A Pervert's World

Chapter 251: At the top of the food chain 3

Chaos. That's how Emily would describe the inside of the barrier. The unharmed house visible from the outside was all an elaborate illusion. There was not a single piece inside that can identify this place. Even the rocks had been turned to dust. A single tree grew in the center. It had no leaves at all, only dried up branches. 

The next scene almost made an experienced mage like herself want to throw up. There were around 5 dead bodies placed on display like a sick decoration. The reason why she was unsure about the number of dead persons was because none of them was left with a complete corpse. 

Multiple body parts had been pierced all over the distraught branches of the tree. All limbs had been separated from their respective bodies. What made her sigh was that four of the dead were only kids not much older than her own grandchild. All four heads were placed in a symmetrical way with the fifth one placed at the extreme top.

"Did you like it, grandma... I prepared it for you." Two cold hands held her waist from behind. She didn't even bother flinching, having already sensed its presence as soon as she entered here. "Huuu... Did you have to go that far?" 

She can feel his breath on her neck as the boy placed his head in her shoulders and pulled her back, holding her tightly in his embrace. "What can I do? Your grandson wished them a cruel death. I just did what I was commanded to do. You can't blame me." 

The boy acted all coy but she didn't feel any joy in her heart. This was not her grandson speaking, despite the entity using his voice. "At least dead bodies should not be disrespected with such cruelty." 

"Hehehe.. little grandma why do you put me in the same bracket as yourself? I am a demon. My species reigned supreme overall. In our eyes, humans, beasts, elves, angels, or any other humanoid creature, all are nothing more than food to us. Did you forget that? Isn't that the reason why you guys hated us so much hahaha.." 

For once Emily's eyes flashed with anger. Her younger self, she had seen what destruction a demonic creature was capable of. Such was her fate now that the curse now inflicted her very own grandson. "Why don't you guys just rest in peace? Why keep coming back from dead?" 

The boy made her turn around. She noticed the fresh blood all over his mouth. She can tell that it didn't belong to Ryu. "Why does everyone hate us so much? Just because of our choice of food? What is our fault in that? Did we ask the higher powers to create us that way?" Emily had no answer for that. Inside, she knew the boy was telling the truth. 

Demon's anatomy was like that only. They would have to rely on other sentient beings to survive. "Hmm... I thought at least someone who had done their 'research' on us will sympathize with us, but alas.." He tugged up her chin and attached his lips onto hers. 

His tongue rampantly ravaged her mouth while his hands kneaded her soft buttocks. Emily didn't resist, knowing the difference in their powers. Maybe if she sacrificed her life, she can get rid of this guy, once and for all. Yet, nothing was worth losing Ryu. 

Once their bloody kiss ended, the demon smirked. "I am sure you will taste so good, little grandma. Maybe one day I can bite into that hehe.." His gaze was fixed at her porcelain neck. "Try doing that." 

His eyebrows raised at the obvious challenge. "Hehe.. are you daring me? We then you are in luck. The boy still has a powerful will. I don't have the freehand right now, but one day... hehe.." His fingers traced over her velvety cheeks. 

"Are you done? Then please get going. Let Ryu return." Emily forced herself out of his grip. "Why so cold? Anyhow, what's the hurry. It's not always that I am so happy like this. Let me enjoy the freedom."  'Ryu' stretched his limbs all over, taking in deep breaths like he was truly ecstatic to be alive.

"Ohh... I almost forgot about them." Suddenly he jerked back and extended his hand and pointed towards his right. Emily followed his gaze to notice the earth caving in and coughing out a large bundle of roots. It went on to reveal two bodies. Her heart raced and she dashed over. 

Falling on her knees she hurriedly used her mana to check up on the two people. She knew both of them. Lyla was a friend of Amelia and he had met her a few times. Also, she was the mother of the other little girl. She was one of the kids that were sent on the recent mission with Ryu. She had seen her the adoration the boy held for this young maiden. 

Finding Lyla naked and Kira with her dress torn apart, she immediately added two and two together. "They are not dead. I just wiped their fresh memories. The grown woman can easily cope with it. But I am not sure how the little one will respond. It's better if you take care of the girly for your grandson." 

She placed her hands on both their foreheads. She nodded after making sure that the guy was telling her the whole truth. "Good. Then my work here is done. See you around little grandma." He stepped back and Emily noticed the space being ripped open right behind him.

"NOO!! Where are you taking him?" She wanted to rush at the demon, trying to stop him from escaping with Ryu's body. Thankfully, he took the effort to stop, himself. Waving his hands in front he acted like a kid, caught with his pants down. "Haha.. no need to panic, little lady. Do you really believe I will run away? I am just borrowing his body to accomplish a small task. Believe me, it's for the brat's own good." 

