A Pervert's World

Chapter 195: Formation Master

<<Forgot to provide the link to my Patréon in my previous post. So here it is.

https://www.patre*on.com/slayer104 (remove '*')

We are very close to $600, let's see if we can cross over before this month ends. Kudos!!>>

**At the milk farm**

Ruth was in a study when she heard a knocking on the door. "Come in." Lyla was at the door. She came in and presented a letter to her. "A man came by, granny. He handed me this letter and wanted it to be delivered to you. He didn't even show his face but told me that this is very important for you and I should take the name of 'Ariel' in case you refused to read it."

Ruth's eyes widened at the mention of the name. But she kept her heart calm and took the letter from her hands. "Okay. You can take your leave, Lyla." Lyla bowed and took her leave without fretting much about it.

The older woman carefully opened the letter. She had not entirely cut off her ties from her native place. By the goddess's grace, she was able to maintain some form of communication with one of her daughters. They will usually exchange a letter every year, just to know about each other. But this time, a year has not passed away yet and the letter was here already.

She can tell that something might have gone wrong. As she read the complete letter, her expression turned grim. The situation was much worse than she had anticipated. The predator had managed to sniff him out even when she had left her country and settled in an extremely remote location in a different one altogether.

She pressed her head on the desk. She can't even run away this time. This time Denis himself had taken the charge and it will be nigh impossible to hide her tracks from him. Also, now she was not alone. She had a whole community of ladies dependent on her. She can't leave them behind and let them get captured by the crown prince.

She knew Cylon Empire will not intervene in this matter even though Denis will be violating their territorial integrity. Because firstly, they were in no position to confront the giant Thera Empire. Secondly, she wasn't even a citizen of their country. And thirdly, why will they care about some ragtag women from a small town and offend the crown prince of their allied nation.

"I can't run away every time." She got up, determination flashing in her eyes. Walking out of her room, she went to the basement. She found her way to a storeroom, downstairs. Making her way through the mess she reached the back wall of the room. Tracing her hand on it, she closed her eyes and let her mana flow.

*Rumble* *Rumble* *Rumble* The whole basement shook for the next second before everything calmed down. A magic circle had revealed itself on the wall and it parted in the middle to reveal a narrow staircase.

As she stepped inside, several magic lamps sprung into action, illuminating the way ahead.

*Step* *Step* The walls had sealed themselves behind her but Ruth kept walking ahead without a care. Reaching the end of the stairs she found herself in a massive hall. This was the foundation of her mansion.

She kept walking only to stop at a large magic circle etched in the ground.

All these years she knew this day might come and that's why she had prepared this magic formation. Emily was not the only one who had got her hands on the scriptures of the Angels rather she was one of the few formation masters in this world. In truth, she was close to a grandmaster level.

But she was not a fighter like the water mage. Instead, she was someone proficient in these magic formations. *Swish* *Swish* Two magic circles revealed themselves beside Ruth. "Had the time come?" Two spirits manifested from the circles, one completely red, the other completely blue.

Both of them were identical to each other except for the color of their skins. They were bare-chested and with a lot of jewelry all over their bodies. They had long fingernails and long ears, with multiple piercings. They had golden piercings on their lower lips as well as their nipples and belly button. Long golden chains connected their nipples to the armbands.

The chain connected to their belly button went down to their crotch, hidden under a small white cloth. Both the spirits had unusually large tits just like Ruth. The blue one was the one who had put up the question.

"Not yet but it will be pretty soon." The red one crossed her arms across her chest. "Looks like you finally decided to get serious. We should have made our stance earlier. But anyhow, better late than never." Ruth stared down at her hands. "I know. He never realized, how much I had loved him. Never in my life had I imagined that the boy I raised with my own two hands can transform into such an evil being, that too within a period of 5 years."

Ruth sighed with a melancholic face. Images of a 2-year-old kid flashed in her mind. She had been with him since he can't even walk properly. But all it took was for the boy to attend the training school for the royals of the Thera Empire, and what returned to her after that was not her boy but something entirely different.

Ruth had been the head maid assigned to the crown prince. Denis's mother had passed away while giving birth to him so she was assigned as the one he interacted the most with. She too had taken him as her own child. All those years she never realized that the boy in her arms will one day reveal such a sinister personality to her.

Initially, she and the maids under her had endured the torture he would put them through but the more they acquiesced to his demands, the harsher his demands turned. In the end, Ruth had no choice but to run away from the palace.

"Will these spirit stones be enough? Or should we look for more?" The blue spirit was in doubt. Ruth shook her head. "It will be enough, only Denis and Graham can pose the threat to us. But just in case I will keep a few more with me." All three of them were gazing down in the center of the circular formation. The was a pit in the center, filled with glowing blue stones.

