother-son pair hugged each other to sleep.

**Same night in their neighborhood.**

April's family was having dinner. Once again the mother-daughter pair found themselves alone in the house. "Mother, I don't want to say it but I have begun to get a bit suspicious about Simon."

April paused her meal. "Hmm? Why will you say that, Claudia?" The girl shook her head as her expression changed to gloom. "I had not told you but I and Simon had not done the deed in over a month now. Each time he is back home, I try to initiate an encounter but it is rejected. In the starting, I can ignore it but later his excuses began repeating themselves. Do you think he may be visiting some woman, on the pretext of job trips?"

The mature woman's face turned grave. "What are you saying, Claudia? Try not to think that much about it. I will talk to Simon, once he returns." Claudia didn't refute her argument and April sighed.

On the outside, she acted negated her arguments but in truth, she herself had begun having doubts about the two males in the family. Same like Claudia's case she too had not been touched by her husband in quite a while, yet she had been brushing it under the carpet, blaming it on his advancing age. Nonetheless, now when Claudia raised her doubts with her, she can't help but mull over the matter.


"What did you say?" Amelia was shocked by Jeff's words. She was not the only one. Even Ryu looked visibly concerned. "It's true. I made sure to check with my senior. He assured me that he will look into the matter. So I think it will be fine, we should just wait for his reply." Jeff sighed as he narrated what he got to know from Ruby.

By chance today morning he visited his elder daughter only to find out that James was sent on a mission outside of the town. The period of one week had already passed and Ruby had grown concerned now. "I stopped by her on my way back home and explained it to her. She was a bit relaxed, still, it's better if you two go spend some time with her."

Amelia nodded in agreement. She hurriedly got up and put her clothes on. "Come Ryu, we are leaving." Ryu too was worried for Ruby, he had seen how much the couple loved each other. It wasn't difficult to imagine what she might be going through when James was missing for an entire week.

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