Emily was not entirely convinced with his words but what choice she had. There was a good chance that he will manage to escape despite her obstruction. As he said, he would have taken the opportunity to do it when he had thoroughly defeated her. She only took a deep breath, watching the boy disappeared behind the curtain of simmering space. 


Amelia had walked back to her house and had found out from Jeff that Ryu had not returned home. Her limbs ran cold when he heard that. She was convinced that Ryu might be in some kind of trouble. She can feel the pain inside her grow. She traced her steps out of the house, not telling Jeff anything about what she was feeling. 

Her destination was Lyla's place because that was where the boy must be since he had left the house with Kira. She has only taken a single step outside her gate when she almost collided with two other ladies. 

"Sister Amelia? Where are you going at this time?" The woman speaking to her had the same hair as her. "I am going to look for Ryu. He has not returned home since afternoon." She made sure to mask up the frustration in her voice. 

Dorothea came forward and held her hands. "Where is Ryu? We will come with you. Let's go." Emma held her other and began walking alongside her. Their behavior made Amelia even more concerned. "Why are you two back here? How is this related to Ryu?" Her voice had begun to panic now. 

Dorothea tried to keep calm as they walked in the direction which Amelia led them to. "It's not something big. We just had a hunch that Ryu might have gotten himself involved in something. We can feel it with the slave bond we have with him." Emma noticed the growing restlessness in Amelia's eyes and explained further.

"It's not something to worry about, big sister. The boy is alright. We can feel it. We just wanted to confirm by meeting with him." Emma signaled Dorothea and the lady got the clue. "She is right, big sister. Our slave spell is strong as ever. If something happens, we would be the first to know it." 

Amelia was on the verge of tears when she collected herself. "Are you guys telling the truth?" Both the ladies nodded their heads firmly. Only then did her roiling emotions fizzle out. "Okay. I will ask him myself, what trouble he got himself into. Come with me." With brisk steps, they traveled the distance to Lyla's place in half as much time. 

They were about to turn around the corner when another lady stopped their path. Recognizing the person Amelia hurriedly went ahead and hugged her. "Mother, did you see Ryu? He left the house this afternoon but had not returned yet. Please tell me where he is." 

She knew how powerful Emily was. It was child's play for her to search the town for Ryu. With her here, there was nothing to worry about. That's how much support this lady provided their family. 

Emily patted her head affectionately. "Everything's alright. Come, let's go home. I will explain it." Her strong words evoked a sense of trust in them. Amelia wiped some of her tears and turned around. The older lady held her hand and brought her along. 

"The boy got in some fight and get himself injured. It's not anything serious. Having returned here, I brought him to my place for recuperating. It's best if you don't disturb him for the night." No one doubted her words. It explained why His slaves felt restless and it somehow explained Amelia's condition too. 


Ryu's body plummeted from a very large height. His torn clothes ruffed over due to extreme draft, ultimately getting torn apart. Slowly dark energy coagulated to form a cloak around him. It's been over a minute, nevertheless, there is was no end to his fall. 

Another minute passed when the demon can see the ground below him. *Booom* Not bothering to slow down, he ended up crashing into the rocks and leading to the creation of a half a kilometer-wide crater. The next moment, his unharmed body casually walked out, taking in the view all around.

It was dark all around him. The only source of illumination was the burning lava that was continuously being spewed out. "It's so nostalgic." Bending down he picked a handful of black soot and watched the small particles dropping down like the earth here acted as a massive magnet attracting them.

Sensing the directions he made his way towards a particular direction. His feet moved unhurriedly, but with every step, he was crossing miles. The gravity of this place was more than a thousand times normal. Even the most powerful mages would have no choice but to get plastered over the ground and die out.

There were no heavenly bodies in the sky. It was pitch black all around with the natural blasts of lava erupting from under the crust. Crossing over many miles he passed a few creatures on the way. Naturally, any life that can sustain here was extremely hardy. Usually, they were very aggressive but none dared to block his path, just because he was exuding a familiar aura.

"Let's see how you are doing, old friend!!" He was genuinely happy, sentimentally staring at the gigantic cave carved out in the mountain. Emotions ran high in his heart. Having relished over the entrance, he took his first step inside.

A hot blast of air rammed into him but he didn't let it bother him. The inside of the cave was even hotter. There was a large pool of bubbling lava all around him. This amount of heat can even burn away mana. Gradually he had made it to halfway inside when everything around him began to shake.

*Rumble* *Rumble* The entire mountain was shaking. *Sizzle* The lave spilling out of the pool inundating the place. 'Ryu' was knee-deep in the molten rocks when he heard a voice, coming from the end of the cave system. "Hmmmm?? Who dares disturb my peace?" The voice was very heavy and harsh like large chunks of rocks grating together. 

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