"Please put the formation on standby." Both the spirits returned a hum and went to the center put. They placed their hands on the ground and began chanting the spells to set the formation in motion.

*Rumble* *Rumble* The large circular pattern began revolving slowly. A few minutes later both the ladies return to her side. "I don't need to remind you, Ruth, you will lose your life if you are not decisive enough." The red spirit warned her before vanishing together with the blue one.

Ruth kept looking at the revolving magic circle. She bemoaned in anguish. "Looks like it's time to abandon everything."


Ryu and Amelia were on their way to Ruby's house when they heard a rumbling and the ground under their feet shook. "What was that?" They stopped to looking in the direction. He can't see anything out of ordinary and the rumbling didn't happen again. They can only shrug it off and continue on their way to Ruby's house.

*Knock* *Knock* They can hear the baby crying from inside the house. It took Ruby some time to open the door. She was surprised to find both her mother and brother at the door.

Amelia went ahead and hugged Ruby, rubbing her back. "Are you okay, my baby?" The redhead was shocked by the sudden hug but smiled and wrapped her hands around her, snuggling in her embrace. "I am good, mom. Though a bit worried, it's okay. I believe he will return."

Next, she hugged Ryu too and they went in. Amelia cuddled the baby in her arms, trying to put her to sleep. "Did father, sent you two?" She continued after watching Ryu nod. "Huh... I told him I am good, but he still went ahead sent you guys."

Ryu had a feeling this girl was putting up an act in front of them. In truth, she must be perturbed by James's disappearance. "What are you saying, little girl? We would have been here even if Jeff had not asked. Now tell me why you didn't inform us about it earlier?"

Ruby shook her head. "I was told that his assignment will last for a week and today is only the second day after a week passed. I would have visited you guys myself, had father not dropped by today."

"Hmm? You are saying it's only the second day after week since he left?" Ryu interjected, only to receive Ruby's tacit agreement. "Then why are you guys making such a big deal out of it? Even a kid like me ended up overshooting our mission duration by many days. Man... I was so concerned."

He didn't have the correct details. Also, from what his father had narrated he had got the impression that James was missing for over a week. "He is right Ruby." Amelia supported his viewpoint, much to the relief of Ruby.

Suddenly she was pulled by the boy in his embrace and he kissed her on her forehead.

"There is no need to panic, although grandma is not in the town right now, I know the old man Lyod. I will talk to him. I am sure he will help us out."

"Yeah, listen to him. The oldest man in the room has spoken. Is there anyone in this town who can refuse our boy here?" Amelia tried to lighten the mood by cracking the jokes at Ryu's expense, leaving the boy embarrassed but he didn't mind it since Ruby's mood had improved by quite a lot.

"Don't worry sis, even though you managed to scare your husband away if you need your brother here will step in and marry you."

Both women giggled at his jesting. Ruby pinched both his cheeks. "You wish, kid!!"

"You guys wait here, I will bring something for you guys to eat." She wanted to get up but Ryu pulled her back and she landed in his lap. "I don't have the appetite for the fruits, sister. But if you can add something else to the menu, then I will gladly accept it."

His hands snaked inside her dress, reaching for her pussy. "Wait Ryu.. we can do it.. at night.. mhhh.." But the boy was in no mood to listen to her pleas, his fingers exploring the warmth of her cunt.

Shoving her to the ground, Ryu pulled her dress down and began licking her lower lips.

"Mhhh... Ryuu.. ahhh.. please.. mhh.." She tried to struggle away but her resistance lacked conviction and before long she was moaning in pleasure. Amelia had put the little girl back in her crib, removed her clothes, and joined her kids.

"Come let's move to the bedroom." She grabbed both of them and dragged them to the bed. Ryu climbed into the bed, quickly getting out of his clothes. "Go on, mom. Do it with sis. I enjoyed the last time you two played with each other."

Amelia took off Ruby's dress revealing her milk jugs. "Hehe.. even I loved doing it. That was the first time I had done something like that with another female. Did you like that too, Ruby?" The mother suckled on her daughter's nipples and kneaded her breasts, painting a picture so erotic that Ryu's cock was instantly up and ready.

Nonetheless, he checked on his uncontrollable lust and chose not to disturb the ladies who had already begun kissing each other passionately. Their hands roamed on each other's breasts, pinching and rubbing the gradually hardening nipples, with moans escaping their mouths.

"Rub them together, both of you." They watched Ryu stroking on his cock and instantly knew what type of show he wanted. Both of them held onto their breasts and grinded them against each other. "Mhhh.. mom.. ahh.." Ruby didn't have sex as frequently as Amelia but she was just as lustful as her mother. It was clear that she had gotten quite horny now, initiating the kiss with her mom this time.

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